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RE: Infos

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\uc1\pard\plain\deftab360 \f0\fs20\cf0 Many thanks for the ref\par
-----Original Message-----\par
From: R. Irmis [mailto:rbi@dana.ucc.nau.edu]\par
Sent: mercredi 25 avril 2001 01:43\par
To: dinosaur@usc.edu\par
Subject: RE: Infos\par
My reference was:\par
Long, Robert A. and Phillip A. Murray. 1995. Late Triassic (Carnian and\par
Norian) Tetrapods from the Southwestern United States. New Mexico Museum of\par
Natural History & Science Bulletin 4\par
Ive only seen photos and read the above reference.  I havent seen actual\par
specimens.  Just posting what I read.\par
Randall Irmis\par
-----Original Message-----\par
From: Ray Stanford [mailto:dinotracker@earthlink.net]\par
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 8:56 AM\par
To: rbi@dana.ucc.nau.edu; dinosaur@usc.edu\par
Subject: Re: Infos\par
Randall Irmis said: "...Seriously, the Chatterjeeidae are a type of Triassic\par
reptile belonging to the Rauisuchian clade."\par
    Important, if true.  But is there a scientific concensus on this, as\par
yet?  Can you give us reference(s)?  Or, is this simply a personal\par
conclusion?  What might Chattergee say on this?\par
    This is not just to Randall.  Insight or comment from others is welcome.\par
Personally, I haven't formed a conclusion, having too little insight at this\par
    Ray Stanford\par