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Battle of the titans: terramegathermy (hooray) versus gigantothermy (boo hiss)
I appreciate the posting of parts of my work on terramegathermy and
matters. Less appreciated are some of the dicussions which, aside from
too extensive to read in detail, often seem to consist of superficial
commentary not backed by an in depth understanding of the extensive
literature on energetics or my papers. Some of the comments are
erroneous or at least dubious. I do not have time to answer all of them,
to clarify some of my work I offer the following. Unless otherwise
relevant sources are referenced in my papers.
It is interesting that after 300 million years of evolution classic,
bradymetabolic, bradyaerobic land reptiles have never become truly
either in height or mass. But dinosaurs became very tall and reached
tonne status soon after they appeared, and mammals also evolved real
fairly quickly after giant dinosaurs went extinct. Ever wonder why? This
disparity has not really received that much attention, probably because
view that terrestrial bradyaerobes can become gigantic remains popular
some circles. But can they?
Gigantothermy - This was proposed By Paladino et al in a paper in
Part of the paper was an alledged measurement of the resting MR of the
leatherback sea turtle. They claimed it was elevated above the level
in a reptile its size. The very same summer Lutcavage et al published an
accurate measurement of the leatherback RMR which showed a typically
reptilian value. The erroneous Paladino et al data has since been
Based on the mismeasured data, Paladino concluded that the MRs of
reptiles and mammals converge with one another. From this they derived
hypothesis of gigantothermy, which argues that great bulk causes the
energetics and thermodynamics of giants to converge, unlike the 10 fold
difference in MR seen in small mammals versus reptiles. In this view
should be as suitable for becoming huge on land as mammals.
Since gigantothermy was based on faulty data it was ill founded.
even if leatherbacks had elevated MRs this would not necessarily have
that all big reptiles converge with big mammals, it have instead might
meant that leatherback MRs were elevated above those of other reptiles.
tortoise and croc MRs show no evidence of being above the predicted
line. Deep core body temperature measurements of multi-tonne basking
show that they are poikilothermic and therefore almost certainly
bradymetabolic, with MRs probably one tenth the whale level (probably
true of
whale sharks also). There is no evidence that the 10 fold difference in
does not apply to giants as well as teeny weenie vertebrates. Of course
giant, tachymetabolic, tachyaerobic rorquals are far more active and
energetic than filter feeding sharks (scuba divers can easily keep up
the latter, not the former), confirming that large size does not force a
major convergence. At this time, it is not certain what the hypothesis
gigantothermy is based upon, or even what it actually means. Nor does it
explain why bradymetabolic/aerobic reptiles have failed to evolve into
giants for so long.
(Despite being bradymetabolic leatherbacks are homeothermic endotherms,
because they use the constant activity of swimming and countercurrent
exchangers to maintain an elevated level of body heat and temperature.
same is true of some tuna and sharks. These options are not available to
animals which are not constantly active, and cannot thermally isolate
thermally exposed leg muscles with countercurrent heat exchangers).
Terramegathermy - Bradymetabolic fish grow almost as large as
whales. Water is buoyant, and streamlined swimmers can move from 6
(leatherback) to 12 (tuna) times more energy efficiently than an animal
the same mass can walk the same distance under the influence of 1 G. It
therefore easy for any swimmer of any metabolic status to cruise at
high speed, swim very long distances (little fishes swim across entire
oceans), and gather enough food at little expense in order to grow fast
enough to become gigantic. Since only mammals are as massive as blue
it is possible that only tachyaerobes can grow fast enough to become so
gigantic. It is therefore possible that there is a weak form of
On land mammals have reached 20 tonnes, classic reptiles only a
tonne or
two (there is no way that the biggest tortoises weighed 4 tonnes which
is as
big as African elephants, it is not yet certain whether the super
Megalania was fully terrestrial). This is opposite the common but
assertion that sauropods grew so big because they had low MRs.
