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Re: Eponymous Taxa [was: RE: new _Scleromochlus_ ref]

Pseudosuchia. Subsequent attempts to discard this
usage as "inappropriate" (e.g. by Sereno and Benton) have been > rightly dismissed (Padian and May 1993).

I'm with Sereno and Benton. Don't forget, you also have the absurd situation of having a clade called "Suchia" within the "Pseudosuchia".

        So, the way I see it, you have three options:

1)      Abandon PT.

2)      Make up your own rules.

3) Try to make the best of the situation.

Or 4) Stick with PT, but get rid of the really stupid names.

Maybe it does make sense that
the "true crocodyles" rose from among the "false crocodiles".

Yes, but PT says more than this. It says the "true crocodiles" ARE "false crocodiles", just as birds ARE dinosaurs.

Actually, I'm being mostly tongue-in-cheek about this Pseudosuchia thing. But I still think it's silly to keep the name with its present definition.


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