DINOSAUR-2002Nov by subject
- [no subject]
- [no subject] rbut02@esc.cam.ac.uk Tuesday, November 12, 2002
- Re: David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Tuesday, November 12, 2002
- RE: "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Tuesday, November 12, 2002
- "Carnosaurs"
- "Carnosaurs" "Dino Rampage" <dino_rampage@hotmail.com> Monday, November 04, 2002
- RE: "Carnosaurs" "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Tuesday, November 05, 2002
- Re: "Carnosaurs" "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Tuesday, November 05, 2002
- Re: "Carnosaurs" Aegyptiacus@aol.com Wednesday, November 06, 2002
- Re: "Carnosaurs" "Mickey Mortimer" <Mickey_Mortimer111@msn.com> Friday, November 08, 2002
- "Dinosaur park cutting research to bare bones"
- "JP4 a GO!"
- "JP4 a GO!" "Jordan Mallon" <j_mallon@hotmail.com> Thursday, November 07, 2002
- Re: "JP4 a GO!" Toni Geoly <tonigeoly@yahoo.com> Thursday, November 07, 2002
- Re: "JP4 a GO!" StephanPickering@cs.com Thursday, November 07, 2002
- Re: "JP4 a GO!" MKIRKALDY@aol.com Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: "JP4 a GO!" "Nick Gardner" <n_gardner637@hotmail.com> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: "JP4 a GO!" MKIRKALDY@aol.com Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: "JP4 a GO!" Russell Moran <rzzz@austarmetro.com.au> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: "JP4 a GO!" "Nick Gardner" <n_gardner637@hotmail.com> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: "JP4 a GO!" "Nick Gardner" <n_gardner637@hotmail.com> Friday, November 08, 2002
- RE: "JP4 a GO!" "Williams, Tim" <TiJaWi@agron.iastate.edu> Friday, November 08, 2002
- RE: "JP4 a GO!" "Daniel Bensen" <dbensen@bowdoin.edu> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: "JP4 a GO!" Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: "JP4 a GO!" "Nick Gardner" <n_gardner637@hotmail.com> Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: "JP4 a GO!" Bill Hunt <bill@huntstudios.com> Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: "JP4 a GO!" "Noel D. Hill" <ndexohill@earthlink.net> Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: "JP4 a GO!" "Noel D. Hill" <ndexohill@earthlink.net> Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: "JP4 a GO!" Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Fwd: Re: "JP4 a GO!" "Dino Rampage" <dino_rampage@hotmail.com> Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: Fwd: Re: "JP4 a GO!" David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: Fwd: Re: "JP4 a GO!" theclaw10@charter.net Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: Fwd: Re: "JP4 a GO!" "Brian Lauret" <zthemanvirus@hotmail.com> Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: "JP4 a GO!" Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: "JP4 a GO!" "Andrew A. Farke" <andyfarke@hotmail.com> Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: "JP4 a GO!" Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: "JP4 a GO!" (jk)
- "Will the (hadrosaur) circle be unbroken?"
- 'Dem wacky smugglers (on Oz TV)
- * Scientists protest cutbacks * Dino Experts Give Relics * Dinosaur discoverer takes honour * A star is hatched *
- *****SPAM***** 您有产品需宣传吗?我们开发的网络营销系列软件可以为您服务!
- Lu/Lü/Liu
- Lu/Lü/Liu Nick Pharris <npharris@umich.edu> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: Lu/Lü/Liu
- Re: Lu/Lü/Liu David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Friday, November 08, 2002
- hello to all list members
- Re: Albisaurus
- Re: Albisaurus Vladimír Socha <Seismosaurus@seznam.cz> Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: Albisaurus Vladimír Socha <Seismosaurus@seznam.cz> Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: hello to all list members
- Re: Re: hello to all list members
- was Re: hello to all list members and Breviparopus taghbaloutensis size
- =?unknown?q?Lu/L=FC/Liu?=
- Re: [...] Breviparopus taghbaloutensis size
- ABSTRACTS [ was: Re: Re Pinacosaurus (was How Did Hadrosaurs Survive?)]
- Albisaurus
- Albisaurus Vladimír Socha <Seismosaurus@seznam.cz> Friday, November 22, 2002
- Re: Albisaurus Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, November 22, 2002
- Re: Albisaurus Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, November 22, 2002
- Re: Albisaurus "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: Albisaurus David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: Albisaurus "Aspidel" <aspidel@wanadoo.be> Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: Albisaurus... and Shuvuuia... and Cryptovolans
- Re: Albisaurus... and Shuvuuia... and Cryptovolans David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: Albisaurus... and Shuvuuia... and Cryptovolans "Aspidel" <aspidel@wanadoo.be> Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: Albisaurus... and Shuvuuia... and Cryptovolans "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: Albisaurus... and Shuvuuia... and Cryptovolans David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Sunday, November 24, 2002
- Re: Albisaurus... and Shuvuuia... and Cryptovolans Vorompatra@aol.com Sunday, November 24, 2002
- RE: Albisaurus... and Shuvuuia... and Cryptovolans "Williams, Tim" <TiJaWi@agron.iastate.edu> Monday, November 25, 2002
- Re: Albisaurus... and Shuvuuia... and Cryptovolans "Aspidel" <aspidel@wanadoo.be> Monday, November 25, 2002
- Re: Albisaurus... and Shuvuuia... and Cryptovolans (but mostly Cryptovolans)
- Re: Allosaurus topotype
- Amniotes
- Amniotes Aegyptiacus@aol.com Wednesday, November 13, 2002
- Re: Amniotes "T. Michael Keesey" <mightyodinn@yahoo.com> Wednesday, November 13, 2002
- Ankylosaurus origins
- Re: Another New Burian Websiite
- Another New Burian Website
- another paleomammal book...in progress
- Antarctosaurus
- Antarctosaurus "Dino Rampage" <dino_rampage@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 03, 2002
- RE: Antarctosaurus "Williams, Tim" <TiJaWi@agron.iastate.edu> Sunday, November 03, 2002
- Re: Antarctosaurus Nick Pharris <npharris@umich.edu> Monday, November 04, 2002
- Re: Antarctosaurus Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, November 04, 2002
- Re: Antarctosaurus "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Monday, November 04, 2002
- Re: Antarctosaurus Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, November 04, 2002
- Re: Antarctosaurus(joke)
- Archaeoraptor hoax and Albisaurus
- Archaeovolans = Yanornis
- Fwd: Archaeovolans=Yanornis
- archosaur pheromones
- archosaur pheromones: postscript
- Re: Article on Archaeoraptor hoax
- Article on Archaeoraptor hoax and Dinosaur/Tech Geek Toy
- Article on Archaeoraptor hoax and Dinosaur/Tech Geek Toy Toni Geoly <tonigeoly@yahoo.com> Wednesday, November 20, 2002
