DINOSAUR-2000May by subject
- [no subject]
- [no subject] Mickey Rowe <rowe@psych.ucsb.edu> Monday, May 01, 2000
- [no subject] "ekaterina amalitzkaya" <eamalitz@hotmail.com> Monday, May 01, 2000
- [no subject] "Joe Parish" <joe-parish@beeb.net> Sunday, May 21, 2000
- "Megalosaurus" inexpectatus the carcharodontosaurid?
- "New" Argentine dinosaurs
- "X" marks the spot
- (fwd) Quiero saber más de los dinosaurios
- Dinosaur excavations in Lourinhã (Portugal)
- Re: (fwd) Quiero saber más de los dinosaurios
- Re: [Re: [Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies...]]
- Re: [Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies...]
- Re: [Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies...] Caleb <terminator2029@usa.net> Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: [Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies...] "Jerry D. Harris" <dinogami@hotmail.com> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: [Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies...] Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: [Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies...] Richard W Travsky <rtravsky@uwyo.edu> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: [Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies...] Josh Smith <smithjb@sas.upenn.edu> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: [Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies...] David Krentz <David.Krentz@disney.com> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: [Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies...] "T. Mike Keesey" <tmk@dinosauricon.com> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- ABC Sue Story
- ABC Sue Story Dane Carlson <dane_c@yahoo.com> Thursday, May 25, 2000
- ABC Sue Story Dane Carlson <dane_c@yahoo.com> Thursday, May 25, 2000
- ABC Sue's Saga
- ABC Sue's Story.
- Acro neck
- Acro neck "TRUETT GARNER" <DINOBOY@worldnet.att.net> Sunday, May 07, 2000
- address help
- Aidez moi!
- Aidez moi! Barry Kazmer <teoslola39@yahoo.com> Wednesday, May 03, 2000
- AMNH exhibit
- AMNH exhibit NJPharris@aol.com Friday, May 19, 2000
- Re: AMNH exhibit "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Saturday, May 20, 2000
- Re: AMNH exhibit "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Saturday, May 20, 2000
- Re: AMNH exhibit "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, May 20, 2000
- Re: AMNH exhibit Marco Auditore <maaudito@tin.it> Sunday, May 21, 2000
- Re: AMNH exhibit NJPharris@aol.com Saturday, May 27, 2000
- Re: AMNH exhibit "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Animals mixing in life (vs. death).
- Animate your own dino foot
- Animation software
- Re: Ankylosaurian systematics
- Archosauromorph classification
- BAFTA for dinos
- BAFTA for dinos Gareth Dyke <Gareth.Dyke@bristol.ac.uk> Monday, May 15, 2000
- Bambiraptor
- Bambiraptor "Allan Smith" <fossilsmith@hotmail.com> Friday, May 26, 2000
- The Beak of *Confuciusornis*: My Thoughts on All Those Pretty Birdies
- Begging the patience of the list.
- Bennett Pteranodon paper
- Brief Fiffer article on Sue and Larsen
- CAMELOTIA darren.naish@port.ac.uk Thursday, May 18, 2000
- Re: CAMELOTIA Stanley Friesen <sarima@friesen.net> Saturday, May 20, 2000
- Carcharodontosaurid Teeth
- Casts versus Fossil Bone
- Ceratosaurus paper
- Ceratosaurus paper Darryl Jones <dinoguy@interlog.com> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Ceratosaurus paper "Ahmed al-Mahasa Sha'ad" <am_shaad@hotmail.com> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Ceratosaurus paper "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Ceratosaurus paper Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Ceratosaurus paper "cliff green" <dinonaut@tacisp.com> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Ceratosaurus paper NJPharris@aol.com Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Ceratosaurus paper Darryl Jones <dinoguy@interlog.com> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Ceratosaurus paper Darryl Jones <dinoguy@interlog.com> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Chilantaisaurus (was Re: "Megalosaurus" inexpectatus the carcharodontosau...
- Chilantaisaurus (was Re: "Megalosaurus" inexpectatus the carcharodontosaurid?)
- CNN story on Sue
- Cold-blooded Achaeopteryx?
- Color revisited (was Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx))
- A couple more questions about the florida symposium
- credits? (was Re: Impressions - Dinosaurs on screen
- Cryolophosaurus article, photos published online!
- development and evolutionary origin of feathers
- Did anyone else notice...
- Re: Dino heart--Williston's prediction comes true!
- Re: Dino heart--Williston's prediction comes true! chris lavers <chris.lavers@nottingham.ac.uk> Monday, May 01, 2000
- Re: Dino heart--Williston's prediction comes true! "Larry Febo" <larryf@capital.net> Monday, May 01, 2000
- Re: Dino heart--Williston's prediction comes true! Stanley Friesen <sarima@friesen.net> Monday, May 01, 2000
- Re: Dino heart--Williston's prediction comes true! "T. Mike Keesey" <tmk@dinosauricon.com> Monday, May 01, 2000
- RE: Dino heart--Williston's prediction comes true! Toby White <mwhite@houston.rr.com> Tuesday, May 02, 2000
- Re: Dino heart--Williston's prediction comes true! Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, May 02, 2000
- Re: Dino heart--Williston's prediction comes true! Raven~ <biology@ctos.com> Wednesday, May 03, 2000
- Dino-Press: new magazine
- Dinofest?
