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Re: Shunosaurus, Tail Clubs, and Ankylosauria
> In Dong's original description (see previous post), on p.262, he
> writes: "An incomplete, small and flat tail club (Plate 4C) is
> It is constructed of three dermal scutes, which are sculptured on their
> dorsal surfaces. A small and triangular scute is laterally flanked by two
> larger dermal scutes." This is identical in composition to more derived
> ankylosaurids (although I think it may have fewer scutes incorporated into
> it).
I see. I was wrong about the amount of caudal remains found for
>What's the tail club of _Shunosaurus_ composed of?
I think there are at least 3 elements, each bearing a blunt spike. Correct?
> _,_
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> --____-===( _\/ \\/ \-----_---__
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> __________/__\_ ____________________________.//__.//_________
> Jerry D. Harris
> Fossil Preparation Lab
> New Mexico Museum of Natural History
> 1801 Mountain Rd NW
> Albuquerque NM 87104-1375
> Phone: (505) 899-2809
> Fax: (505) 841-2866
> 102354.2222@compuserve.com
Best regards.
Félix Landry
e-mail: forelf@internet19.fr