- Re: Article on Archaeoraptor hoax and Dinosaur/Tech Geek Toy Aegyptiacus@aol.com Wednesday, November 20, 2002
- RE: Article on Archaeoraptor hoax and Dinosaur/Tech Geek Toy "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Wednesday, November 20, 2002
- RE: Article on Archaeoraptor hoax and Dinosaur/Tech Geek Toy "Williams, Tim" <TiJaWi@agron.iastate.edu> Wednesday, November 20, 2002
- artwork
- artwork "Sarah Rando" <sarah@randos.net> Sunday, November 24, 2002
- Asian surnames (was Re: SAPE Proceedings: papers of mass distraction)
- Back, sorta
- Back, sorta His Dark Lordship <darklord@compusmart.ab.ca> Thursday, November 28, 2002
- Re: Basal non-avian theropod questions
- Bernissart news
- big unuguals on pterosaurs
- Book launch (was: 'Dem wacky smugglers (on Oz TV))
- Books
- Books Aegyptiacus@aol.com Tuesday, November 05, 2002
- Re: Books "James E. Hower, Jr." <jimaytch@onemain.com> Wednesday, November 06, 2002
- Re: Books "James E. Hower, Jr." <jimaytch@onemain.com> Wednesday, November 06, 2002
- Re: Books - Dinosaurs: The Science Behind the Stories
- Burgess shale models
- Re: Burgess shale models/Trilobite molting habits killed 'em
- Calling Mickey Mortimer
- Can anyone help in finding John Zawiskie?
- Ceratasaurus Portrait
- Re: Ceratosaurus Portrait
- Charles Lyell
- Charles Lyell Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 16, 2002
- Chas.R.Knight on eBay
- Cliff Green contact
- Colin Pennycuick & dinosaur flight
- Configuring your email client to send only plain text
- Re: Conventional scientific writing (was Linnaeus --> von Linne [was RE: Albisaurus])
- Courtesy [ was: Re: Re Pinacosaurus (was How Did Hadrosaurs Survive?) ]
- crichtonsaurus
- crichtonsaurus "TAKAHASHI, Kazuo" <pantheon@kw.netlaputa.ne.jp> Saturday, November 16, 2002
- crichtonsaurus "TAKAHASHI, Kazuo" <pantheon@kw.netlaputa.ne.jp> Saturday, November 16, 2002
- A critique of Lu et al.'s (2002) Oviraptorosaurs compared to birds
- Cryptovolans
- Cryptovolans "calzola" <calzola@iol.it> Saturday, November 16, 2002
- Cryptovolans skeletal resto?
- Cryptovolans; thanks
- Determining genera [was SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX]
- did mosasaurs echolocate?
- did mosasaurs echolocate? Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Thursday, November 28, 2002
- Re: did mosasaurs echolocate? David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Friday, November 29, 2002
- Re: did mosasaurs echolocate? Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Friday, November 29, 2002
- Re: did mosasaurs echolocate? "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 30, 2002
- Re: did mosasaurs echolocate? Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 30, 2002
- Re: did mosasaurs echolocate? (short!)
- Re: Digit homology
- Digit homology (was Forthcoming theropod paper of note on the manus)
- Dino-Lemurs in the Chinese Revolution!
- Dinosaur Artwork
- Dinosaur Artwork "T. Michael Keesey" <mightyodinn@yahoo.com> Monday, November 25, 2002
- Dinosaur Calendars
- Dinosaur Films
- Dinosaur Genera List update #195
- Dinosaur herbivory and tooth wear
- Dinosaur Nat'l Monument Bad Idea
- Dinosaur Nat'l Monument Idea
- Re: Dinosaur National Monument Idea/Correction
- Dinosaur physiology -- 2 overlooked references
- Dinosaur respiration: author identity requested
- Re: dinosaur table-your opinion
- Dinosaur toot numbers
- Dinosaur toot numbers Robert B Hole Jr <rhole@interaktv.com> Friday, November 01, 2002
- Re: Dinosaur toot numbers Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: Dinosaur toot numbers "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: Dinosaur toot numbers Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: Dinosaur toot numbers Michael Corriss <mcorriss@gate.net> Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: Dinosaur toot numbers "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Dinosaur trackways and footprint sites, Queensland
- Discovery show of Interest
- Donald Henderson
- DVPS November Meeting Speaker: Matt Lamanna
- Re: e-mail address
- Re: e-mail address Richard W Travsky <rtravsky@uwyo.edu> Saturday, November 02, 2002
- e-mail address "James R. Cunningham" <jrccea@bellsouth.net> Thursday, November 07, 2002
- Enantiornithines
- Feather formula for fossil flyers?
- Feather formula for fossil flyers? Second attempt.
- The Final Days
- The Final Days Kashman7@aol.com Friday, November 15, 2002
- Re: The Final Days "T. Michael Keesey" <mightyodinn@yahoo.com> Friday, November 15, 2002
- The Final Days Kashman7@aol.com Saturday, November 16, 2002
- RE: The Final Days "Daniel Bensen" <dbensen@bowdoin.edu> Saturday, November 16, 2002
- RE: The Final Days David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Saturday, November 16, 2002
- Re: The Final Days "Fred Ruhe" <fredruhe@xs4all.nl> Saturday, November 16, 2002
- Re: The Final Days "Adam Britton" <abritton@wmi.com.au> Saturday, November 16, 2002
- The Final Days Kashman7@aol.com Saturday, November 16, 2002
- The Final Days Kashman7@aol.com Saturday, November 16, 2002
- Re: The Final Days "Andrew A. Farke" <andyfarke@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- The Final Days Kashman7@aol.com Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: The Final Days "Tim Donovan" <msdonovan66@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: The Final Days "Rob Gay" <rob@dinodomain.com> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: The Final Days David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: The Final Days David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- RE: The Final Days "Williams, Tim" <TiJaWi@agron.iastate.edu> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- The Final Days Kashman7@aol.com Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: The Final Days David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: The Final Days "Adam Britton" <abritton@wmi.com.au> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- The Final Days Kashman7@aol.com Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: The Final Days "Tyrberg Tommy" <tommy.tyrberg@aerotechtelub.se> Monday, November 18, 2002
- Re: The Final Days David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Monday, November 18, 2002
- Re: The Final Days Bill Hunt <bill@huntstudios.com> Monday, November 18, 2002
- Re: The Final Days "Adam Britton" <abritton@wmi.com.au> Tuesday, November 19, 2002
- Re: The Final Days Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Tuesday, November 19, 2002
- The Final Days Kashman7@aol.com Sunday, November 24, 2002
- Re: the fiore dinosaver was on the softbank cd ... if i find it maybe i can get...