- Dinofest? "Andy Farke" <andyfarke@hotmail.com> Thursday, May 04, 2000
- Dinos w/ Tom Brokaw - Update
- Re: DINOSAUR digest 1382
- Dinosaur Genera List corrections #141
- Dinosaur Genera List corrections #141 Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- Re: Dinosaur Genera List corrections #141 "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- Re: Dinosaur Genera List corrections #141 Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- Re: Dinosaur Genera List corrections #141 Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- Re: Dinosaur Genera List corrections #141 Mickey Rowe <rowe@psych.ucsb.edu> Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- RE: Dinosaur Genera List corrections #141 "Tracy Ford" <tlford@ix.netcom.com> Thursday, May 11, 2000
- RE: Dinosaur Genera List corrections #141 "Jerry D. Harris" <dinogami@hotmail.com> Thursday, May 11, 2000
- RE: Dinosaur Genera List corrections #141 Gareth Dyke <Gareth.Dyke@bristol.ac.uk> Thursday, May 11, 2000
- Re: Dinosaur Genera List corrections #141 Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, May 11, 2000
- Re: Dinosaur Genera List corrections #141 "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Thursday, May 11, 2000
- Re: Dinosaur Genera List corrections #141 KiernanCR@aol.com Thursday, May 11, 2000
- Re: Dinosaur Genera List corrections #141 Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, May 12, 2000
- Dinosaur Genera List corrections #142
- Dinosaur Genera List corrections #143
- Dinosaur Pictures
- Dinosaur sex
- Dinosaur sex "Paleoworld" <paleoworldthesite@yahoo.co.uk> Thursday, May 11, 2000
- Re: Dinosaur sex "Steve Brusatte" <dinoland@mailcity.com> Friday, May 12, 2000
- Re: Dinosaur sex Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, May 12, 2000
- Re: Dinosaur sex "Steve Brusatte" <dinoland@mailcity.com> Saturday, May 13, 2000
- Re: Dinosaur sex Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, May 13, 2000
- dinosaur synapomorphies
- dinosaur synapomorphies "Ken Kinman" <kinman@hotmail.com> Thursday, May 11, 2000
- Re: dinosaur synapomorphies "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Monday, May 15, 2000
- Re: dinosaur synapomorphies "Ken Kinman" <kinman@hotmail.com> Monday, May 15, 2000
- RE: dinosaur synapomorphies "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- Re: dinosaur synapomorphies NJPharris@aol.com Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- RE: dinosaur synapomorphies "Ken Kinman" <kinman@hotmail.com> Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- Dinosaur TV Week
- dinosaurs in the media yesterday
- dinosaurs in the media yesterday "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Thursday, May 18, 2000
- dinosaurs in the media yesterday "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Thursday, May 18, 2000
- RE: dinosaurs in the media yesterday martinh <martinh@DigitalWork.com> Thursday, May 18, 2000
- Re: dinosaurs in the media yesterday "Jordan Mallon" <j_mallon@hotmail.com> Thursday, May 18, 2000
- RE: dinosaurs in the media yesterday chris brochu <cbrochu@fmnh.org> Thursday, May 18, 2000
- Dinosaurs Premiere -review
- Disney
- Disney Dane Carlson <dane_c@yahoo.com> Wednesday, May 31, 2000
- Disney Dinosaur Follies...
- Disney Dinosaur Follies... Christopher Srnka <theclaw@sprintmail.com> Wednesday, May 17, 2000
- Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies... Christopher Srnka <theclaw@sprintmail.com> Thursday, May 18, 2000
- Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies... Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, May 18, 2000
- Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies... KiernanCR@aol.com Thursday, May 18, 2000
- Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies... Dave Hardenbrook <DaveH47@mindspring.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies... Dave Hardenbrook <DaveH47@mindspring.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies... Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies... Barry Kazmer <teoslola39@yahoo.com> Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies... bchoo@cyllene.uwa.edu.au (Brian Choo) Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies... "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies... Sara Burch <sara@burch.net> Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies... Christopher Srnka <theclaw@sprintmail.com> Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies... "Steve Brusatte" <dinoland@mailcity.com> Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies... Buckaroobwana@aol.com Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies... Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies... Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies... and Srnka in Spiegel Online
- Disney Dinosaur Interview with Directors
- Disney Dinosaurs
- Disney dinosaurs
- Disney dinosaurs Kendall Clements <k.clements@auckland.ac.nz> Tuesday, May 09, 2000
- Disney Movie
- Disney Movie "Ralph Chapman" <Chapman.Ralph@NMNH.SI.EDU> Wednesday, May 31, 2000
- Disney's Dinosaur
- Disney's Dinosaur MKIRKALDY@aol.com Sunday, May 07, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Sunday, May 07, 2000
- RE: Disney's Dinosaur "Tracy Ford" <tlford@ix.netcom.com> Monday, May 08, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Monday, May 08, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur dbensen <dbensen@gotnet.net> Monday, May 08, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur "T. Mike Keesey" <tmk@dinosauricon.com> Monday, May 08, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Monday, May 08, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur Dinochandler@aol.com Tuesday, May 09, 2000
- Disney's Dinosaur Raymond Ancog <rayancog@pacific.net.ph> Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur "Jordan Mallon" <j_mallon@hotmail.com> Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur "T. Mike Keesey" <tmk@dinosauricon.com> Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur David Krentz <David.Krentz@disney.com> Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur "Jordan Mallon" <j_mallon@hotmail.com> Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur dbensen <dbensen@gotnet.net> Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- RE: Disney's Dinosaur "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Thursday, May 11, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur - second try!
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur - second try! Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Sunday, May 07, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur - second try! NJPharris@aol.com Monday, May 08, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur - second try! Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Monday, May 08, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur - second try! "Jerry D. Harris" <dinogami@hotmail.com> Monday, May 08, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur - second try! Michael de Sosa <ofsosa@uclink4.berkeley.edu> Monday, May 08, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur - second try! Oscar Quill <stonebugdotnet@yahoo.com> Monday, May 08, 2000
- Re: Disney's Dinosaur - second try! Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Monday, May 08, 2000
- Displaying original fossils (was Re: Sue Photos Online)
- Dromornithids, the other white meat (was Re: The duck that ruled the world).
