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RE: Fw: synapsids are reptiles
-----Original Message-----
From: Jaime A. Headden [mailto:qilongia@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 10:33 PM
To: dinosaur@usc.edu
Cc: dino.hunter@cox.net
Subject: RE: Fw: synapsids are reptiles
Tracy Ford (dino.hunter@cox.net) wrote:
<Just look at how many names have the wrong tense because they us 'i' for
an animal named for several different people than the correct 'orum'?>
Jaime A. Headden
Unfortunately, this is ridiculously prevalent, and I agree with the
methods of George in correcting this. But as of 1999, the ICZN no longer
allows family names, genera, species, and all taxa up to superfamily rank,
to be corrected based on construction errors. The thing is, prior to the
third edition, only taxa up to superfamily could be corrected. This
excluded Ceratopsia from such methods, as there were no governing bodies
that could suggest anything. This means, that though *Sinovenator changii*
was named for a woman, Chang Wiman, the name cannot be changed by the
present rules.<<
Rules, like people are following the 'rules' when they coin the name. If the
rule was broken when it was written wouldn't apply because the name was
wrong and broke the rules. (ok, that's a BIGGG STRETCH on my part...)
<IT does need to be corrected and it should be corrected regardless of the
'popular' uses. Also then the correct usage of Family: EOBRACHYOPIDAE
BRACHYOPOIDEA ROMER, 1947, Superfamily: BRACHYOPOIDEA Save-Soderbergh,
1935, is wrong?>
Indeed, not. These are the appropriate and accurate stems, and I am glad
they were used. But they were also the original constructions. I do not
advocate the placement of the [s], but cannot suggest taking it out
without some show of priority, else why not change any name that doesn't
agree? Manuraptora and Manuraptoriformes and Eumanuraptora all the way, I
guess. No. I take a firm stance: no matter how badly formed, a name coined
is retained. Hence, Caudipteridae [ugh...].<<
Sure, if one of use uses Ceratopia they'd think he was crazy, but if two
used Ceratopia then they'd think something was up, but if three, if three
people used it they'd think there was more to it, but IF FOUR OR MORE people
used Ceratopia they'd think it was a movement! (Ok, bad swipe from Alice's
Restaurant. All you youngin's can ask your parents about Alice's
Restaurant). :)
Tracy L. Ford
P. O. Box 1171
Poway Ca 92074