- First International Symposium on Dinosaur Eggs & Babies: A Query
- Forthcoming theropod paper of note on the manus
- Forthcoming theropod paper of note on the manus Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: Forthcoming theropod paper of note on the manus "Aspidel" <aspidel@wanadoo.be> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: Forthcoming theropod paper of note on the manus "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: Forthcoming theropod paper of note on the manus "Nick Gardner" <n_gardner637@hotmail.com> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: Forthcoming theropod paper of note on the manus "Aspidel" <aspidel@wanadoo.be> Monday, November 25, 2002
- Re: Forthcoming theropod paper of note on the manus "T. Michael Keesey" <mightyodinn@yahoo.com> Monday, November 25, 2002
- From Reuters: Scientist Fears Car Thieves Threw Away Rare Fossil
- Re: From Science New, and more
- Re: From Science New, and more Sean Carroll <sean@kua.net> Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: From Science New, and more "Tim Donovan" <msdonovan66@hotmail.com> Monday, November 11, 2002
- Re: From Science New, and more "Steven Coombs" <gasperex@hotmail.com> Monday, November 11, 2002
- Re: From Science New, and more "Tim Donovan" <msdonovan66@hotmail.com> Tuesday, November 12, 2002
- Re: From Science New, and more (long... I did it again...)
- Re: From Science New, and more (long... I did it again...) David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Sunday, November 10, 2002
- Re: From Science New, and more (long... I did it again...) John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Sunday, November 10, 2002
- Re: From Science New, and more (long... I did it again...) John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Sunday, November 10, 2002
- Re: From Science New, and more (long... I did it again...) David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Monday, November 11, 2002
- Re: From Science New, and synonymous sauropods
- Re: From Science New, and synonymous sauropods David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Monday, November 11, 2002
- Re: From Science New, and synonymous sauropods "Tim Donovan" <msdonovan66@hotmail.com> Tuesday, November 12, 2002
- Re: From Science New, and synonymous sauropods David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Tuesday, November 12, 2002
- RE: From Science New, and synonymous sauropods "Williams, Tim" <TiJaWi@agron.iastate.edu> Tuesday, November 12, 2002
- From Science News
- re: Fukui memoirs, pterosaur paper
- re: Fukui memoirs, pterosaur paper David Peters <davidrpeters@earthlink.net> Thursday, November 28, 2002
- re: Fukui memoirs, pterosaur paper "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Thursday, November 28, 2002
- Re: Fukui memoirs, pterosaur paper "James R. Cunningham" <jrccea@bellsouth.net> Thursday, November 28, 2002
- Fukui memoirs, pterosaur paper David Peters <davidrpeters@earthlink.net> Friday, November 29, 2002
- Fukui memoirs, pterosaur paper David Peters <davidrpeters@earthlink.net> Friday, November 29, 2002
- Re: Fukui memoirs, pterosaur paper "James R. Cunningham" <jrccea@bellsouth.net> Friday, November 29, 2002
- Re: Fukui memoirs, pterosaur paper "James R. Cunningham" <jrccea@bellsouth.net> Friday, November 29, 2002
- Re: Fukui memoirs, pterosaur paper "Robert G. Tuck Jr." <tuckr@digital.net> Friday, November 29, 2002
- Fukui memoirs, pterosaur paper Unwin <h0662eka@rz.hu-berlin.de> Saturday, November 30, 2002
- Re: Fukui memoirs, pterosaur paper David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Saturday, November 30, 2002
- Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum pubs.
- Genus and species debate (was Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX)
- Geoworld "T-rex" model
- Geoworld "T-rex" model Dino Guy Ralph <dinoguy@sbcglobal.net> Wednesday, November 20, 2002
- Re: Geoworld "T-rex" model Martin Baeker <martin@turtle.ifw.ing.tu-bs.de> Thursday, November 21, 2002
- Re: Geoworld "T-rex" model theclaw10@charter.net Thursday, November 21, 2002
- Re: Geoworld "T-rex" model "Rob Gay" <rob@dinodomain.com> Thursday, November 21, 2002
- Re: Geoworld "T-rex" model MariusRomanus@aol.com Thursday, November 21, 2002
- RE: Geoworld "T-rex" model Fabio Marco Dalla Vecchia <fabdalla@tin.it> Friday, November 22, 2002
- Hadrosaur survival... Simple-minded thinking
- hadrosaur tooth counts
- Re: hadrosaurid speed again (was: Maastrichtian extinction)
- Re: Hadrosaurs etc
- Re: Hadrosaurs etc "Tim Donovan" <msdonovan66@hotmail.com> Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: Hadrosaurs etc "Rob Gay" <rob@dinodomain.com> Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: Hadrosaurs etc "Tim Donovan" <msdonovan66@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 03, 2002
- Re: Hadrosaurs etc "Andrew A. Farke" <andyfarke@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 03, 2002
- Re: Hadrosaurs etc "Tim Donovan" <msdonovan66@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 03, 2002
- Re: Hadrosaurs etc "Tim Donovan" <msdonovan66@hotmail.com> Thursday, November 07, 2002
- Hadrosaurs etc (not truncated this time)... :-)
- Hardosaur Survival (really short)
- Harris' Hawks and Cheetahs
- Harris' Hawks and Cheetahs "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Thursday, November 21, 2002
- Re: Harris' Hawks and Cheetahs Michael Bruce Habib <mbh3q@virginia.edu> Thursday, November 21, 2002
- Re: Harris' Hawks and Cheetahs MariusRomanus@aol.com Thursday, November 21, 2002
- Re: Harris' Hawks and Cheetahs Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Monday, November 25, 2002
- Re: Harris' Hawks and Cheetahs MariusRomanus@aol.com Monday, November 25, 2002
- Re: Harris' Hawks and Cheetahs "Dino Rampage" <dino_rampage@hotmail.com> Thursday, November 28, 2002
- Re: hello to all list members
- Herons that use bait to fish
- Hesperornis sp. nov.