- Drunk analogy (was Progress)
- Re: Drunk analogy (was Progress)...Still is
- Drunk analogy.
- The duck that ruled the world
- The duck that ruled the world Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world Finback <goodmr@pop.ses.curtin.edu.au> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world Finback <goodmr@pop.ses.curtin.edu.au> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world bchoo@cyllene.uwa.edu.au (Brian Choo) Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world "Ahmed al-Mahasa Sha'ad" <am_shaad@hotmail.com> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world Stanley Friesen <sarima@friesen.net> Saturday, May 27, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world Finback <goodmr@pop.ses.curtin.edu.au> Saturday, May 27, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world "Ahmed al-Mahasa Sha'ad" <am_shaad@hotmail.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world dbensen <dbensen@gotnet.net> Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world Stanley Friesen <sarima@friesen.net> Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world Richard W Travsky <rtravsky@uwyo.edu> Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world.
- Re: The duck that ruled the world. "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world. João Simões Lopes Filho <jodan99@uol.com.br> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world. NJPharris@aol.com Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world. Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: The duck that ruled the world. João Simões Lopes Filho <jodan99@uol.com.br> Friday, May 26, 2000
- EBAY: weaving Pteranodons- life size
- Egg-eating in mammals
- Egg-Eating Teeth and Responses of Bois
- Eggy questions
- Error notice about web site
- Extant crocodilians and mean annual temperature
- Fighting Dinos
- Fighting Dinos and Tinker on Discovery News
- Fighting Dinosaurs at the AMNH
- Fishes and Pisces
- Re: Florida Meetings
- Florida organizations
- Fossil ale
- Fossil ale Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Monday, May 29, 2000
- fossil degrees
- Free Nature articles
- Frozen Mesozoic ground (was Re: WWD - layman's view)
- FWD (SK) Book Recommendation: _Darwin's Ghost_
- Giant New Theropod
- Good news and scanning
- Green River "fish cut"
- Re: Hollywood dinosaurs: a selective timeline of the movies about dinosaurs
- Hollywood dinosaurs: a selective timeline of the movies about dinosaurs
- How did dromaeosaurs use their arms?
- How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Henri Rönkkö" <overmind@iobox.fi> Friday, May 05, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Tuesday, May 09, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, May 09, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Henri Rönkkö" <overmind@iobox.fi> Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@home.com> Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, May 11, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, May 11, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Thursday, May 11, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? luisrey <luisrey@ndirect.co.uk> Thursday, May 11, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Thursday, May 11, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@home.com> Thursday, May 11, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, May 11, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, May 11, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Matthew Bonnan" <mbonnan@hotmail.com> Thursday, May 11, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Friday, May 12, 2000
- RE: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? martinh <martinh@DigitalWork.com> Friday, May 12, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? Stephen_Gatesy@Brown.edu (Steve Gatesy) Friday, May 12, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, May 12, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Friday, May 12, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Dann J.Pigdon" <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Saturday, May 13, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Fujitsu" <psparks@crosslink.net> Saturday, May 13, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? NJPharris@aol.com Monday, May 15, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Monday, May 15, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? NJPharris@aol.com Monday, May 15, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? christopher robert noto <crnoto@midway.uchicago.edu> Monday, May 15, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Monday, May 15, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, May 15, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Henri Rönkkö" <overmind@iobox.fi> Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Matthew Bonnan" <mbonnan@hotmail.com> Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- RE: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? martinh <martinh@DigitalWork.com> Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? NJPharris@aol.com Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- RE: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? martinh <martinh@DigitalWork.com> Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? NJPharris@aol.com Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- RE: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? martinh <martinh@DigitalWork.com> Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? Angella711@cs.com Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Wednesday, May 17, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Wednesday, May 17, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, May 17, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Thursday, May 18, 2000
- Re: How did dromaeosaurs use their arms? "Henri Rönkkö" <overmind@iobox.fi> Wednesday, May 31, 2000
- How did Protoceratops walk? (Was AMNH Fighting Dinos)
- Humor, or an attempt thereat (was RE: hypotheses, science 'n' stuff)
- Hypotheses and Rigorous Defense
- hypotheses, science 'n' stuff
- hypotheses, science 'n' stuff chris lavers <chris.lavers@nottingham.ac.uk> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: hypotheses, science 'n' stuff Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: hypotheses, science 'n' stuff "Ralph Chapman" <Chapman.Ralph@NMNH.SI.EDU> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: hypotheses, science 'n' stuff "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- I never metaphysics I didn't like...
- Iguanadon cheeks
- Re: Iguanadon cheeks (spoiler)
- Impressions - Dinosaurs on screen
- Internet abbreviations (somewhat OT)
- Introduction
- Introduction "Allan Smith" <fossilsmith@hotmail.com> Monday, May 01, 2000
- Re: Introduction Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Monday, May 01, 2000
- Janenschia vs Tendaguria - new sauropod paper
- jaw/ tooth identification
- Re: Joan Wiffen
- Joan Wiffen article in Discover Magazine
- June Palaios articles
- JUST a question....
- JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's...
- JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's... Caleb <terminator2029@usa.net> Thursday, May 25, 2000
- RE: JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's... "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's... MKIRKALDY@aol.com Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's... "ekaterina amalitzkaya" <eamalitz@hotmail.com> Friday, May 26, 2000
- RE: JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's... Toby White <mwhite@houston.rr.com> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's... bruceshillinglaw@netzero.net Saturday, May 27, 2000
- Re: JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's... MKIRKALDY@aol.com Saturday, May 27, 2000
- Re: JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's... Buckaroobwana@aol.com Saturday, May 27, 2000
- RE: JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's... "Jerry D. Harris" <dinogami@hotmail.com> Saturday, May 27, 2000
- RE: JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's... "Tracy Ford" <tlford@ix.netcom.com> Saturday, May 27, 2000
- RE: JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's... Jeff Bartlett <jabartle@unity.ncsu.edu> Saturday, May 27, 2000
- RE: JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's... chris brochu <cbrochu@fmnh.org> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's... Phillip Bigelow <bh162@scn.org> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's... KiernanCR@aol.com Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's... "Jenny Lando" <jenny@amnh.org> Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's... Phillip Bigelow <bh162@scn.org> Monday, May 29, 2000
- RE: JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's... "Ralph Chapman" <Chapman.Ralph@NMNH.SI.EDU> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- K. Padian's reply - RE: JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's...
- Landsat finds fossils
- Longisquama.
- Longisquama. Luis Rey <luisrey@ndirect.co.uk> Wednesday, May 24, 2000
- Looking for lost Scient. American artist
- Fw: Love Bug Virus
- Mammalian and Neornithean cladograms
- Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs!
- Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Saturday, May 20, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! João Simões Lopes Filho <jodan99@uol.com.br> Saturday, May 20, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! dbensen <dbensen@gotnet.net> Saturday, May 20, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Saturday, May 20, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Saturday, May 20, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Saturday, May 20, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! Richard W Travsky <rtravsky@uwyo.edu> Saturday, May 20, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Saturday, May 20, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! "Brian M McCarthy" <brian.mccarthy@snet.net> Sunday, May 21, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! Larry Dunn <majestic_cheese@yahoo.com> Sunday, May 21, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! Michael de Sosa <ofsosa@uclink4.berkeley.edu> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@home.com> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! "Ahmed al-Mahasa Sha'ad" <am_shaad@hotmail.com> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! Larry Dunn <majestic_cheese@yahoo.com> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! "Ahmed al-Mahasa Sha'ad" <am_shaad@hotmail.com> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! "T. Mike Keesey" <tmk@dinosauricon.com> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! John Schneiderman <jschneiderman@revelation.lib.unomaha.edu> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! bchoo@cyllene.uwa.edu.au (Brian Choo) Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! KiernanCR@aol.com Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@home.com> Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@home.com> Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! Stanley Friesen <sarima@friesen.net> Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- RE: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! martinh <martinh@DigitalWork.com> Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! Larry Dunn <majestic_cheese@yahoo.com> Wednesday, May 24, 2000
- RE: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs! (JOKE)
- The media does it again...
- Re: The media does it again... (humor)
- Megalosaurus (Huxley, 1870)
- FW: Monument to Gideon Mantell
- More data on dino extinction
- More on Sharovipteryx
- Mosasaur eggs (slightly OT)
- my paleo links website updated
- Re: Nanotyrannus
- New _Ceratosaurus_ paper
- new book
- new book Farlow@IPFW.EDU (Farlow,James) Monday, May 08, 2000
- New crater
- New crater gmbra@cygnus.uwa.edu.au Thursday, May 11, 2000
- New Egg Ref
- New Egg Ref "Jerry D. Harris" <dinogami@hotmail.com> Friday, May 05, 2000
- New paper on archosaur respiration
- A New State Dinosaur?
- A New State Dinosaur? Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- Re: A New State Dinosaur? KiernanCR@aol.com Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- Re: A New State Dinosaur? "T. Mike Keesey" <tmk@dinosauricon.com> Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- RE: A New State Dinosaur? "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- Re: A New State Dinosaur? João Simões Lopes Filho <jodan99@uol.com.br> Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- Re: A New State Dinosaur? "Steve Brusatte" <dinoland@mailcity.com> Wednesday, May 17, 2000
- Fwd: New Tendaguru Volume--Pricey
- New volume on Late Jurassic of Tendaguru
- Newsweek's Dinosaur Article Online
- No sightings of Thylacines (was Tasmanian Tiger)
- Nomingia
- Nomingia Marco Auditore <maaudito@tin.it> Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- Re: Nomingia "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- Nomingia abstract online
- Norell on Protoceratops proportions
- Novacek, Flynn, and Lessem on National Public Radio
- NYT review of Dinosaur
- Oklahoma state fossil...
