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The Lost World 1925 restoration wsa... Re: JP III Item

Just to make matters more confusing, there are TWO restorations of the 1925 The
Lost World.

Having seen both, I can actually comment on them.

The first is the "infamous" George Eastman House restoration which has been
carefully hidden from the public for nearly three years until three recent
showings all at various museums and "art house" type theatres on the west coast.
It is possible that it may be shown publically again, but I'd say that it's
easier to find out how to resurrect dinosaurs than to get the GEH to tell anyone
where they're showing the movie. Further, this version has been criticized
severely for having left out some important footage which earlier versions had

The second is a brand new restoration done by David Shepard. The version will be
shown in the next weeks on European television. My recollection is that it will
be in Germany, but I could be wrong, so I'm hesitant to say what I just said, 
I'll say it anyway.

The Shepard  restoration will be available, however, from IMAGE ENTERTAINMENT on
DVD in the United States in the spring of next year.

I've seen the "work print" which is nearly identical to what the final release
version will be like except for a few corrections (one of which, apparently, 
from one  of my suggestions. How's that for modesty).

At any rate, the new DVD is comprised not only of the footage used in the GEH
version, but some additional dinosaur footage never before included in a
restoration!  There will also be an AMAZING surprise supplement to this version
and as soon as I can, I'll spill the beans.

This new restoration is the result of several years of effort and it's well 
the wait. Rumor also has it that it may be made available on film for selected
theatrical showings, but that's not confirmed yet.

Danvarner@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 11/27/00 8:40:15 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> rtravsky@uwyo.edu writes:


>   By the way, has anyone seen the restored version of the 1925 film,_The Lost
> World_? It's been out for a while but I haven't heard any comments.
>  Dan Varner

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