- Hesperornis sp. nov. "Daniel Bensen" <dbensen@bowdoin.edu> Friday, November 15, 2002
- RE: Hesperornis sp. nov. "Williams, Tim" <TiJaWi@agron.iastate.edu> Friday, November 15, 2002
- RE: Hesperornis sp. nov. "T. Michael Keesey" <mightyodinn@yahoo.com> Friday, November 15, 2002
- Re: Hesperornis sp. nov. Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, November 15, 2002
- RE: Hesperornis sp. nov. "Daniel Bensen" <dbensen@bowdoin.edu> Friday, November 15, 2002
- Re: Hesperornis sp. nov. StephanPickering@cs.com Saturday, November 16, 2002
- Re: Hesperornis sp. nov. "Rob Gay" <rob@dinodomain.com> Saturday, November 16, 2002
- Re: Hesperornis sp. nov. Tommy Tyrberg <tommy.tyrberg@norrkoping.mail.telia.com> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: Hesperornis sp. nov. StephanPickering@cs.com Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: Hesperornis sp. nov. "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- holiday greetings
- holiday greetings Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 30, 2002
- Re: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive?
- Re: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive? John Conway <john_conway@mac.com> Friday, November 01, 2002
- RE: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive? GUY LEAHY <xrciseguy@prodigy.net> Friday, November 01, 2002
- RE: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive? David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Sunday, November 03, 2002
- RE: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive? "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Sunday, November 03, 2002
- RE: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive? David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Monday, November 04, 2002
- Re: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive? (Was: Hadrosaur "mummy" questions)
- Re: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive? (Was: Hadrosaur "mummy" questions) "Tim Donovan" <msdonovan66@hotmail.com> Friday, November 01, 2002
- Re: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive? (Was: Hadrosaur "mummy" questions) theclaw10@charter.net Friday, November 01, 2002
- Re: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive? (Was: Hadrosaur "mummy" questions) Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Friday, November 01, 2002
- Re: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive? (Was: Hadrosaur "mummy" questions) Brett Booth <brettbooth@worldnet.att.net> Friday, November 01, 2002
- Re: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive? (Was: Hadrosaur "mummy" questions) theclaw10@charter.net Friday, November 01, 2002
- Re: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive? (Was: Hadrosaur "mummy" questions) Brett Booth <brettbooth@worldnet.att.net> Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive? (Was: Hadrosaur "mummy" questions) theclaw10@charter.net Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive? (Was: Hadrosaur "mummy" questions) Brett Booth <brettbooth@worldnet.att.net> Saturday, November 02, 2002
- How do you feel about this?
- Re: Hybridization between Genera [was: RE: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX]
- I demand a rematch!(was Re: "JP4 a GO!")
- Re: Idaho dinosaurs
- It's nests (i.e, predation), not competition!
- Javelina Hadrosaurs [was: Re: Hadrosaurs etc]
- Jehol/Rehe (was Re: pterosaur paper)
- JP 4 Tidbits...
- Jurassic Park IV
- Just wanted to say hello
- Re: Just wanted to say hello- Dig Site Participation
- Knight Prints
- Lambeosaurines skulls
- Late Pleistocene Proboscideans
- Lesothosaurus dissertation
- Linnaeus --> von Linne (was RE: Albisaurus)
- Linnaeus --> von Linne (was RE: Albisaurus) "Williams, Tim" <TiJaWi@agron.iastate.edu> Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: Linnaeus --> von Linne (was RE: Albisaurus) Nick Pharris <npharris@umich.edu> Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: Linnaeus --> von Linne (was RE: Albisaurus) Tommy Tyrberg <tommy.tyrberg@norrkoping.mail.telia.com> Sunday, November 24, 2002
- Re: Linnaeus --> von Linne (was RE: Albisaurus) Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Monday, November 25, 2002
- Re: Linnaeus --> von Linne (was RE: Albisaurus) Gerrit Hanenburg <G.Hanenburg@inter.NL.net> Monday, November 25, 2002
- Living dinosaur intelligence
- RE: Maastrichtian extinction
- RE: Maastrichtian extinction and synonymous sauropods
- Machimosaurus and Megalosaurus insignis
- Madagascar snakes and flightless birds?
- Majungatholus material
- Re: Man-eating crocs
- Marine reptile reproduction
- Martin Kundrat & theropod hands
- Re: Mass Extinction
- Re: Mass Extinction Kashman7@aol.com Friday, November 15, 2002
- Re: Mass Extinction David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Friday, November 15, 2002
- Re: Mass Extinction EricJP65@aol.com Friday, November 15, 2002
- Re: Mass Extinction David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Friday, November 15, 2002
- Re: Mass Extinction Kashman7@aol.com Friday, November 15, 2002
- Re: Mass Extinction "Rob Gay" <rob@dinodomain.com> Friday, November 15, 2002
- Re: Mass Extinction (apology)
- Megalosaurus and Titanosaurus
- Megalosaurus and Titanosaurus "Williams, Tim" <TiJaWi@agron.iastate.edu> Wednesday, November 20, 2002
- Re: Megalosaurus and Titanosaurus Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, November 21, 2002
- Re: Megalosaurus and Titanosaurus "Mickey Mortimer" <Mickey_Mortimer111@msn.com> Thursday, November 21, 2002
- Re: Megalosaurus and Titanosaurus "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Thursday, November 21, 2002
- Re: Megalosaurus and Titanosaurus Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, November 21, 2002
- RE: Megalosaurus and Titanosaurus "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Thursday, November 21, 2002
- Re: Megalosaurus and Titanosaurus Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, November 21, 2002
- Re: Megalosaurus and Titanosaurus "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Thursday, November 21, 2002
- Mesozoic Birds Above the Heads of Dinosaurs
- microraptor
- microraptor "ville sinkkonen" <dinomaniac38@hotmail.com> Thursday, November 14, 2002
- Re: Mongolian Transcription
- Re: Mongolian Transcription (Bataar vs. Baatar)
- Re: Mongolian Transcription (Bataar vs. Baatar) "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Sunday, November 24, 2002
- Re: Mongolian Transcription (Bataar vs. Baatar) David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Sunday, November 24, 2002