- Oklahoma state fossil... Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Oklahoma state fossil... "Steve Brusatte" <dinoland@mailcity.com> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Oklahoma state fossil... "T. Mike Keesey" <tmk@dinosauricon.com> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Oklahoma state fossil... NJPharris@aol.com Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Oklahoma state fossil... "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Oklahoma state fossil... NJPharris@aol.com Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Oklahoma state fossil... "Steve Brusatte" <dinoland@mailcity.com> Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Oklahoma state fossil... "Jerry D. Harris" <dinogami@hotmail.com> Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Oklahoma state fossil... NJPharris@aol.com Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Oklahoma state fossil... "T. Mike Keesey" <tmk@dinosauricon.com> Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Oklahoma state fossil... NJPharris@aol.com Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Oklahoma state fossil... fredericus ruhe <fredruhe@xs4all.nl> Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Oklahoma state fossil... NJPharris@aol.com Wednesday, May 24, 2000
- Re: Oklahoma state fossil... "Steve Brusatte" <dinoland@mailcity.com> Thursday, May 25, 2000
- On science (was Re: a bunch of other stuff)
- Re: Origins
- Re: Origins Josh Smith <smithjb@sas.upenn.edu> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Origins Kendall Clements <k.clements@auckland.ac.nz> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx)
- Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) Mickey Rowe <rowe@psych.ucsb.edu> Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) "Ralph Chapman" <Chapman.Ralph@NMNH.SI.EDU> Thursday, May 25, 2000
- RE: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) NJPharris@aol.com Thursday, May 25, 2000
- RE: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) Stanley Friesen <sarima@friesen.net> Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) "Ralph Chapman" <Chapman.Ralph@NMNH.SI.EDU> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) chris brochu <cbrochu@fmnh.org> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) NJPharris@aol.com Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) lundq <lundq@prodigy.net> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) "Ralph Chapman" <Chapman.Ralph@NMNH.SI.EDU> Friday, May 26, 2000
- RE: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, May 26, 2000
- RE: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) Josh Smith <smithjb@sas.upenn.edu> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Saturday, May 27, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) NJPharris@aol.com Saturday, May 27, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, May 27, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) Mickey Rowe <rowe@psych.ucsb.edu> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) Stanley Friesen <sarima@friesen.net> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@home.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) bruceshillinglaw@netzero.net Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Origins (was: Re: Sharovipteryx) Josh Smith <smithjb@sas.upenn.edu> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- OVERLY attached
- Paleo w/ Tom Brokaw
- PALEONEWS: Here's looking at 'Sue':T. rex greets world
- PALEONEWS: a whole slew of Sue stuff (all in one package)]
- PALEONEWS: China Becomes Center for Study of Ancient Birds
- PALEONEWS: Early Vertebrate Fossils Found in North China
- PALEONEWS: Millions of Years and Millions of Dollars Later, T. Rex Unveiled
- PALEONEWS: more on dinoheart- this time with diagrams of heart
- PALEONEWS: Museum displays fossil of dinosaurs locked in combat
- PALEONEWS: new tyrannosaurid skull
- PALEONEWS: Scientific American article on that new large therapod from Argentina
- PALEONEWS: Sue's skeleton adds weight to bird theory
- PALEONEWS: The Sue who discovered 'Sue' gets her due from UIC
- PALEONEWS:By any measure, Sue is big.
- PALEONEWS:Feathered Dinosaurs on Show in Hong Kong
- PALEONEWS:John Lanzendorf paleoart collection
- PALEONEWS:Museum's Display of T. Rex Unveiled
- PALEONEWS:Revealing dinosaurs' softer side
- PALEONEWS:Revealing dinosaurs' softer side Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Friday, May 19, 2000
- Re: PALEONEWS:Revealing dinosaurs' softer side "T. Mike Keesey" <tmk@dinosauricon.com> Friday, May 19, 2000
- Re: PALEONEWS:Revealing dinosaurs' softer side Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Friday, May 19, 2000
- Re: PALEONEWS:Revealing dinosaurs' softer side MKIRKALDY@aol.com Friday, May 19, 2000
- Re: PALEONEWS:Revealing dinosaurs' softer side Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Friday, May 19, 2000
- Re: PALEONEWS:Revealing dinosaurs' softer side "Mickey Mortimer" <mickey_mortimer@email.msn.com> Friday, May 19, 2000
- paleontologist
- Precambrian Organisms
- Presbyornis, Diatryma, and dromornithids (was Re: The duck that ruled the world)
- Re: Presbyornis, Diatryma, and dromornithids (was Re: The duck that ruled the...
- Problems with references
- Re: Progress
- Re: Progress MKIRKALDY@aol.com Friday, May 05, 2000
- Re: Progress Gigi and Ralph <gbabcock@best.com> Friday, May 05, 2000
- Re: Progress (Dino heart--Williston's prediction comes true!)
- Protoceratops drawings
- Pterosaur Feet
- Pterosaur Feet "Allan Smith" <fossilsmith@hotmail.com> Thursday, May 04, 2000
- Re: Pterosaur Feet "Ray Stanford" <dinotracker@earthlink.net> Friday, May 05, 2000
- Pterosaur progeny? (was Re: Mammals preying on giant azhdarchid pterosaurs!
- Re: Pterosaur progeny? (was Re: Mammals preying on giantazhdarchid pterosaurs!
- Pterosaur Sculpture
- Pterosaur Sculpture Apology
- pterosaur toes
- Question about an old reference
- Re: Quetzalcoatlus
- Re: Quetzalcoatlus chris brochu <cbrochu@fmnh.org> Monday, May 01, 2000
- Re: Quetzalcoatlus Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, May 01, 2000
- Re: Quetzalcoatlus "Michael Brett-Surman" <Brett-Surman.Michael@NMNH.SI.EDU> Monday, May 01, 2000
- Re: Quetzalcoatlus "T. Mike Keesey" <tmk@dinosauricon.com> Monday, May 01, 2000
- Re: Quetzalcoatlus Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, May 01, 2000
- Re: Quetzalcoatlus "Michael Brett-Surman" <Brett-Surman.Michael@NMNH.SI.EDU> Tuesday, May 02, 2000
- Re: Quetzalcoatlus Stanley Friesen <sarima@friesen.net> Thursday, May 04, 2000
- Re: Quetzalcoatlus Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, May 04, 2000
- Quick way.....
