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Calling for info on the _Pachypes dolomiticus_ track from Italy

I have begun reading Martin Lockley's new book "The Eternal Trail" for a review 
on my website and was fascinated to read about the discovery of the track of a 
pareiasaur (primitive reptile) that was later christened _Pachypes dolomiticus_ 
by its discoverers, the father and son combo of Dr. Piero Leonardi and Dr. 
Giuseppe Leonardi.

This track was discovered in the western Dolomite mountains in Italy, where, as 
many of you know, I traveled to this past summer.  All of the paleo finds from 
the Dolomite region fascinate me greatly, especially since I was able to view 
some of the most amazing fossils in some of the local museums and even had the 
chance to go fossil hunting myself.  But, I don't recall any museum information 
on the track of _Pachypes_.

I was just wondering, does anyone out there have a copy or access to the papers:

P. Leonardi et al., "_Pachypes dolomiticus_ n. gen n. sp.: Pareiasaur Footprint 
from the 'Val Gardena Sandstone (Middle Permian) in the Western Dolomites (N. 
Italy)," Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei, Rend Cl. Sci. fis. Mat. Nat., 8, 57 (1975): 

M.A. Conti et al., "Revaluation of _Pachypes Dolomiticus_ Leonardi Et Alli. 
1975; a Late Permian Pareiosaur Footprint," in Hartmut Haubold, ed. (1997), p. 

M. Lockley, "Permian Perambulations Become 'Understandable'" (a report on a 
tracks workshop), Ichnos, in press (at the time of the September 1999 
publication of Lockley's book-I understand that there is a good probability 
that this one is not out yet).

I apologize for putting the burden of finding these papers on somebody else, 
but as I have learned before my small town library is worthless for finding 
papers published in journals like Ichnos and for finding Italian-published 

Also, even if nobody out there has these specific papers, what information can 
you offer on this track and the surrounding Dolomites.  Exactly where was it 
found (near what city)??????  I guess this question is the one that is puzzling 
me greatest, and the one that I am most desperate to find......

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