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Fw: World 'Dino-News' from Dinosaurnews.org - discoveries, projects and exhibitions
----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Smith <jollyroger@WAVE.CO.NZ>
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001 08:45 PM
Subject: World 'Dino-News' from Dinosaurnews.org - discoveries, projects and
> In DINOSAUR NEWS this month http://www.dinosaurnews.org
> ** Pakistan Says More Dinosaur Fossils Discovered
> Scientists in Pakistan have discovered around 1,500 fossilized dinosaur
> bones thought to be about 70 million years old
> ** Willo, The Dinosaur with a Heart
> What are the odds of finding a fossilized dinosaur heart? Until recently,
> most specialists would have said slim to none
> ** Our Web Site of The Month - Museum Victoria's Dinosaur and Fossils
> Project
> Dinosaurs have been studied by scientists for over 150 years, and yet
> is still much to be done by future palaeontologists before we have a full
> understanding of what dinosaurs were and how they lived
> ** `Kinetosaurs' bring dinosaurs to life
> This spring, the Field Museum is presenting an exhibition that puts the
> science of dinosaurs literally in the hands of children ages 3 to 8
> ** BBC dinosaur movie crew in Rotorua
> Rotorua's Redwood Forest and geothermal area will become a breeding ground
> for dinosaurs over the next few weeks
> ** When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth
> Instead of digging up slabs of rock with the embedded prints and placing
> them in a museum somewhere, the museum was brought to the exhibit
> ** Huge dinosaur footprints found in China
> Archaeologists have discovered fossils of dinosaur footprints in northwest
> China which they claim to be the largest ever found
> ** 1996 fossils were from largest dinosaur found in Japan
> National Science Museum researcher Yukimitsu Tomita said the fossils, of a
> type of titanosaurus first dug up in July 1996 along the Pacific coast in
> the western prefecture port city of Toba, belonged to a 31-32 ton specimen
> of the herbivorous dinosaur that was about 16-18 meters long
> PLUS dinosaur merchandise, links, books, software and DVD's.
> FREE subscription
> ***** We welcome exhibition and general news about dinosaurs from
> and researchers. Send your media releases to news@dinosaurnews.org *****
> Read something ferocious this week: http://www.dinosaurnews.org