DINOSAUR-1999Aug by subject
- "Humor" (was Re: Walking with dinosaurs)
- "Joke" (was Re: EXCLUSIVE sensation-report)
- "new theropod" infos will continue!
- Re: "Serpents of the Seas"
- "Supersaurus"
- "Supersaurus" ceevans@home.com Monday, August 16, 1999
- Re: "Supersaurus" LONEWOLF <s086529@student.uq.edu.au> Monday, August 16, 1999
- Re: "Supersaurus" "T. Mike Keesey" <tkeese1@gl.umbc.edu> Monday, August 16, 1999
- Re: "Supersaurus" Trevor Haldenby <talostonprez@home.com> Monday, August 16, 1999
- Re: "Supersaurus" Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, August 16, 1999
- "When Dinosaurs Ruled"
- (fwd) Domain about phorusrhacoid birds
- (news)N.C. fossil find predates dinosaurs
- (news)N.C. fossil find predates dinosaurs Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Tuesday, August 17, 1999
- Re: (news)N.C. fossil find predates dinosaurs Robert Broadway <21stcentury@altamontks.com> Tuesday, August 17, 1999
- Re: (news)N.C. fossil find predates dinosaurs MKIRKALDY@aol.com Tuesday, August 17, 1999
- Re: (news)N.C. fossil find predates dinosaurs Stanley Friesen <sarima@ix.netcom.com> Tuesday, August 17, 1999
- Re: (news)N.C. fossil find predates dinosaurs Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, August 17, 1999
- Re: (news)N.C. fossil find predates dinosaurs carlo godel <regiaero@gj.net> Tuesday, August 17, 1999
- (not dinos) Trilobyte cookies
- *Longisquama* Furcula?
- liste française
- [Fwd: dinosaurs in TLC]
- [Fwd: Old West Comes Alive Through New USGS Map]
- Re: [Re: paleoart idea!] (joke!)
- Re: [Re: Salt?]
- Re: [Re: Sauropod nostrils (was RE: joke........)]
- [zelenits@geo.ucalgary.ca: Eggs & Babies Symposium]
- Acro and Yangchu
- Alternative dinosaur phylogeny
- Another Reference, Please?
- Architeuthis
- Argentinosaurus
- Argentinosaurus "GOBI 2010" <gobi2010@hotmail.com> Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Arundel mammals
- Baby Ankylosaurs and bone growth
- Bagaraatan ostromi
- Bagaraatan ostromi "ekaterina amalitzkaya" <eamalitz@hotmail.com> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Basal Ornithischia teeth!!!!!!!
- Bashing your thumb (was Re: DINOSAUR digest 1122)
- Beautiful Birds: Masterpieces from the Hill Ornithological Collection
- Big Bend Dinosaurs [was: Re: Texas tyrannosaurs (was Re: paleoart idea!)]
- big teeth of theropod
- Big theropod olympics, part LXIV
- Biggest teeth
- Biggest teeth "Daniel Saravia" <artiprom@uio.satnet.net> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Birds and Brachiosaurs
- Canadian dinosaur recovery
- carcharodontosaurus
- Carnegie _T.rex_ vs. Battat _T.rex_
- Caudipteryx and "Whulks"
- Caudipteryx and "Whulks" "Grant Harding" <granth@cyberus.ca> Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: Caudipteryx and "Whulks" "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: Caudipteryx and "Whulks" Jonkeria@aol.com Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: Caudipteryx and "Whulks" Danvarner@aol.com Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: Caudipteryx and "Whulks" Dennis C Hwang <dchwang@itsa.ucsf.edu> Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: Caudipteryx and "Whulks" carlo godel <regiaero@gj.net> Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: Caudipteryx and "Whulks" "Grant Harding" <granth@cyberus.ca> Friday, August 27, 1999
- Ceratopsid skin
- CNN: evidence of life in the Archean era
- CNN: forest elephants (not dino)
- CNN: Jurassic Redux
- Coelophysis, Rioarribasaurus, Eocoelophysis
- Coelophysis, Rioarribasaurus, Eocoelophysis Marco Auditore <maaudito@tin.it> Monday, August 23, 1999
- Re: Coelophysis, Rioarribasaurus, Eocoelophysis "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Monday, August 23, 1999
- Re: Coelophysis, Rioarribasaurus, Eocoelophysis Marco Auditore <maaudito@tin.it> Tuesday, August 24, 1999
- Re: Coelophysis, Rioarribasaurus, Eocoelophysis Stanley Friesen <sarima@ix.netcom.com> Friday, August 27, 1999
- Re: Comet Impacts Caused Global Crises, Mass Extinctions
- Contacts
- Contacts gmbra@cygnus.uwa.edu.au Thursday, August 05, 1999
- Corrections on Post
- courses
- courses carlo godel <regiaero@gj.net> Wednesday, August 11, 1999
- Deinocheirus
- depret and savornin?
