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Re: Pneumatization

In a message dated 9/7/99 12:26:38 PM EST, jwillson@harper.cc.il.us writes:

<< Interesting!  Anybody have a ref on this?  What about all the various
 extinct crocodiloformes?  >>

Here are some Larry Witmer articles relevant to this discussion:

Witmer, L. M., 1990. "The craniofacial air sac system of Mesozoic birds 
(Aves)," Zoological Journal of the Linnaean Society 100: 327?378.

Witmer, L. M., 1991. "Perspectives on Avian Origins," Chapter 12 of Schultze 
& Trueb, eds., 1991: 427?466.

Schultze, H.-P. & Trueb, L., eds., 1991. Origins of the Higher Groups of 
Tetrapods, Comstock Publishing Associates (Cornell University Press), Ithaca, 
New York: xii + 724 pp.

Witmer, L. M., 1995a. "The Extant Phylogenetic Bracket and the importance of 
reconstructing soft tissues in fossils," Chapter 2 of Thomason, ed., 1995: 

Thomason, J. J., ed., 1995. Functional Morphology in Vertebrate Paleontology, 
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England: xiii + 277 pp.

Witmer, L. M., 1995b. "Homology of Facial Structures in Extant Archosaurs 
(Birds and Crocodilians), With Special Reference to Paranasal Pneumaticity 
and Nasal Conchae," Journal of Morphology 225: 269?327.

Witmer, L. M., 1997a. "The Evolution of the Antorbital Cavity of Archosaurs: 
A Study in Soft-Tissue Reconstruction in the Fossil Record with an Analysis 
of the Function of Pneumaticity," Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 
17(supplement to 1): v + 73 pp. [April 16, 1997].