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Re: Khaan's paleoecology
Luc Bailly (aspidel@infonie.be) wrote:
<I'm beginning a _Khaan_ drawing, and I think I'll draw it in quite "steppic"
landscape, eating
_Gingkoales_ or conifer seeds.
Will it work like that?>
No. The Ukhaa Tolgod locality is a dune field with outcroppings, most likely,
and would have
resembles parts of the northern Sahara, edges of ergs, with a little more
water. Plants are not
well-studied, but appear to be more scrub-land or rocky-desert types. Diet is
up to you. I would
incorporate flesh into it, though, as it appears that there is more to diet
than eggs or plants as
indicated from the jaws. I now have a published cite on some of that, but the
published data will
be much more informative (of course) -- once it's ready.
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