- Re: Dicynodont Referneces
- diggers etc.
- diggers etc. carlo godel <regiaero@gj.net> Monday, August 09, 1999
- Dilophosaurus Model
- Fw: Dinamations Exhibit
- Fw: Dinamations Exhibit "Allan Edels" <Edels@email.msn.com> Sunday, August 08, 1999
- Re: Fw: Dinamations Exhibit Larry Dunn <majestic_cheese@yahoo.com> Sunday, August 08, 1999
- Re: Fw: Dinamations Exhibit Jonkeria@aol.com Sunday, August 08, 1999
- Re: Fw: Dinamations Exhibit Danvarner@aol.com Sunday, August 08, 1999
- Re: Fw: Dinamations Exhibit "Allan Edels" <Edels@email.msn.com> Monday, August 09, 1999
- dino localities in fiction
- dino localities in fiction chris brochu <cbrochu@fmppr.fmnh.org> Monday, August 23, 1999
- Re: dino localities in fiction James Tichgelaar <jtichgel@choctaw.astate.edu> Monday, August 23, 1999
- Re: dino localities in fiction mkDragon <shabut@earthlink.net> Monday, August 23, 1999
- Re: dino localities in fiction "James R. Cunningham" <jrccea@bellsouth.net> Monday, August 23, 1999
- Re: dino localities in fiction "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@TTACS.TTU.EDU> Tuesday, August 24, 1999
- DINO-GUIDE: The Saurian Source Book
- Dinobird TV Week
- DinoGeorge Appears on Dino Dish! August 1-31, 1999
- Re: DINOSAUR digest 1112
- Re: DINOSAUR digest 1122
- Dinosaur Encyclopaedia
- Dinosaur Encyclopaedia software V4.0
- FW: Dinosaur Exhibit
- A dinosaur named Yonggary
- Dinosaur sounds
- Dinosaur sounds "GOBI 2010" <gobi2010@hotmail.com> Saturday, August 28, 1999
- Dinosaur Time Machine - a new series
- Dinosaur TV Week
- Dinosaur TV Week Larry Dunn <majestic_cheese@yahoo.com> Sunday, August 01, 1999
- Dinosaur TV Week Larry Dunn <majestic_cheese@yahoo.com> Saturday, August 14, 1999
- Dinosaur TV Week Larry Dunn <majestic_cheese@yahoo.com> Friday, August 20, 1999
- Dinosaur TV Week Larry Dunn <majestic_cheese@yahoo.com> Friday, August 27, 1999
- Dinosaur Videos/TV programs
- Dinosaurs and Plants (was Re: Plant Evolution)
- Dinosaurs at Tokyo Wonderfestival
- DML archives?
- DML archives? "GOBI 2010" <gobi2010@hotmail.com> Tuesday, August 24, 1999
- Does Anyone Know...?
- Don't leave the girls out (was FW: Dinosaur Exhibit)
- Don't leave the girls out (was FW: Dinosaur Exhibit) "Ralph W. Miller III" <gbabcock@best.com> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Re: Don't leave the girls out (was FW: Dinosaur Exhibit) "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Re: Don't leave the girls out (was FW: Dinosaur Exhibit) Larry Dunn <majestic_cheese@yahoo.com> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Re: Don't leave the girls out (was FW: Dinosaur Exhibit) Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Re: Don't leave the girls out (was FW: Dinosaur Exhibit) Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Dromaeosaurs and Archaeopteryx, again (sorry)
- Dull dinosaurs (was RE: when dinos ruled)
- EPIPHYSES darren.naish@port.ac.uk Tuesday, August 10, 1999
- EXCLUSIVE sensation-report
- external ear structure
- Eyewitless News
- Field Season Report
- filter feeding herps
- First triconodont mammal from the east coast!