Terramegathermy is based on the logical and rather obvious premise that
land animals live in 1 G, tall and/or massive giants need to have high
power systems in order to cope with living under the pull of an entire
planet. The extremely low aerobic exercise capacity of all bradyaerobic
animals of all sizes, and regardless of limb design and posture, limits
to sustained walking speeds under 2 km/h (claims in the literature that
regularly move at 5 km/h are not substantiated by data sets [when I
one researcher for his data he said it was lost] and are spurious, oras
along at 1-2km/h like other big lizards), so they cannot migrate long
distances regardless of size and limb form and none do so (crabs, snakes
migrating relatively short distances do not count). (Nor are migrating
insects pertinent since all over 1 g are tachyaerobic endotherms with
exercise energetics as high as those of birds. Besides, flying is about
times more energy efficient than walking in terms of distance traveled).
cannot be overemphasized that body temperature stability does absolutely
nothing at all in any way or regard to solve this problem for reptiles,
because a reptile with a body temperature of 98F 24 hrs a day every day
the year will still have the same pathetic aerobic exercise capacity it
if its temperature drops 20 degrees at night. Because according the refs
cited in my papers long migration (1000s km) is extremely energy taxing
physically arduous, only tachyaerobic mammals move far on land. Claims
in the
literature that bradyaerobes can actually migrate farther than
while walking at speeds of 3-4km/h are false in that bradyaerobes simply
cannot sustain such high speeds, and are improbably speculative in face
the inability of land bradyaerobes to migrate long distances.
land giants would therefore at best be slow, and unable to move very
That's if they would work at all. Because bradymetabolic animals
inherently have low capacity central organ dependent respiro-circulatory
systems, they cannot oxygenate and feed large, high aerobic capacity
sets of
muscles, so they are inevitably bradyaerobic (ergo, all reptiles have
relatively small leg muscles, anchored upon very short ilia in the
thigh). It
is questionable whether such small, low capacity muscles can adequately
support a giant body in 1 G, at least without frequent belly resting
would be a tad awkward for something weighing 50 tonnes or so. We KNOW
the large, high aerobic capacity of bradyaerobic mammals can carry huge
bodies around all day long and more (and their large limb muscles are
anchored upon long pelves at the thigh).
(The Bennett et al. study on anaerobiosis induced fatique in big
does not offer definitive evidence of the ability of big reptiles to use
anaerobiosis for sustained activity. For one thing they did not actually
measure the amount of work being done by the struggling crocs. A big
doing anything in close quarters might seem periodically "explosive",
yet may
be only achieving modest levels of exercise. In any case we have no idea
much walking speed the effort would translate into because there were no
power measurements. More informative is the case of spindly legged gnu,
after being snatched at a waterhole by a croc twice its size was able to
brace itself and resist being pulled into the water for 20 minutes
other crocs came along] because the massive reptile so quickly exhausted
itself that it was not able to overcome the superior sustainable aerobic
capacity of its smaller mammalian prey. Besides, big crocs often die
doing heavy anaerobic work. Finally, animals just do not regularly use
anaerobiosis to regularly do sustained work such as walking for half an
or more each day, its too toxic and will damage the creature in the long
term. Modeling dinosaurs as using anaerobiosis for regular movements is
going to get very far, as it were.)
It is questionable for inherent circulatory reasons that others have
discussed whether a high pressure, truly four chamber heart is
with bradymetabolism. Conversely, bradymetabolic organs probably cannot
support a heart powerful enough to produce high pressures. Because
have only low pressure hearts, they are all low slung even when large.
Tachymetabolic bird and mammal hearts can produce the very high
needed to carry the head well above heart level, resulting in
Because tachymetabolic animals have stable body temperatures even
small they than can gather food for a larger portion of the day than can
reptiles. Because tachyaerobic metabolic systems allow them to sustain
walking speeds and extended bouts of high activity without profound
they can gather much more food per unit time. This allows
tachymetabolic/aerobic mammals and birds to grow far faster than
reptiles (although some marsupials and primates grow no faster than the
fastest growing reptiles) under natural conditions (spare me the notion
since farm raised crocs kept constantly warm all day long and/or feed
quantities of food at no expense to themselves suggests that reptilian
dinosaurs could magically have grown as fast, since no one was raising
dinosaurs on Mesozoic farms where they could be kept constantly warm all
long and/or feed vast quantities of food at no expense to themselves).
Because it is not possible for continental animals exposed to numerous
disease vectors and predators as well as accidents to live more than 60
or so, all giant animals must grow rapidly. It is probable that on land
tachymetabolic, tachyaerobic beasts can grow fast enough to become
before they go belly up.
If reptiles became truly gigantic without elevating their aerobic
exercise capacity to mammalian levels, they would be much slower,
ranged, shorter, and slower growing than equally large tachyaerobes. At
gigantothermy fails to show that land giants will be similar in
attributes and performance regardless of MR, at worse it is impossible
land bradyaerobes could become really massive at all.
