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Re: Ruben Strikes Back

Dinogeorge said:
I published a popular-science version of the present version of BCF
("birds came first") in the June 1994 OMNI--rather in the "lunatic fringe"
but published just the same. Also noted it in Mesozoic Meanderings #2 first
and second printings, 1991 and 1992. But I'm still working on the fullest
version, for the third edition of MM.

George, have you ever considered putting together a large publication in a journal like JVP or Morphology or Paleobiology where your hypothesis might have more exposure to the paleontological and neontological communities? I was thinking you could even do a comparison of cladistic vs. traditional phylogenetic approaches to the birds-up/birds-down questions, and perhaps address some of the physical shortcomings in either model.

What would be even cooler would be to design some models (physical or computer) and then test various physical scenarios with the known archosaurian specimens of interest and discuss the results of this with cladistic or traditional phylogenetic analysis.

Just some thoughts. Keep in mind this is coming from someone who has yet get his PhD, has only published abstracts, and has, at present 1 paper in review and 1 paper almost finished.

Matt Bonnan

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