- Floatin' Ankylosaurs
- For your pleasure, an extra dose of administrivia
- fossils
- fossils B.Dol@skn.sc.philips.com Wednesday, August 11, 1999
- from sciencescan
- Furthering Self Study
- Furthering Self Study LONEWOLF <s086529@student.uq.edu.au> Friday, August 13, 1999
- Furthering Self Study LONEWOLF <s086529@student.uq.edu.au> Friday, August 13, 1999
- Re: Furthering Self Study Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, August 13, 1999
- Re: Furthering Self Study "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Friday, August 13, 1999
- Re: Furthering Self Study Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, August 13, 1999
- Re: Furthering Self Study "Larry Febo" <larryf@capital.net> Saturday, August 14, 1999
- Re: Furthering Self Study "Grant Harding" <granth@cyberus.ca> Saturday, August 14, 1999
- RE: Furthering Self Study "Bartlema, Lauri, L." <BartlemaL@emh10.bliss.army.mil> Monday, August 16, 1999
- Re: Furthering Self Study "Martin Barnett" <martin.barnett3@virgin.net> Wednesday, August 18, 1999
- Re: Furthering Self Study LONEWOLF <s086529@student.uq.edu.au> Wednesday, August 18, 1999
- RE: Furthering Self Study "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Wednesday, August 18, 1999
- geese
- geese John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Sunday, August 01, 1999
- Re: geese Danvarner@aol.com Sunday, August 01, 1999
- giant theropod in Germany?
- Giganotosaurus
- Giganotosaurus THammann@t-online.de (T Hammann) Thursday, August 19, 1999
- Glyptodon
- Glyptodon "Paddy Walshe" <pw263057@hotmail.com> Tuesday, August 03, 1999
- Good news about accurate Dilophosaurus model
- The great rubber T. rex debate raged on
- GSA Time Scale...
- Re: Hadrosaur nesting strategy...
- Re: Hadrosaur nesting strategy...(was Re: The Life of Birds- Pa
- Hitting Reply
- Horizon T-rex
- Horizon T-rex "GOBI 2010" <gobi2010@hotmail.com> Wednesday, August 04, 1999
- RE: Horizon T-rex "Rafert, John A." <jrafert1@iupui.edu> Wednesday, August 04, 1999
- Re: Horizon T-rex Larry Dunn <majestic_cheese@yahoo.com> Wednesday, August 04, 1999
- Re: Horizon T-rex Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Wednesday, August 04, 1999
- how can they do that?
- inquiry
- inquiry "Archaeopteryx ." <archaeopteryx@mail.com> Saturday, August 07, 1999
- INTERCLAVICLES "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Friday, August 13, 1999
- Fwd: Fwd: International Code of Zoological Nomenclature: new edition now
- janette deacon
- janette deacon Mike Forster <mike@palaeo.demon.co.uk> Wednesday, August 11, 1999
- Jibeinia
- Jibeinia "ekaterina amalitzkaya" <eamalitz@hotmail.com> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Jim Jenson
- RE: job openings
- joke........
- joke........ Caleb Lewis <terminator2029@usa.net> Friday, August 27, 1999
- Re: joke........ carlo godel <regiaero@gj.net> Friday, August 27, 1999
- Re: joke........ "Andrew Walters" <andreww@farallon.com> Monday, August 30, 1999
- Journey to the Beginning of Time - Dino Movie
- Just thought I'd share
- Kirky's appearance (was RE: When Dinosaurs Disappointed)
- Kirky? (Marysaurus Kirkaldiensis?)
- KRIKY "GOBI 2010" <gobi2010@hotmail.com> Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- LA TIMES: Mongolian dinosaur thefts (long)
- Labocania
- Labocania John Fredriksen <jfredriksen@boston.sisna.com> Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: Labocania Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: Labocania "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Thursday, August 26, 1999
- RE: Labocania "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Friday, August 27, 1999
- Labocania smithjb@sas.upenn.edu (Joshua Smith) Friday, August 27, 1999
- Larry
- Larry carlo godel <regiaero@gj.net> Monday, August 09, 1999
- The Life of Birds - Part 3
- Longisquama
- Longisquama "Larry Febo" <larryf@capital.net> Friday, August 13, 1999
- Re: Longisquama Raymond Ancog <rayancog@pacific.net.ph> Friday, August 13, 1999
- Re: Longisquama chris brochu <cbrochu@fmppr.fmnh.org> Friday, August 13, 1999
- Re: Longisquama Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, August 13, 1999
- Re: Longisquama Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, August 13, 1999
- Re: Longisquama Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, August 13, 1999
- Re: Longisquama Raymond Ancog <rayancog@pacific.net.ph> Friday, August 13, 1999
- Re: Longisquama Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, August 13, 1999
- Longisquama Ccookk@aol.com Friday, August 13, 1999
- Re: Longisquama "John R. Hutchinson" <jrhutch@socrates.berkeley.edu> Saturday, August 14, 1999
- Re: Longisquama "Matthew Bonnan" <mbonnan@hotmail.com> Sunday, August 15, 1999
- Re: Longisquama Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, August 15, 1999
- Re: Longisquama "Matthew Bonnan" <mbonnan@hotmail.com> Sunday, August 15, 1999
- Re: Longisquama Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, August 15, 1999
- Longisquama closer to theropods than sauropods?