Giant slothes were almost mesometabolic and mesoaerobic, so this
that animals with such moderate energetics were able to grow that large,
albeit with rather low locomotary performance and a limited ability to
migrate. The much larger indricotheres were almost certainly
it is possible that high MRs are necessary to exceed 5-10 tonnes.
Dinosaurs - Some people, those who prefer to not carefully read my
actually think that I'm one of these hardcore "hot-blooded" dinosaur
that think all dinosaurs had the energetics of hummingbirds on speed. Of
course the more knowledgeable among you, those who have truly read my
are rolling on the floor with laughter at the thought.
Mesoschian proto/dinosaurs - Lagosuchians, eoraptors, staurikosaurs,
prosauropods have ilia whose length is higher than measured in reptiles
the semi-bipedal ones, but shorter than those of birds and mammals. This
means that they were intermediate in terms of leg muscle mass and
energetics. The legs were fully erect however, a combination not seen in
living animal. Therefore basal dinosaurian energetics could not have
like that of birds and mammals, and must of been of a marginal
kind no longer extant. Because long erect legs work as pendulems that
walking speeds to be over ~3 km/h, it is probable that the combination
high sustained walking speed legs and lower sustained walking speed leg
muscle mass was somewhat mismatched, and unstable in the longer term. It
therefore interesting that the mesoschian dinosaurs were fairly soon
replaced. The limited leg musculature also appears ill suited for
It is correspondingly interesting that none of these archaic dinosaurs
exceeded a tonne or two in mass (some prosauropods).
Longoschian dinosaurs: All other dinosaurs had long, deep ilia able to
large leg muscles. Larger cnemial crests in the knee suggest the same
This upgrade in aerobic muscle capacity would have solved the leg speed
problem, and indicates that aerobic exercise capacity was approaching or
equalling the lower avian range and was well into the mammalian range.
Because the centralized vertebrate respiro-circulatory system probably
requires a tachymetabolic condition when the exercise system was tachy
aerobic, it is probable that longoschian RMRs were elevated above the
reptilian maximum, and were within the mammalian range (not that that's
saying much since manatee RMRs are essentially reptilian, and some other
mammals are not far above reptiles), and in many cases approached or
the ratite condition (lower than that of most other birds). With such
elevated levels of power production these would have been endotherms in
of acquiring most body heat internally. Currently unknown is how
longoschian dinosaurs defended their body temperatures. Bone isotope
suggests that the temprature stability and energy budgets of dinosaurs
have not been as high as in most placentals, but this leaves them within
range of marsupials well as some canids, raptors, ratites and the like.
relatively sluggish armored dinosaurs and therizinosuars may have been
energetic than other dinosaurs.
With such large, highly aerobic leg muscles dinosaurs could easily
sustained the 3-10km/h walking speeds that something like 97% of their
trackways (sample ~400) show. They could therefore migrate as most
researchers argue that some of them probably did (however, I have
explained that ultralong migrations away from the poles are probably
impossible for any land animal. But then, strongly endothermic dinosaurs
would not have had to move away from the polar winters [bone isotope
suggests that a fairly high latitude armored against attack even when
immobile ankylosaur may have hibernated through the dark winter]).
Because they had such large leg muscles and the other energetic
attributes associated with tachymetabolism and tachyaerobism,
dinosaurs were excellent candidates for evolving true gigantism, which
of them did. They could grow fast enough to become as big as whales in a
decades, as the latest bone microstructure and growth ring counts show
giant dinosaurs did (unlike slow growing supercrocs). The corresponding
power, high pressure hearts were able to pump blood far up against the
gravity well. Viola, sauropods. (As I have explained multiple times, the
common idea that giant endotherms are in exceptional danger of
are mythical.) Terramegathermy explains why longoschian dinosaurs and
have had little trouble becoming gigantic and tall on land, they have
had the
high power tachyaerobic system needed to do so.
There is currently nothing in the nature of gigantic longoschian
dinosaurs that indicates that they were not tachymetabolic tachyaerobic
endotherms that had completely diverged from the reptilian pattern. Does
mean that they were all exactly like birds and mammals in their
thermodynamics, but they were much closer to them than to reptiles. This
further contradicts speculat