- Re: Mongolian Transcription (Bataar vs. Baatar) "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Wednesday, November 27, 2002
- Re: Mongolian Transcription (Bataar vs. Baatar) David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Wednesday, November 27, 2002
- Re: Mongolian Transcription (Bataar vs. Baatar) Piotr Gasiorowski <piotr.gasiorowski@inetia.pl> Wednesday, November 27, 2002
- Re: Mongolian Transcription (Bataar vs. Baatar) Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, November 28, 2002
- Re: Mongolian Transcription (Bataar vs. Baatar) Piotr Gasiorowski <piotr.gasiorowski@inetia.pl> Thursday, November 28, 2002
- Re: Mongolian Transcription (Bataar vs. Baatar) Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, November 28, 2002
- More for the Artists
- More JP 4 Items
- More JP 4 Items Richard W Travsky <rtravsky@uwyo.edu> Monday, November 18, 2002
- More new articles
- More on the Dinosaur National Monument crisis
- More Tyrannosaur Hunting
- Fw: Mr. Linden > Linnaeus > von =?unknown?q?Linn=E9?=
- need giraffe paper ref
- Nemegt and Wangshi etc
- new book
- new book "James Farlow" <farlow@ipfw.edu> Tuesday, November 05, 2002
- NEW BOOK: Mesozoic Birds
- new Chiroptera paper of interest
- New Hadrosauroid and Titanosaur from Mazongshan area
- New Hadrosauroid and Titanosaur from Mazongshan area "Alessandro Marisa" <amaris@tin.it> Wednesday, November 06, 2002
- Re: New Hadrosauroid and Titanosaur from Mazongshan area "Nick Gardner" <n_gardner637@hotmail.com> Wednesday, November 06, 2002
- Fwd: Re: New Hadrosauroid and Titanosaur from Mazongshan area "Nick Gardner" <n_gardner637@hotmail.com> Wednesday, November 06, 2002
- New Hadrosauroid and Titanosaur from Mazongshan area "Alessandro Marisa" <amaris@tin.it> Thursday, November 07, 2002
- Re: New Hadrosauroid and Titanosaur from Mazongshan area "Jonathan R. Wagner" <jonathan.r.wagner@mail.utexas.edu> Thursday, November 07, 2002
- Re: New Hadrosauroid and Titanosaur from Mazongshan area Marco Auditore <maaudito@tin.it> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: New Hadrosauroid and Titanosaur from Mazongshan area Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: New Hadrosauroid and Titanosaur from Mazongshan area jonathan.r.wagner@mail.utexas.edu Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: New Idaho Paleo Ref
- New issue of Paleontology
- new LinneanSociety papers
- New on OPUS: Dinosaur
- New paleomammal book...any day now
- New papers in Senckenbergiana Lethaea and more
- new PS publication
- New publications online
- Re: new ref on Spinosaurus
- New Refs: The Condor
- Re: New Refs: The Condor & the ongoing problem of nomina dubia
- Re: New Refs: The Condor & the ongoing problem of nomina dubia Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Sunday, November 24, 2002
- Re: New Refs: The Condor & the ongoing problem of nomina dubia "Rob Gay" <rob@dinodomain.com> Sunday, November 24, 2002
- Re: New Refs: The Condor & the ongoing problem of nomina dubia StephanPickering@cs.com Sunday, November 24, 2002
- Re: New Refs: The Condor & the ongoing problem of nomina dubia "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Sunday, November 24, 2002
- Re: New Refs: The Condor & the ongoing problem of nomina dubia StephanPickering@cs.com Sunday, November 24, 2002
- Re: New Refs: The Condor & the ongoing problem of nomina dubia Aegyptiacus@aol.com Monday, November 25, 2002
- Re: New Refs: The Condor & the ongoing problem of nomina dubia "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Monday, November 25, 2002
- New stuff on OPUS: Dinosaur
- No more - Re: "JP4 a GO!"
- No more posts on: Re: Truncation inconsistencies
- a note on Naoko Egi & "more new articles"
- a note on A.P. Russell & "more new articles"
- Re: NSF Tree of Life Project
- Re: O. skarzynskii, N. mongoliensis material
- Oliver Rauhut
- Oliver Rauhut Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Friday, November 22, 2002
- re: On Mesozoic "birds" and Eocene whales
- re: On Mesozoic "birds" and Eocene whales Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- re: On Mesozoic "birds" and Eocene whales Gerrit Hanenburg <G.Hanenburg@inter.NL.net> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: On Mesozoic "birds" and Eocene whales StephanPickering@cs.com Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: On Mesozoic "birds" and Eocene whales "Fam. Jansma" <fam.jansma@worldonline.nl> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: On Mesozoic "birds" and Eocene whales "Brian Lauret" <zthemanvirus@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: On Mesozoic "birds" and Eocene whales Gerrit Hanenburg <G.Hanenburg@inter.NL.net> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: On Mesozoic "birds" and Eocene whales Piotr Gasiorowski <piotr.gasiorowski@inetia.pl> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- re: On Mesozoic "birds" and Eocene whales "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: On Mesozoic "birds" and Eocene whales StephanPickering@cs.com Sunday, November 17, 2002
- re: On Mesozoic "birds" and Eocene whales Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: On Mesozoic "birds" and Eocene whales "Fam. Jansma" <fam.jansma@worldonline.nl> Monday, November 18, 2002
- On Mesozoic birds and Eocene whales
- ongoing extinction processes
- Re: ongoing extinction processes CORRECTION
- Ordering Info
- Ordering Info "Rob Gay" <rob@dinodomain.com> Thursday, November 14, 2002
- Overlooked Susan Kidwell paper & a note on Big Al
- Oz dino digs on TV
- Paleo reading (was RE: "JP4 a GO!")
- Paleo Society predation book redux
- Parrots as opposed to other parrots =D
- Peer Review - a few more comments
- Peer Review - a few more comments (resend)
- Peer Review - An Editor's Point of View
- PEER Stands up for Dinosaur National Monument
- Photos of hadrosaur survival
- Photos of hadrosaur survival MariusRomanus@aol.com Tuesday, November 05, 2002
- RE: Photos of hadrosaur survival Richard W Travsky <rtravsky@uwyo.edu> Tuesday, November 05, 2002
- RE: Photos of hadrosaur survival "Chew Sze Lun, Kevin" <kevin@pathology.hku.hk> Tuesday, November 05, 2002
- RE: Photos of hadrosaur survival MariusRomanus@aol.com Tuesday, November 05, 2002
- RE: Photos of hadrosaur survival "Dino Beast" <dino_beast@hotmail.com> Thursday, November 07, 2002
- Re: Photos of hadrosaur survival MariusRomanus@aol.com Thursday, November 07, 2002
- Phytosaurs & Crocodilians
- Placement and angle of stegosaur tail spikes?
