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Re: When Dinosaurs Disappointed

> Why is dinosaur science intrinsically less important
> than (fill in virtually any other topic imaginable),
> so that programs that do not adequately reflect
> current thinking are nonetheless to be commended for
> simply addressing the topic *at all*?  That's not
> meant as a rhetorical question -- I'm genuinely
> curious to hear responses to this query.

Unfortunately , the general public still regards dinosaurs and other
prehistoric life as"Prehistoric Monsters" and dismisses them as 'kid stuff
" .Paleontology is barely touched-on in our schools . 9 times out of 10 ,
the kids know more than the teachers. .
Here in the south , where I live , the biggest reason for the relative
unimportance of dinosaur science has to do with a certain banned topic on
this list . Suffice it to say , most people in this area refuse to believe
that anything is more than a million years old . Consequently , when asked
about what kind of art I do , and when I reply , I get pretty much the same
response..." You never did grow out of that stuff , did you ?" or
"I'll bet kid really like that" and finally,"You really don't believe those
things existed , do you?" . It gets worse .
Regards , 
Truett Garner