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Fwd: dino run web site

Hey all,

As some of you know, we (Univ. of Chi.) are going to be naming a new dino soon. Apparently, Sereno's webmaster has put up a website about the dino and stuff leading up to its unveiling in early November. She asked me to forward you guys the address in case you are interested in learning more. I haven't looked at it yet (been too busy getting the big-@$$ dino ready to mount), but maybe you all can give me some feedback on the site.

To: Jack Conrad <conradjack@hotmail.com>
Subject: dino run web site
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 10:55:30 -0600

Hello, Jack -

I just got Paul's web site up:


Would you consider doing me a favor?  Would you
post a message about it on the dinosaur
mailing lists you frequent?



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