- Polacanthid prints
- Position: Pal. Inst., MfN, Berlin
- possible ceratopsian feeding behaviour?
- possible ceratopsian feeding behaviour? Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Friday, November 29, 2002
- Re: possible ceratopsian feeding behaviour? John Conway <john_conway@mac.com> Friday, November 29, 2002
- Re: possible ceratopsian feeding behaviour? StephanPickering@cs.com Friday, November 29, 2002
- Re: possible ceratopsian feeding behaviour? "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 30, 2002
- Re: possible ceratopsian feeding behaviour? Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 30, 2002
- PPP Danvarner@aol.com Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: Prehistoric Plankton Predators & Other Behemoths
- Prehistoric Plankton Predators (PPP for short)
- Prehistoric Plankton Predators (PPP for short) "Dino Rampage" <dino_rampage@hotmail.com> Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: Prehistoric Plankton Predators (PPP for short) "Rob Gay" <rob@dinodomain.com> Saturday, November 23, 2002
- RE: Prehistoric Plankton Predators (PPP for short) "Daniel Bensen" <dbensen@bowdoin.edu> Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: Prehistoric Plankton Predators (PPP for short) Aegyptiacus@aol.com Saturday, November 23, 2002
- RE: Prehistoric Plankton Predators (PPP for short) Danvarner@aol.com Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: Prehistoric Plankton Predators (PPP for short) "Nick Oliver" <nicholas.oliver1@btopenworld.com> Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: Prehistoric Plankton Predators (PPP for short) "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: Prehistoric Plankton Predators (PPP for short) Bill Hunt <bill@huntstudios.com> Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: Prehistoric Plankton Predators (PPP for short) Bill Hunt <bill@huntstudios.com> Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: Prehistoric Plankton Predators (PPP for short) "Dino Rampage" <dino_rampage@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 24, 2002
- Re: Prehistoric Plankton Predators (PPP for short) "Nick Oliver" <nicholas.oliver1@btopenworld.com> Sunday, November 24, 2002
- Re: Prehistoric Plankton Predators (PPP for short) Bill Hunt <bill@huntstudios.com> Sunday, November 24, 2002
- Re: Prehistoric Plankton Predators (PPP for short) "ashmidt" <ashmidt@flash.net> Monday, November 25, 2002
- Prognathodon saturator
- Project Exploration relaunches website and PE STORE
- prosauropod teeth
- Psittacosaurus bristles
- Psittacosaurus bristles "Daniel Bensen" <dbensen@bowdoin.edu> Wednesday, November 13, 2002
- Re: Psittacosaurus bristles Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Thursday, November 14, 2002
- Re: Psittacosaurus bristles "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Thursday, November 14, 2002
- Re: Psittacosaurus bristles "Fam. Jansma" <fam.jansma@worldonline.nl> Thursday, November 14, 2002
- RE: Psittacosaurus bristles "Daniel Bensen" <dbensen@bowdoin.edu> Thursday, November 14, 2002
- RE: Psittacosaurus bristles "Steve Brusatte" <dinoland@lycos.com> Thursday, November 14, 2002
- Re: Psittacosaurus bristles Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Friday, November 15, 2002
- pterosaur crest extensions
- pterosaur crest extensions David Peters <davidrpeters@earthlink.net> Wednesday, November 27, 2002
- Re: pterosaur crest extensions "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Wednesday, November 27, 2002
- Re: pterosaur crest extensions "James R. Cunningham" <jrccea@bellsouth.net> Wednesday, November 27, 2002
- Re: pterosaur crest extensions Aegyptiacus@aol.com Wednesday, November 27, 2002
- Re: pterosaur crest extensions "James R. Cunningham" <jrccea@bellsouth.net> Wednesday, November 27, 2002
- Re: pterosaur crest extensions Aegyptiacus@aol.com Wednesday, November 27, 2002
- Re: pterosaur crest extensions "James R. Cunningham" <jrccea@bellsouth.net> Wednesday, November 27, 2002
- pterosaur flight & flocking behaviour
- Re: pterosaur paper
- Re: pterosaur paper Dino Guy Ralph <dinoguy@sbcglobal.net> Wednesday, November 06, 2002
- Re: pterosaur paper David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Wednesday, November 06, 2002
- pterosaur paper Silvio Renesto <renesto@mailserver.unimi.it> Thursday, November 07, 2002
- pterosaur pheromone glands?
- Pterosaur wings and refs
- Pterosaur wings and refs Unwin <h0662eka@rz.hu-berlin.de> Friday, November 29, 2002
- re: Pterosaur wings and refs David Peters <davidrpeters@earthlink.net> Saturday, November 30, 2002
- Re: Pterosaur wings and refs "James R. Cunningham" <jrccea@bellsouth.net> Saturday, November 30, 2002
- RE:Pterosaur wings and refs Fabio Marco Dalla Vecchia <fabdalla@tin.it> Saturday, November 30, 2002
- Re: Pterosaur wings and refs David Peters <davidrpeters@earthlink.net> Saturday, November 30, 2002
- Re: Pterosaur wings and refs "James R. Cunningham" <jrccea@bellsouth.net> Saturday, November 30, 2002
- Re: Publication Practices
- Quick Psittacosaurus sketch
- Re: R: Allosaurus topotype
- Rahonavis, feathers?
- Ramblings & questions
- Re: Rant (was RE: Details on SVP 2002 Part 2)
- Re Pinacosaurus (was How Did Hadrosaurs Survive?)
