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Dinosaur discoveries and remote sensing

        Hi.  Can anyone could point me toward any websites or publicly
available information on the use of remote sensing (satellite or
aircraft-borne imagery)  to plot and/or make dinosaur discoveries?

        I'm trying to do a project on southern Alberta (meaning:  Dinosaur
Provincial Park) where I plot discoveries and make conclusions based on the
local geology and geomorphology.  Unfortuanately it's turning out to be
harder than I thought.  Aren't all discoveries plotted on GPS, and if so,
is that information accessible to the public?

        I'm not absolutely wedded to southern Alberta; in fact, Landsat
imagery of the entire region is kind of slim anyway.  If any of this
information would be easier to get for continental US discoveries, so much
the better.

        Any and all information, help, replies, and suggestions, are
greatly appreciated!

T.A. Curtis
13980 Lyons Valley Road
Jamul, CA  91935-2024  USA
I'll turn my own knobs, thanks.