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Re: Ptero-hawks?
On Sat, 24 Mar 2001, Ken Kinman wrote:
> Larry,
> Maybe occasionally under extreme conditions, but I find it hard to
> imagine specialized piscivores eating their own kind. Even kingfishers,
> which will go after a variety of aquatic prey-----hard to imagine them going
> after other birds (even if they did had teeth), unless they were starving.
> As for specialized ptero-hawks, possible but improbable. I'm trying to
> imagine a specialized "bat-eating bat" evolving. Never say never, but I
> wouldn't hold my breath. Sorry if I am repeating anything someone else has
> said, but I haven't been following this thread. The idea just doesn't seem
> very promising, although it is admittedly somewhat appealing. :-)
> -------Ken
Who says all _Pterosauria_ were piscivores? Okay, the majority of known
forms seem to be, but this could easily be due to preservational bias. Who
is more likely to be preserved, a pterosaur hunting other pterosaurs in
the forest, or a pterosaur who spends most of his life near water, where
deposits are formed?
OTOH, I can't think of a good candidate, and you're right about the lack
of bat-eating bats.... (isn't he?)
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