From: Bill Hunt <>
To: <>
CC: <>
Subject: Re: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive? Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 14:50:09
> From: "Rob Gay" <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 10:29:09 -0700
> To: "Dinosaur Mailing List" <>
> Subject: Re: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive?
> And the great amount of food provided by one hadrosaur kill. Modern
> predators don't hunt all the time, it is unlikely that dinosaurs did
Lions spend 90% of their time sleeping and lazing around. One
wildebeast will keep the pride fat and happy for about 3 days, depending on
the size of the wildebeast and the size of the pride.
> Zebra don't have weapons, and still manage to not get hunted to
> by lions, leopards, and cheetahs.
Ever been kicked in the head by a Zebra?
> Yet the healed bite wound is on the tail...
Hit & miss just like modern predetors. The whole notion here that a
predator species could by itself, catch, kill and eat ALL of it's prey
species, thereby driving both to extinction is rediculous. I can think of
no contemporary examples of this.