- R: AMNH exhibit
- R: Ceratosaurus paper
- Ralph Molnar to leave Qld Museum
- Raptors and size (Disney, WWD, JP)
- Re. Progress
- Re. Progress chris lavers <chris.lavers@nottingham.ac.uk> Tuesday, May 02, 2000
- RE: Re. Progress Toby White <mwhite@houston.rr.com> Tuesday, May 02, 2000
- Re: Re. Progress Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, May 02, 2000
- Re: Re. Progress Gigi and Ralph <gbabcock@best.com> Tuesday, May 02, 2000
- Re: Re. Progress "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Tuesday, May 02, 2000
- Re: Re. Progress dbensen <dbensen@gotnet.net> Tuesday, May 02, 2000
- Re. Progress chris lavers <chris.lavers@nottingham.ac.uk> Wednesday, May 03, 2000
- Re: Re. Progress Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, May 03, 2000
- Re. Progress chris lavers <chris.lavers@nottingham.ac.uk> Thursday, May 04, 2000
- Re: Re. Progress "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Thursday, May 04, 2000
- Re. Progress chris lavers <chris.lavers@nottingham.ac.uk> Thursday, May 04, 2000
- Re. Progress chris lavers <chris.lavers@nottingham.ac.uk> Thursday, May 04, 2000
- Re: Re. Progress "Jim Fallin" <jfallin@psci.net> Thursday, May 04, 2000
- Re: Re. Progress Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, May 04, 2000
- Re: Re. Progress Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, May 04, 2000
- Re: Re. Progress Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, May 04, 2000
- Re: Re. Progress Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Thursday, May 04, 2000
- Re: Re. Progress Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, May 04, 2000
- Re: Re. Progress "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Thursday, May 04, 2000
- Re: Re. Progress "Andrea Kirk" <kirkam@wam.umd.edu> Thursday, May 04, 2000
- Re: Re. Progress Garth Godsman <maniraptor@yahoo.com> Thursday, May 04, 2000
- Re: Re. Progress dbensen <dbensen@gotnet.net> Friday, May 05, 2000
- Re: Re. Progress Stanley Friesen <sarima@friesen.net> Friday, May 05, 2000
- Re: Re. Progress NJPharris@aol.com Friday, May 05, 2000
- real vs. fake (was: Sue pictures online)
- Ref.
- Ref. Marco Auditore <maaudito@tin.it> Tuesday, May 02, 2000
- References to Egg-Eating Posts (Was: Re: Sundry Responses of Bois)
- Re: Reflections on Recent "Dromaeosaurs"
- Re: Refs.
- Re: Refs. "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Tuesday, May 02, 2000
- Reptilia (was RE: Sundry responses of Bois)
- retractable claw.
- Reuters does its math on new dinosaur
- Reuters does its math on new dinosaur MKIRKALDY@aol.com Saturday, May 27, 2000
- Re: Reuters does its math on new dinosaur Finback <goodmr@pop.ses.curtin.edu.au> Saturday, May 27, 2000
- Re: Reuters does its math on new dinosaur João Simões Lopes Filho <jodan99@uol.com.br> Saturday, May 27, 2000
- Re: Reuters does its math on new dinosaur Jeff Hecht <jhecht@world.std.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Reuters does its math on new dinosaur "Steve Brusatte" <dinoland@mailcity.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Reuters does its math on new dinosaur Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Reuters does its math on new dinosaur "Jerry D. Harris" <dinogami@hotmail.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Reuters does its math on new dinosaur Richard W Travsky <rtravsky@uwyo.edu> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- RE: Reuters does its math on new dinosaur "Tracy Ford" <tlford@ix.netcom.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Review of Disney's Dinosaur
- Saurophaganax
- Saurophaganx vs Tyrannosaurus size
- Saurophaganx vs Tyrannosaurus size Farlow@IPFW.EDU (Farlow,James) Wednesday, May 24, 2000
- Re: Saurophaganx vs Tyrannosaurus size NJPharris@aol.com Wednesday, May 24, 2000
- Re: Saurophaganx vs Tyrannosaurus size Larry Dunn <majestic_cheese@yahoo.com> Wednesday, May 24, 2000
- RE: Saurophaganx vs Tyrannosaurus size martinh <martinh@DigitalWork.com> Wednesday, May 24, 2000
- Re: Saurophaganx vs Tyrannosaurus size Buckaroobwana@aol.com Wednesday, May 24, 2000
- Re: Saurophaganx vs Tyrannosaurus size "TRUETT GARNER" <DINOBOY@worldnet.att.net> Wednesday, May 24, 2000
- RE: Saurophaganx vs Tyrannosaurus size "Tracy Ford" <tlford@ix.netcom.com> Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Science
- Science Caleb <terminator2029@usa.net> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Science fiction or science fact??
- seeking info on David Thomas Ansted 1814-1880
- Seismosaurus
- Seismosaurus ceevans@home.com Sunday, May 21, 2000
- Re: Seismosaurus "rachelahyde" <rachelahyde@skynow.net> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Seismosaurus ceevans@home.com Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Seismosaurus Stratigraphy@aol.com Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: Seismosaurus Stratigraphy@aol.com Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: Seismosaurus ceevans@home.com Saturday, May 27, 2000
- Re: Seismosaurus Gigi and Ralph <gbabcock@best.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Seismosaurus Stratigraphy@aol.com Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Seismosaurus ceevans@home.com Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Serrated lambeosaur frill ref
- Re: Sharovipteryx
- Re: Sharovipteryx Gareth Dyke <Gareth.Dyke@bristol.ac.uk> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Sharovipteryx "Larry Febo" <larryf@capital.net> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Sharovipteryx Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, May 22, 2000
- Sharovipteryx dbensen <dbensen@gotnet.net> Monday, May 22, 2000
- Re: Sharovipteryx david unwin <h0662eka@rz.hu-berlin.de> Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Sharovipteryx "Ken Kinman" <kinman@hotmail.com> Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Sharovipteryx "T. Mike Keesey" <tmk@dinosauricon.com> Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Sharovipteryx dbensen <dbensen@gotnet.net> Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Sharovipteryx Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, May 23, 2000
- Re: Sharovipteryx "Larry Febo" <larryf@capital.net> Wednesday, May 24, 2000
- Re: Sharovipteryx NJPharris@aol.com Wednesday, May 24, 2000
- Re: Sharovipteryx "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Wednesday, May 24, 2000
- Re: Sharovipteryx Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, May 24, 2000
- Re: Sharovipteryx "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Wednesday, May 24, 2000
- Re: Sharovipteryx Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Re: Sharovipteryx "Larry Febo" <larryf@capital.net> Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Re: Sharovipteryx "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Re: Sharovipteryx dbensen <dbensen@gotnet.net> Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Re: Sharovipteryx Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Re: Sharovipteryx Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Monday, May 29, 2000
- Sharovipteryx & Longisquama
- Sharovipteryx & pterosaur ankles
- Speaking of Sue...
