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Re: P/Tr impact?
At 9:23 AM -0800 2/24/01, James R. Cunningham wrote:
Jeff and Tom, I'm speaking from memory, so may well be wrong. I had the
impression that the isotope ratios were typical of the enviroment of a more
carbon rich star than ours, so would have had an extrasolar origin.
Of course,
with the exception of hydrogen and some of the lighter elements, every atom on
earth was originally processed or created in some other star and further
processed by one or more supernovae before it wound up here. But
the ratios (if
memory serves) would imply that the buckyball itself was formed in
the environs
of the other star. And that would statistically imply the likelyhood of
relatively high velocity at the time of earth impact. So compared to the K/T
there's a possibility that we would receive more kinetic energy from a smaller
impactor. The massive African(?) sediments that appear to have been a
consequence of the P/T transition might be a place to look for possible
redeposited extrasolar materials.
Becker's interpretation is that the buckyballs formed near another
star, possibly a supernova, and were included in that gas and dust
from which the sun and planets formed. (That was what I was trying to
say, but didn't say clearly.)
Jeff Hecht Boston Correspondent New Scientist magazine
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