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Dinosaur TV Week

Here are some highlights of U.S. national television
programming concerning dinosaurs, other prehistoric
animals, and the scientific discussion of evolution,
from high art to low trash and (theoretically) back
again, all times Eastern (check local listings to

Friday, July 21

Discovery Channel, 9:30pm (rebroadcast 12:30am;
Saturday at 12:30pm)
Discover Magazine
"Living Fossils"
American horseshoe crab; dinosaur ancestry of birds.

Sunday, July 23

TBS, 2:15am

Discovery Channel, 9:30am
Bonehead Detectives of the Paleoworld
Kid's show about paleontology.  This episode --
"Dino Tanks."  Stegosaurs.

Discovery Channel, 11:00am
The Ultimate Guide
"Great Apes"
Evolution of the great apes.


"I've been ionized, but I'm OK now."


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