- Sternberg and Fiction (Marine Dinos)
- Sternberg and Fiction (Marine Dinos) "Ralph Chapman" <Chapman.Ralph@NMNH.SI.EDU> Tuesday, May 09, 2000
- Re: Sternberg and Fiction (Marine Dinos) "Jenny Lando" <jenny@amnh.org> Tuesday, May 09, 2000
- Re: Sternberg and Fiction (Marine Dinos) NJPharris@aol.com Tuesday, May 09, 2000
- Re: Sternberg and Fiction (Marine Dinos) "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Wednesday, May 10, 2000
- Re: Sternberg and Fiction (Marine Dinos) Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Tuesday, May 16, 2000
- Study Backs Quick End of Dinosaurs
- Study Backs Quick End of Dinosaurs Larry Dunn <majestic_cheese@yahoo.com> Wednesday, May 31, 2000
- Re: Study Backs Quick End of Dinosaurs "Ralph Chapman" <Chapman.Ralph@NMNH.SI.EDU> Wednesday, May 31, 2000
- Re: Study Backs Quick End of Dinosaurs "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Wednesday, May 31, 2000
- Re: Study Backs Quick End of Dinosaurs "Matthew Bonnan" <mbonnan@hotmail.com> Wednesday, May 31, 2000
- Re: Study Backs Quick End of Dinosaurs Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, May 31, 2000
- Re: Study Backs Quick End of Dinosaurs Jeff Bartlett <jabartle@unity.ncsu.edu> Wednesday, May 31, 2000
- Sue
- Sue ceevans@home.com Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Sue & How did dromaeosaurs use their arms?
- Sue fans...
- Sue fans... "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Wednesday, May 17, 2000
- Sue Lives, and the Last Dinosaur Book Returns!
- Re: Sue on ABC
- Re: Sue on ABC MKIRKALDY@aol.com Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Re: Sue on ABC MKIRKALDY@aol.com Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Re: Sue on ABC MKIRKALDY@aol.com Friday, May 26, 2000
- RE: Sue on ABC martinh <martinh@DigitalWork.com> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: Sue on ABC Jeff Hecht <jhecht@world.std.com> Friday, May 26, 2000
- RE: Sue on ABC "W. J. T. Mitchell" <wjtm@midway.uchicago.edu> Saturday, May 27, 2000
- RE: Sue on ABC Jeff Hecht <jhecht@world.std.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Sue on ABC "Steve Brusatte" <dinoland@mailcity.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Sue on ABC Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, May 28, 2000
- RE: Sue on ABC "Tracy Ford" <tlford@ix.netcom.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Sue on ABC "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Sue on ABC "Ray Stanford" <dinotracker@earthlink.net> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Sue on CNN
- Re: Sue Photos Online
- Sue Photos Online (Good ones!)
- Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) "Steve Brusatte" <dinoland@mailcity.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- RE: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) "Tracy Ford" <tlford@ix.netcom.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- RE: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) chris brochu <cbrochu@fmnh.org> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) chris brochu <cbrochu@fmnh.org> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- RE: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) "Tracy Ford" <tlford@ix.netcom.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) "Steve Brusatte" <dinoland@mailcity.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) "Jack Conrad" <conradjack@hotmail.com> Monday, May 29, 2000
- RE: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) chris brochu <cbrochu@fmnh.org> Monday, May 29, 2000
- RE: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) Nathan Myhrvold <nathanm@MICROSOFT.com> Monday, May 29, 2000
- RE: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) chris brochu <cbrochu@fmnh.org> Monday, May 29, 2000
- RE: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) "Jerry D. Harris" <dinogami@hotmail.com> Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) Christopher Srnka <theclaw@sprintmail.com> Monday, May 29, 2000
- RE: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) Nathan Myhrvold <nathanm@MICROSOFT.com> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- RE: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) "Tracy Ford" <tlford@ix.netcom.com> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- RE: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) Jeff Hecht <jhecht@world.std.com> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- RE: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- RE: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) chris brochu <cbrochu@fmnh.org> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- RE: Sue Photos Online (Good ones!) Luis Rey <luisrey@ndirect.co.uk> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Sue's furcula (wishbone)
- Sue's Story Time
- Sundry responses of Bois
- Sundry responses of Bois John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Sundry responses of Bois Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, May 28, 2000
- Re: Sundry responses of Bois KiernanCR@aol.com Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: Sundry responses of Bois "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: Sundry responses of Bois John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: Sundry responses of Bois Stanley Friesen <sarima@friesen.net> Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: Sundry responses of Bois Stanley Friesen <sarima@friesen.net> Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: Sundry responses of Bois Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: Sundry responses of Bois John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: Sundry responses of Bois KiernanCR@aol.com Monday, May 29, 2000
- Re: Sundry responses of Bois KiernanCR@aol.com Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- RE: Sundry responses of Bois "Tracy Ford" <tlford@ix.netcom.com> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- RE: Sundry responses of Bois "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- RE: Sundry responses of Bois Stanley Friesen <sarima@friesen.net> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: Sundry responses of Bois KiernanCR@aol.com Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: Sundry responses of Bois John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- RE: Sundry responses of Bois John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: Sundry responses of Bois Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@home.com> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- RE: Sundry responses of Bois "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: Sundry responses of Bois Stanley Friesen <sarima@friesen.net> Tuesday, May 30, 2000
- Re: Sundry responses of Bois Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@home.com> Wednesday, May 31, 2000
- RE: Sundry responses of Bois martinh <martinh@DigitalWork.com> Wednesday, May 31, 2000
- Re: Sundry responses of Bois bruceshillinglaw@netzero.net Wednesday, May 31, 2000
- Taking measurements
- Talarurus (was Re: Disney Dinosaur Follies...)
