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Re: Big theropod olympics, part LXIV

On 9/1, Daniel Saravia wrote:

>> I also read that many scientist are thinking that the T-rex could reach
45-50 Km/h.<<

I have 2 questions:

1) How does he stop?
2) what if he falls while running at 45-50 Km/h (31miles/h)?

Given the mass of a T-rex (6.4 metric tons per "Dinosaur Data Book" by David
Lambert and the Diagram Group), the 50 Km/h speed + the acceleration due to
gravity -- a fall while running would seem to be a very dangerous thing
indeed.  Something akin to a fully loaded bus hitting a thick brick wall.

Stopping or turning this much mass at that kind of speed would be a daunting
task also.  Just some thoughts from a non-expert.

Richard Swigart