- Re Pinacosaurus (was How Did Hadrosaurs Survive?) "Ken Carpenter" <KCarpenter@dmns.org> Sunday, November 03, 2002
- Re: Re Pinacosaurus (was How Did Hadrosaurs Survive?) "Tim Donovan" <msdonovan66@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 03, 2002
- Re: Re Pinacosaurus (was How Did Hadrosaurs Survive?) "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Sunday, November 03, 2002
- Re: Re Pinacosaurus (was How Did Hadrosaurs Survive?) "Ken Carpenter" <KCarpenter@dmns.org> Sunday, November 03, 2002
- Re: Re Pinacosaurus (was How Did Hadrosaurs Survive?) "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Monday, November 04, 2002
- Re: Re Pinacosaurus (was How Did Hadrosaurs Survive?) jonathan.r.wagner@mail.utexas.edu Tuesday, November 05, 2002
- Re: Re Pinacosaurus (was How Did Hadrosaurs Survive?) Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Thursday, November 07, 2002
- re Sinopterus
- re Sinopterus Unwin <h0662eka@rz.hu-berlin.de> Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re., SCANSORIOPTERYX Richard Peirce <rpnr@ix.netcom.com> Saturday, November 23, 2002
- Re: Re., SCANSORIOPTERYX "Steve Brusatte" <dinoland@lycos.com> Sunday, November 24, 2002
- Re: Re., SCANSORIOPTERYX Dino Guy Ralph <dinoguy@sbcglobal.net> Sunday, November 24, 2002
- Re: Re., SCANSORIOPTERYX "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Sunday, November 24, 2002
- Re: Re., SCANSORIOPTERYX "Steve Brusatte" <dinoland@lycos.com> Sunday, November 24, 2002
- repeating posts?
- Replica Fossils
- Replica Fossils "Dave Board" <daboard@prehistoricplanet.com> Friday, November 01, 2002
- Re: Replica Fossils "James R. Cunningham" <jrccea@bellsouth.net> Friday, November 01, 2002
- Re: Replica Fossils "Dave Board" <daboard@prehistoricplanet.com> Wednesday, November 06, 2002
- retroverted pubis, Asian surnames, and JP.
- retroverted pubis, Asian surnames, and JP. "David Elliott" <dalelemu@hotmail.com> Monday, November 11, 2002
- Re: retroverted pubis, Asian surnames, and JP. "Mickey Mortimer" <Mickey_Mortimer111@msn.com> Monday, November 11, 2002
- Re: retroverted pubis, Asian surnames, and JP. "Andrea Kirk" <kirkam@mistrust.com> Monday, November 11, 2002
- Rinchenia (was: A critique of Lu et al.'s (2002) Oviraptorosaurs compared to birds)
- Roadkills
- Roadkills David Peters <davidrpeters@earthlink.net> Tuesday, November 26, 2002
- Re: Roadkills "James R. Cunningham" <jrccea@bellsouth.net> Tuesday, November 26, 2002
- RE: Roadkills "Daniel Bensen" <dbensen@bowdoin.edu> Tuesday, November 26, 2002
- Re: Roadkills "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Tuesday, November 26, 2002
- Re: Roadkills "Andrew A. Farke" <andyfarke@hotmail.com> Tuesday, November 26, 2002
- roadkills and cracks
- SAPE Proceedings: papers of mass distraction
- SAPE Proceedings: papers of mass distraction Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Thursday, November 07, 2002
- Re: SAPE Proceedings: papers of mass distraction "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: SAPE Proceedings: papers of mass distraction Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: SAPE Proceedings: papers of mass distraction "Jordan Mallon" <j_mallon@hotmail.com> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: SAPE Proceedings: papers of mass distraction Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: SAPE Proceedings: papers of mass distraction John Conway <john_conway@mac.com> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: SAPE Proceedings: papers of mass distraction StephanPickering@cs.com Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: SAPE Proceedings: papers of mass distraction David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: SAPE Proceedings: papers of mass distraction Dino Guy Ralph <dinoguy@sbcglobal.net> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: SAPE Proceedings: papers of mass distraction "Nick Gardner" <n_gardner637@hotmail.com> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: SAPE Proceedings: papers of mass distraction "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: SAPE Proceedings: papers of mass distraction Nick Pharris <npharris@umich.edu> Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Sauropod inferences
- Sauropod inferences Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: Sauropod inferences "Jordan Mallon" <j_mallon@hotmail.com> Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: Sauropod inferences StephanPickering@cs.com Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: Sauropod inferences "Jordan Mallon" <j_mallon@hotmail.com> Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: Sauropod inferences Stephan Pickering <stefanpickering2002@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: Sauropod inferences "Jordan Mallon" <j_mallon@hotmail.com> Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: Sauropod inferences "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: Sauropod inferences "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Sunday, November 03, 2002
- SCANSORIOPTERYX "ville sinkkonen" <dinomaniac38@hotmail.com> Wednesday, November 20, 2002
- Re: Science News etc
- Science/Natural History filmaking course
- Searching for Camptosaurus publications
- Shuvuuia
- Shuvuuia "ville sinkkonen" <dinomaniac38@hotmail.com> Thursday, November 28, 2002
- RE: Shuvuuia "Daniel Bensen" <dbensen@bowdoin.edu> Thursday, November 28, 2002
- Shuvuuia paper
- Shuvuuia paper: FREE pdf
- Sibley on Birds
- Silesaurus
- Silesaurus Piotr Gasiorowski <piotr.gasiorowski@inetia.pl> Sunday, November 03, 2002
- Re: Silesaurus Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, November 04, 2002
- re: Sinopterus - judgement call
- re: Sinopterus cladistically
- sinopterus cladistically
- Sinopterus, a closer look
- Sinosauropteryx
- Sinosauropteryx feathers?
- Sinosauropteryx gut contents
- Site update
- Site update Brett Booth <brettbooth@worldnet.att.net> Monday, November 25, 2002
- Sketch
- Sketch "Daniel Bensen" <dbensen@bowdoin.edu> Thursday, November 14, 2002
- Sketch "Daniel Bensen" <dbensen@bowdoin.edu> Friday, November 15, 2002
- Skin Impression In track
- Smilodon
- Smilodon "Ross Barnett" <barndad@hotmail.com> Tuesday, November 26, 2002
- RE: So many tyrannosaur questions, so little time
- Some Comments Re: Antarctosaurus
- Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX Bill Hunt <bill@huntstudios.com> Friday, November 01, 2002
- RE: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX "Brian Lauret" <zthemanvirus@hotmail.com> Friday, November 01, 2002
- Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, November 01, 2002
- Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX "Rob Gay" <rob@dinodomain.com> Friday, November 01, 2002
- Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX Bill Hunt <bill@huntstudios.com> Friday, November 01, 2002
- Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX Vorompatra@aol.com Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX "Nicholas Jainschigg" <nickej@earthlink.net> Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 02, 2002
- Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX Aegyptiacus@aol.com Sunday, November 03, 2002
- Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX "Andrew A. Farke" <andyfarke@hotmail.com> Thursday, November 07, 2002
- Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX "ashmidt" <ashmidt@flash.net> Thursday, November 07, 2002
- Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Friday, November 08, 2002
- Re: SUCHOMIMUS = BARYONYX Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, November 25, 2002
- synonymous sauropods?
