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European dino questions

After examining the European dinosaur list, I came up with a few questions.

If Bradycneme and Heptasteornis were originally described as owls, doesn't
that mean that the tibiotarsus is completely fused?  Wouldn't the tibia,
astragalus and calcaneum be only partially fused in a dromaeosaurid or
troodontid?  George states that Bradycneme is dromaeosaurid, based on
astragalar morphology, but wouldn't a dromaeosaurid have a calcaneum or
notch in the astragalus for one?  This would seem to eliminate bird affinity
even to researchers in 1975.  The point is, how could the tibiotarsus of a
dromaeosaurid or troodontid be confused with a neornithine?

George states that "Megalosaurus" meriani is now known to be a Ceratosaurus
nasicornis specimen.  Does this mean it was discovered in the Morrison
Formation, or is Ceratosaurus now known from Europe?

Has anyone examined Nuthetes destructor?  Is it a theropod, lizard, or what?

Has there been anything in print discussing the theropod nature of
Patricisaurus merocratus?

Does anyone else agree on the enantiornithine identity of Wyleyia valdensis?

Finally, Zanclodon is said to be redescribed by Galton and Sues in the
future as a non-thecodont genus.  Has this happened yet?  What is it?

Thanks in advance for any answers.

Mickey Mortimer