- Re: Tasmanian Tiger
- Tasmanian tiger to be cloned
- Tasmanian tiger to be cloned "Martin Barnett" <martin.barnett3@virgin.net> Friday, May 05, 2000
- Re: Tasmanian tiger to be cloned "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Friday, May 05, 2000
- Re: Tasmanian tiger to be cloned Richard W Travsky <rtravsky@uwyo.edu> Friday, May 05, 2000
- Re: Tasmanian tiger to be cloned "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Friday, May 05, 2000
- Re: Tasmanian tiger to be cloned "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Friday, May 05, 2000
- Re: Tasmanian tiger to be cloned Finback <goodmr@pop.ses.curtin.edu.au> Saturday, May 06, 2000
- Re: Tasmanian tiger to be cloned John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Saturday, May 06, 2000
- Tatenektes?
- Re: Testing for arboreality
- Re: Testing for arboreality (was RE: On science (was Re: a bunch of other stuff))
- Re: Testing for arboreality (was RE: On science (was Re: a bunch of other stu...
- Testing for arboreality (was RE: On science (was Re: a bunch of other stuff))
- Thecodonts versus protomammals
- There's Gold in Them There Hills
- theropod basicranium
- Time to digest
- Re: tiny dinosaurs
- The Top T. rex makes her entrance (MSNBC)
- Torvosaurus
- Torvosaurus ronbuckley <ronbuckley@fuse.net> Friday, May 19, 2000
- RE: Torvosaurus Toby White <mwhite@houston.rr.com> Friday, May 19, 2000
- Try to make sure your virus checkers are current
- Tyrannosaurus vs. "larger" Theropods
- Tyrannosaurus vs. "larger" Theropods ceevans@home.com Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Re: Tyrannosaurus vs. "larger" Theropods "Jordan Mallon" <j_mallon@hotmail.com> Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Re: Tyrannosaurus vs. "larger" Theropods Buckaroobwana@aol.com Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Re: Tyrannosaurus vs. "larger" Theropods "Jordan Mallon" <j_mallon@hotmail.com> Friday, May 26, 2000
- RE: Tyrannosaurus vs. "larger" Theropods martinh <martinh@DigitalWork.com> Friday, May 26, 2000
- Re: Tyrannosaurus vs. "larger" Theropods Robert Clements <clemensr@one.net.au> Saturday, May 27, 2000
- Re: Tyrannosaurus vs. "larger" Theropods Buckaroobwana@aol.com Saturday, May 27, 2000
- RE: Tyrannosaurus vs. "larger" Theropods "Tracy Ford" <tlford@ix.netcom.com> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- RE: Tyrannosaurus vs. "larger" Theropods Stanley Friesen <sarima@friesen.net> Sunday, May 28, 2000
- unsubscribe
- unsubscribe "Mark Loewen" <maloewen@mines.utah.edu> Sunday, May 07, 2000
- UV and ionizing radiation
- Vacation time
- Vacation time Dane Carlson <dane_c@yahoo.com> Thursday, May 25, 2000
- Various & sundry SVP replies (was RE: JVP, SVP...too many 'VP's...)
- Re: Verifying Nebraska/Iowa dinosaur material
- Vulcanodon questions
- Walking with Dinosaurs--the conclusions
- Web Site and South Florida Again
- Were the dinosaurs fried by ultraviolet light?
- Were the dinosaurs fried by ultraviolet light? "Terry W. Colvin" <fortean1@frontiernet.net> Friday, May 05, 2000
- Re: Were the dinosaurs fried by ultraviolet light? KiernanCR@aol.com Friday, May 05, 2000
- Re: Were the dinosaurs fried by ultraviolet light? Richard W Travsky <rtravsky@uwyo.edu> Friday, May 05, 2000
- Re: Were the dinosaurs fried by ultraviolet light? "Mike Styzen Shelf Expl, 588-4308" <mstyzen@unix.shell.com> Friday, May 05, 2000
- Re: Were the dinosaurs fried by ultraviolet light? "Ray Stanford" <dinotracker@earthlink.net> Friday, May 05, 2000
- RE: WWD - layman's view
- RE: WWD - layman's view "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Monday, May 01, 2000
- Re: WWD - layman's view Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Monday, May 01, 2000
- Re: WWD - layman's view NJPharris@aol.com Monday, May 01, 2000
- RE: WWD - layman's view AM Yates <Adam.Yates@bristol.ac.uk> Tuesday, May 02, 2000
- RE: WWD - layman's view "T. Mike Keesey" <tmk@dinosauricon.com> Tuesday, May 02, 2000
- Re: WWD - layman's view "Leonidus A.K. Giganotosaurus" <alex@voyager.net> Tuesday, May 02, 2000
- Re: WWD - layman's view "T. Mike Keesey" <tmk@dinosauricon.com> Tuesday, May 02, 2000
- RE: WWD - layman's view "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Tuesday, May 02, 2000
- Re: WWD - layman's view "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Tuesday, May 02, 2000
- WWD question
- WWD UK vs. US
- WWD UK vs. US darren.naish@port.ac.uk Monday, May 08, 2000
- RE: WWD UK vs. US "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Monday, May 08, 2000
- WWD UK vs. US chris lavers <chris.lavers@nottingham.ac.uk> Monday, May 08, 2000
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