- Looking for a web page
- Re: Majugatholus
- Re: Majugatholus "David Krentz" <David.Krentz@disney.com> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Majungatholus
- Majungatholus "Daniel Saravia" <artiprom@uio.satnet.net> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Re: Majungatholus "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Re: Majungatholus Larry Dunn <majestic_cheese@yahoo.com> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Making a Dinosaur Dig -Forwarded
- Masses, *please*!
- Megaraptor
- Megaraptor ceevans@home.com Friday, August 06, 1999
- Re: Megaraptor "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, August 07, 1999
- Megaraptor "Archaeopteryx ." <archaeopteryx@mail.com> Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- Re: Megaraptor "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- Mesozoic birds 'n' mammals
- Montana redux
- more exclusive news of theropod
- More infos of sensation
- More New Refs
- More New Refs "Jerry D. Harris" <LOKICORP@compuserve.com> Tuesday, August 10, 1999
- Re: More New Refs Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, August 10, 1999
- RE: More New Refs "Augustus T. White" <augwhite@neosoft.com> Tuesday, August 10, 1999
- Re: More New Refs Raymond Ancog <rayancog@pacific.net.ph> Thursday, August 12, 1999
- RE: More New Refs "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Thursday, August 12, 1999
- Re: More New Refs Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, August 12, 1999
- More sauropod sniffers ...
- Mosasaurs and "The origin of snake feeding"
- Mussaurus was Re: Predatory *baby* dinosaurs of the world
- Nanotyrannus
- Nanotyrannus christopher robert noto <crnoto@midway.uchicago.edu> Wednesday, August 04, 1999
- Re: Nanotyrannus "Matthew Bonnan" <mbonnan@hotmail.com> Wednesday, August 04, 1999
- Re: Nanotyrannus "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Wednesday, August 04, 1999
- nares K.Clay's reply
- NESSOV 1995
- Nesting energetics ref.
- New Cretaceous bird
- A new Dromaeosaurid
- New edition of Feduccia's book
- New edition of Feduccia's book Jeff Hecht <jhecht@world.std.com> Wednesday, August 18, 1999
- Re: New edition of Feduccia's book GSP1954@aol.com Wednesday, August 18, 1999
- RE: New edition of Feduccia's book "Stewart, Dwight" <Dwight.Stewart@VLSI.com> Wednesday, August 18, 1999
- RE: New edition of Feduccia's book "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Thursday, August 19, 1999
- RE: New edition of Feduccia's book Jeff Hecht <jhecht@world.std.com> Thursday, August 19, 1999
- New Martin Lockley Book
- New paper: Shuvuuia's feathers
- new theropod in germany
- NO Joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Non-theropod furculae
- Not titanosaurs ...
- Note from ScienceScan
- RE: The origin of birds
- RE: The origin of birds "Thom Holmes" <tholmes@dolphinsoft.com> Friday, August 13, 1999
- Re: The origin of birds "Ron Irvine" <ron_i@airswitch.net> Friday, August 13, 1999
- Re: The origin of birds Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, August 13, 1999
- Re: The origin of birds Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, August 13, 1999
- The origin of birds "Martin Barnett" <martin.barnett3@virgin.net> Friday, August 13, 1999
- Re:The Origin of Birds
- Re: Origin of the Birds
- Ornithopod thumbs and heads
- out of print books
- Oversized Coelurosaur in Scientific American
- Pachycephalosaurus
- Pachyrhinosurus
- paleoart idea!