- T. efremovi
- T. efremovi "Tim Donovan" <msdonovan66@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: T. efremovi StephanPickering@cs.com Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: T. efremovi "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: T. efremovi "Jonathan R. Wagner" <jonathan.r.wagner@mail.utexas.edu> Monday, November 18, 2002
- T. rex feet
- T. rex feet "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@msn.com> Saturday, November 30, 2002
- T. rex Wallpaper from National Gepgraphic
- Therizinosaur eggs
- theropod digit numerology
- theropod manus digits & shifting balance theory
- Theropod Teeth, Lark Quarry Disaster and a Stolen "Raptor"
- Titanosaurus (was RE: Some Comments Re: Antarctosaurus)
- tree of Life Grants Awarded
- Truncation inconsistencies
- Turok Movie - sort of...
- Types of Types
- Types of Types Emma Rainforth <EmmaR@mesalands.edu> Monday, November 18, 2002
- Re: Types of Types Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, November 18, 2002
- Re: Types of Types Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, November 18, 2002
- Re: Types of Types Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Tuesday, November 19, 2002
- Re: Types of Types Aegyptiacus@aol.com Tuesday, November 19, 2002
- Re: Types of Types "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Tuesday, November 19, 2002
- Typo?
- Typo? Aegyptiacus@aol.com Friday, November 29, 2002
- Re: Typo? Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, November 29, 2002
- Re: Tyrannosaur hunting strategies (was Re: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive?)
- Tyrannosaur hunting strategies (was Re: How Did Hadrosaurs Survive?)
- Re: Tyrannosaur hunting strategies (was Re: How Did HadrosaursSurvive?)
- Tyrannosaurs as gregarious predators
- RE: Tyrant stuff (no longer ranting) (was RE: Rant (was RE: Detai ls on SVP 20...
- Re: Tyrant stuff (no longer ranting) (was RE: Rant (was RE: Details on SVP 20...
- Re: Tyrant stuff (no longer ranting) (was RE: Rant (was RE: Details on SVP 20... Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: Tyrant stuff (no longer ranting) (was RE: Rant (was RE: Details on SVP 20... "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: Tyrant stuff (no longer ranting) (was RE: Rant (was RE: Details on SVP 20... "Jordan Mallon" <j_mallon@hotmail.com> Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: Tyrant stuff (no longer ranting) (was RE: Rant (was RE: Details on SVP 20... Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: Tyrant stuff (no longer ranting) (was RE: Rant (was RE: Details on SVP 20... Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: Tyrant stuff (no longer ranting) (was RE: Rant (was RE: Details on SVP 20... "Andrew A. Farke" <andyfarke@hotmail.com> Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: Tyrant stuff (no longer ranting) (was RE: Rant (was RE: Details on SVP 20... "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: Tyrant stuff (no longer ranting) (was RE: Rant (was RE: Details on SVP 20... "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, November 09, 2002
- Re: Tyrant stuff (no longer ranting) (was RE: Rant (was RE: Details on SVP 20... "Tim Donovan" <msdonovan66@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 10, 2002
- Re: Tyrant stuff (no longer ranting) (was RE: Rant (was RE: Details on SVP 20... "Brian Lauret" <zthemanvirus@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 10, 2002
- Re: Tyrant stuff (no longer ranting) (was RE: Rant (was RE: Details on SVP 20... "Tim Donovan" <msdonovan66@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 10, 2002
- Re: Tyrant stuff (no longer ranting) (was RE: Rant (was RE: Details on SVP 20... Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, November 10, 2002
- Re: Tyrant stuff (no longer ranting) (was RE: Rant (was RE: Details on SVP 20... "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Sunday, November 10, 2002
- Re: Tyrant stuff (no longer ranting) (was RE: Rant (was RE: Details on SVP 20... "Fam. Jansma" <fam.jansma@worldonline.nl> Monday, November 11, 2002
- UK Crater 65 mya
- Re: Unenlagia Pelvis
- Fwd: Unique Chinese Fossils Help Rewrite Book of Life
- Re: upside down ankylosaurs
- Re: upside down ankylosaurs (jk)
- Re: upside down ankylosaurs (jk) padron@stud.ntnu.no Friday, November 01, 2002
- Re: upside down ankylosaurs (jk) Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, November 01, 2002
- Re: upside down ankylosaurs (jk) "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Friday, November 01, 2002
- RE: upside down ankylosaurs (jk) "Allan Edels" <edels@msn.Com> Sunday, November 03, 2002
- RE: upside down ankylosaurs (jk) "Nick Gardner" <n_gardner637@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 03, 2002
- RE: upside down ankylosaurs (jk) "Allan Edels" <edels@msn.Com> Tuesday, November 26, 2002
- Using "P" in a Cladistic Engine
- USNM 4734 Allosaurus fragilis topotype
- USNM 4734 Allosaurus fragilis topotype StephanPickering@cs.com Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: USNM 4734 Allosaurus fragilis topotype "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Sunday, November 17, 2002
- Re: USNM 4734 Allosaurus fragilis topotype Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, November 18, 2002
- Re: USNM 4734 Allosaurus fragilis topotype Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, November 18, 2002
- Re: USNM 4734 Allosaurus fragilis topotype Aegyptiacus@aol.com Monday, November 18, 2002
- Re: USNM 4734 Allosaurus fragilis topotype Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, November 18, 2002
- Re: USNM 4734 Allosaurus fragilis topotype Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, November 18, 2002
- Variation in Caudipteryx
- Wanted: artists willing to dig * Priceless prints stolen * 3D dinosaurs bite back * Dinosaur Program Becoming Extinct?
- Website news(was Chinese Rev Part III)
- Fw:welcome to my hometown
- Who to contact - the Dinosaur National Monument crisis
- Yao et al. 2002 on possible therizinosaur blood cells?
- You Hailu and Mazongshan
- Yowzers!
- Yowzers! "Jordan Mallon" <j_mallon@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 10, 2002
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