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Re: science or non-science?
On Mon, 19 Apr 1999 18:31:32 +0100 Richard Keatinge
<richard@keatinge.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> In article <SIMEON.9904191347.J@muahost.auckland.ac.nz>, Kendall
> Clements <k.clements@auckland.ac.nz> writes
> >Is Darwinism testable? No,
> Um, that sort of thing does tend to give aid and comfort to
> Creationists. What do you regard as Darwinism, and which bit isn't
> testable? And what do you think of the following:
> The following observations could disprove the idea that all life has
> originated slowly by separate descent from a common primitive
ancestor. > Those in the first part of the list have already been shown
to be wrong: > > Failure to produce a valid hierarchical nesting of
groups of organisms > (the separate descent bit is important here, it
doesn't apply to > organisms that can easily share genes - plasmids
etc). This would lead > to total disagreement of phylogenies
reconstructed by different methods > - including all methods not
available in 1859, so this heading does > includes predictions too. > >
Organic perfection - i.e. no panda's thumbs, vertebrate retinas, etc. >
No > useless organs such as (possibly) human appendices, etc > > Fossil
record - if unchanging, or organisms not relatable to modern > forms,
i.e. no transitionals. (i.e. if ET turns up, he'll have to be >
excluded from our ideas of common descent. ) > > Young earth proven
from geology. For example, fossil remains of most > of the world's
extant and extinct fauna together in the same general > strata of the
same geological region of the Middle East, all dating to > the same
general period of time, and all sitting on top of a geological > strata
depicting a cataclysmic flood. > > DNA unchangeable / perfectly
fixable, that is able to be, or is, fixed > in one non-mutable state so
that no beneficial mutations are possible > or are too improbable to be
reasonable. Remember Larry Niven's > bandersnatchi - unchanged while
we evolved from food yeast :-) - you'd > need a machine gun to mutate
those chromosomes. > > Failure to find common "handedness" of organic
molecules, use of common > genetic materials and codes, among all
organisms. > > Failure to observe natural selection in situations where
it can be > expected. See Weiner's The Beak of the Finch for examples.
> > > > Possible new discoveries which would disprove or be strong
evidence > against the common ancestry of all living things (i.e. shut
up, get out > there, and make the observations): > > Discovery of human
artefacts or remains in rocks more than (my inexpert > and arbitrary
guess) 30 million years old - or just in the middle of a > nice fauna
full of trilobites. See Ed Conrad's rantings for one > attempt, the
multiple creationist allegations to this effect for others. > > A
biological boundary that prevents animals from evolving beyond a >
particular point. That is, a dinosaur to a bird transition impossible.
> > Nonhuman modern organisms, or convincing traces, turning up in
rocks > long before they were supposed to. > > Direct information from
the superpowerful (with or without supernatural) > being of your choice
(Slartibartfast would be mine) that it was all a > big joke, combined
with clear and obvious demonstration of said being's > power to play
jokes on this scale and to provide an alternative > explanation for
living things. Try all Christians being lifted into the > air and
raptured simultaneously, to the accompaniment of heavenly > choirs. > >
Appearance of new life forms without the signs of common descent >
mentioned above, and not deliberately synthesized. If ET turns up it >
shouldn't be too hard to prove he isn't related.... doesn't test the
God > hypothesis of course. > > Appearance of new life forms that
cannot reasonably be postulated to > have evolved by gradual steps from
others. Genuinely "irreducible" > complexity - not as per Behe's silly
description. However, it has > correctly been pointed out that
recognizing such an organism would be > rather difficult. > > As Darwin
and others suggested - the discovery of a feature of a non- > domestic
organism of use only to other species, and harmful to the > organism
itself. More specifically, altruistic behaviour not > accountable for
by the following natural selection mechanisms: > > Non-reproductive
castes > saving relatives so as to allow greater genetic success >
extensions of the limited degree of altruism which are advantageous to
> social animals, such as ourselves. > (Such extensions can generate
self-sacrificial behaviour of truly > remarkable degree - kamikazes.) >
> > -- > Richard Keatinge > > homepage http://www.keatinge.demon.co.uk
I'm not going to buy into any argument concerning creationism. I teach
evolution, and as far as I'm concerned, creationism is not science and
has no place on this list.
I have no idea how to respond to the above. I am not sure what Richard
is trying to argue. I do not believe that the case against creationism
is helped by pretending that evolutionary theory is something that it
is not. Rather than clouding the issue in my own clumsy prose I refer
you to some literature:
Brady, R.H. (1982) Dogma and doubt. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 17: 79-96
Gould, S.J. (1980) Is a new and general theory of evolution emerging?
Paleobiology 6: 119-130
Gould, S.J. (1982) Darwinism and the expansion of evolutionary theory.
Science 216: 380-387
Naylor, B.G., and P. Handford (1985) In defense of Darwin's theory.
BioScience 35(8): 478-483
Kendall Clements