- paleoart idea! Caleb Lewis <terminator2029@usa.net> Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- Re: paleoart idea! "RAY STANFORD" <STARSONG@prodigy.net> Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- Re: paleoart idea! Danvarner@aol.com Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- Re: paleoart idea! chris brochu <cbrochu@fmppr.fmnh.org> Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- Re: paleoart idea! "Paleo Mont" <paleo_mont@excite.com> Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- Re: paleoart idea! "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- Re: paleoart idea! chris brochu <cbrochu@fmppr.fmnh.org> Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- Re: paleoart idea! "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- RE: paleoart idea! "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- Re: paleoart idea! chris brochu <cbrochu@fmppr.fmnh.org> Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- Re: paleoart idea! Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- Re: Paleoart idea!
- Re: paleoart idea!
- Re: Paleoart idea!
- Parasaurolophus feet
- PDW "GOBI 2010" <gobi2010@hotmail.com> Monday, August 23, 1999
- Re: PDW Jeff Hecht <jhecht@world.std.com> Monday, August 23, 1999
- Re: PDW "James R. Cunningham" <jrccea@bellsouth.net> Monday, August 23, 1999
- personal groans
- Re: Philippine Star news: dinosaur eggs stolen
- Pics from Disney's Dinosaur
- Re: Pics from Disney's Dinosaur (SPOILERS)
- Plant Evolution
- Policy: We are not in Kansas anymore
- Policy: We are not in Kansas anymore - Part II
- Predatory *baby* dinosaurs of the world
- Predatory *baby* dinosaurs of the world "GOBI 2010" <gobi2010@hotmail.com> Tuesday, August 24, 1999
- RE: Predatory *baby* dinosaurs of the world "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Tuesday, August 24, 1999
- Re: Predatory *baby* dinosaurs of the world "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Tuesday, August 24, 1999
- RE: Predatory *baby* dinosaurs of the world "Stewart, Dwight" <Dwight.Stewart@VLSI.com> Tuesday, August 24, 1999
- Re: Predatory *baby* dinosaurs of the world thescelosaurus@juno.com Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- predentary bone
- predentary bone "ekaterina amalitzkaya" <eamalitz@hotmail.com> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Premax. fenestrae / Plateosaurus
- question to Jaime
- R: "Supersaurus"
- R: Alternative dinosaur phylogeny
- R: Majungatholus
- R: R: "Supersaurus"
- Raptor Rehab
- Raptor Rehab Sara Burch <sara@burch.net> Tuesday, August 24, 1999
- re palaeoart idea (Joke)
- RE:Reference and RTMP
- A Reference, Please?
- Ricardoestesian?
- Ricardoestesian? "Roger A. Stephenson" <roger@dtgnet.com> Monday, August 30, 1999
- Royal Tyrell
- Royal Tyrell Toby White <augwhite@neosoft.com> Tuesday, August 24, 1999
- Salt?
- Salt? Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Friday, August 27, 1999
- Re: Salt? zenlizard@juno.com Friday, August 27, 1999
- Salty things
- Salty things Raven~ <biology@ctos.com> Friday, August 27, 1999
- Sauropod and forest dwelling
- Sauropod and forest dwelling Martin Human <cockatoo@csi.com> Tuesday, August 17, 1999
- Re: Sauropod and forest dwelling carlo godel <regiaero@gj.net> Tuesday, August 17, 1999
- Re: Sauropod and forest dwelling "Matthew Bonnan" <mbonnan@hotmail.com> Wednesday, August 18, 1999
- Re: Sauropod and forest dwelling carlo godel <regiaero@gj.net> Wednesday, August 18, 1999
- Re: Sauropod and forest dwelling carlo godel <regiaero@gj.net> Wednesday, August 18, 1999
- Re: Sauropod and forest dwelling "Matthew Bonnan" <mbonnan@hotmail.com> Thursday, August 19, 1999
- Re: Sauropod and forest dwelling carlo godel <regiaero@gj.net> Thursday, August 19, 1999
- Sauropod coprolite (was Re: Sauropod necks)
- sauropod nasals
- Sauropod necks
- Sauropod necks ceevans@home.com Sunday, August 01, 1999
- Re: Sauropod necks "Matthew Bonnan" <mbonnan@hotmail.com> Monday, August 02, 1999
- Sauropod necks Jeananda Col <jc@EnchantedLearning.com> Saturday, August 14, 1999
- Re: Sauropod necks "Larry Febo" <larryf@capital.net> Sunday, August 15, 1999
- Re: Sauropod necks "Larry Febo" <larryf@capital.net> Sunday, August 15, 1999
- Re: Sauropod necks Jeananda Col <jc@EnchantedLearning.com> Sunday, August 15, 1999
- Re: Sauropod necks Jeananda Col <jc@EnchantedLearning.com> Sunday, August 15, 1999
- Re: Sauropod necks "Larry Febo" <larryf@capital.net> Sunday, August 15, 1999
- Re: Sauropod necks "Allan Edels" <Edels@email.msn.com> Monday, August 16, 1999
- Re: Sauropod necks B.Dol@skn.sc.philips.com Monday, August 16, 1999
- Re: Sauropod necks Danvarner@aol.com Monday, August 16, 1999
- Re: sauropod necks again
- sauropod nostrils
- Sauropod nostrils (was RE: joke........)
- Sauropod nostrils (was RE: joke........) "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Monday, August 30, 1999
- Re: Sauropod nostrils (was RE: joke........) carlo godel <regiaero@gj.net> Monday, August 30, 1999
- RE: Sauropod nostrils (was RE: joke........) Toby White <augwhite@neosoft.com> Monday, August 30, 1999
- Re: Sauropod nostrils (was RE: joke........) Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Monday, August 30, 1999
- Re: Sauropod nostrils (was RE: joke........) "Matthew Bonnan" <mbonnan@hotmail.com> Monday, August 30, 1999
- RE: Sauropod nostrils (was RE: joke........) Adam Yates <A.Yates@zoo.latrobe.edu.au> Monday, August 30, 1999
- Re: Sauropod nostrils (was RE: joke........) chris brochu <cbrochu@fmppr.fmnh.org> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Re: Sauropod nostrils (was RE: joke........) "T. Mike Keesey" <tkeese1@gl.umbc.edu> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Sauropods and Cycads??
- ScienceScan notes
- sensation in Germany
- sizes of teeth
- A small Theropod found in Germany
- Some New References
- Sordes "feathers?" (was Shuvuuia`s feathers)
- Spiky sauropod
- Spiky sauropod Larry Dunn <majestic_cheese@yahoo.com> Monday, August 30, 1999
- stratocladistics
- stratocladistics chris brochu <cbrochu@fmppr.fmnh.org> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- RE: stratocladistics Toby White <augwhite@neosoft.com> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Re: stratocladistics chris brochu <cbrochu@fmppr.fmnh.org> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Re: stratocladistics Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Re: stratocladistics chris brochu <cbrochu@fmppr.fmnh.org> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Re: stratocladistics Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- A T-rex named Sue
- A T-rex named Sue "Daniel Saravia" <artiprom@uio.satnet.net> Monday, August 30, 1999
- Re: A T-rex named Sue Trevor Haldenby <talostonprez@home.com> Monday, August 30, 1999
- Re: A T-rex named Sue christopher robert noto <crnoto@midway.uchicago.edu> Monday, August 30, 1999
- Re: A T-rex named Sue "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- RE: A T-rex named Sue "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- Re: A T-rex named Sue "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- T.REX Vs. giganotosaurus
- TADLG in Mile-High Denver
- teeth
- teeth "pangurban" <pangurban@access1.com> Monday, August 30, 1999
- Texas tyrannosaurs (was Re: paleoart idea!)
- Too cool refs.
- Tr: liste francaise
- Turok Movie planned
- TV Paleontology
- TV shows
- TV shows Sara Burch <sara@burch.net> Friday, August 27, 1999
- Re: tyrannosaurs and sauropods
- Re: tyrannosaurs and sauropods Raymond Ancog <rayancog@pacific.net.ph> Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: tyrannosaurs and sauropods "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: tyrannosaurs and sauropods Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: tyrannosaurs and sauropods "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: tyrannosaurs and sauropods Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, August 26, 1999
- RE: tyrannosaurs and sauropods "Tracy Ford" <tlford@ix.netcom.com> Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: tyrannosaurs and sauropods Danvarner@aol.com Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Tyrannosaurus Shop Talk
- Upon This Rock
- Re:Upon This Rock Pt. 2 and PDW
- Upon This Rock Pt.2 and PDW
- W. J. T. Mitchell Dinosaur Lecture in Wyoming
- Walking with dinosaurs
- We were never in Kansas
- re: We're not in Kansas anymore
- re: We're not in Kansas anymore znb35@TTACS.TTU.EDU Thursday, August 19, 1999
- re: We're not in Kansas anymore smithjb@sas.upenn.edu (Joshua Smith) Thursday, August 19, 1999
- Re: We're not in Kansas anymore carlo godel <regiaero@gj.net> Thursday, August 19, 1999
- re: We're not in Kansas anymore "Dan felps" <edrioasteroid@hotmail.com> Thursday, August 19, 1999
- re: We're not in Kansas anymore Larry Dunn <majestic_cheese@yahoo.com> Thursday, August 19, 1999
- re: We're not in Kansas anymore GSP1954@aol.com Thursday, August 19, 1999
- West Texas Beasties
- what if?
- what if? thescelosaurus@juno.com Monday, August 30, 1999
- RE: what if? "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Monday, August 30, 1999
- RE: what if? Jeff Hecht <jhecht@world.std.com> Monday, August 30, 1999
- Re: what if? Danvarner@aol.com Monday, August 30, 1999
- Re: what if? "Ilja" <nieuwlnd@let.rug.nl> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- re: when dinos ruled
- re: when dinos ruled "Sherry Michael" <_smichael@excite.com> Friday, August 27, 1999
- RE: when dinos ruled "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Friday, August 27, 1999
- Re: when dinos ruled carlo godel <regiaero@gj.net> Friday, August 27, 1999
- re: when dinos ruled "Matthew Bonnan" <mbonnan@hotmail.com> Friday, August 27, 1999
- RE: when dinos ruled Jeff Hecht <jhecht@world.std.com> Friday, August 27, 1999
- Re: when dinos ruled Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, August 27, 1999
- RE: when dinos ruled Keith90291@aol.com Friday, August 27, 1999
- RE: when dinos ruled "Stewart, Dwight" <Dwight.Stewart@VLSI.com> Friday, August 27, 1999
- FW: when dinos ruled "Thom Holmes" <tholmes@dolphinsoft.com> Monday, August 30, 1999
- Re: FW: when dinos ruled Christopher Srnka <theclaw@sprintmail.com> Monday, August 30, 1999
- Re: FW: when dinos ruled LONEWOLF <s086529@student.uq.edu.au> Monday, August 30, 1999
- Re: FW: when dinos ruled "Grant Harding" <granth@cyberus.ca> Monday, August 30, 1999
- Re: when dinos ruled MKIRKALDY@aol.com Monday, August 30, 1999
- Re: when dinos ruled MKIRKALDY@aol.com Monday, August 30, 1999
- when dinos ruled Kendall Clements <k.clements@auckland.ac.nz> Tuesday, August 31, 1999
- re:When Dinosaurs didnt Disappoint
- When Dinosaurs Disappointed
- When Dinosaurs Disappointed Larry Dunn <majestic_cheese@yahoo.com> Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed "Jane P. Davidson" <jdhexen@unr.edu> Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- RE: When Dinosaurs Disappointed "Stewart, Dwight" <Dwight.Stewart@VLSI.com> Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed garrison@efn.org (Garrison L. Hilliard) Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- RE: When Dinosaurs Disappointed "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- RE: When Dinosaurs Disappointed "GOBI 2010" <gobi2010@hotmail.com> Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed Raven~ <biology@ctos.com> Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed Danvarner@aol.com Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed Jonkeria@aol.com Wednesday, August 25, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed "Grant Harding" <granth@cyberus.ca> Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed "Archaeopteryx ." <archaeopteryx@mail.com> Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed Larry Dunn <majestic_cheese@yahoo.com> Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed Randy King <randyk@ims.com> Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed Danvarner@aol.com Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed "TRUETT GARNER" <DINOBOY@worldnet.att.net> Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed carlo godel <regiaero@gj.net> Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed MKIRKALDY@aol.com Thursday, August 26, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, August 27, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, August 27, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed carlo godel <regiaero@gj.net> Friday, August 27, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed carlo godel <regiaero@gj.net> Friday, August 27, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed Philidor11@aol.com Sunday, August 29, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed carlo godel <regiaero@gj.net> Sunday, August 29, 1999
- Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed and BOB'S NEW HAT
- When Dinosaurs Disappointed but non-dinos didn't
- When Dinosaurs Etc.
- re: when dinosaurs ruled
- Where are the DML archives?
- William Stout
- William Stout Dave Hardenbrook <DaveH47@mindspring.com> Sunday, August 29, 1999
- Re: Zuniceratops
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