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Phi Kappa Phi National Forum and dinosaurs

Hi all, the journal of Phi Kappa Phi national honor society has an entire
issue on "dinosaurs" for its Summer, 1998 issue, just out.  Articles by
Horner, David Varricchio, Padian, Jane Mason, Dale Russell, J. David
Archibald and Karen Chin, who yes, writes about doo doo.  If you are
interested and do not belong (or your institution does not belong) to PKP
then you can pick one up by sneding $6.25 for an issue to Phi Kappa Phi
Box 16000 Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 70893

Jane D.

Jane P. Davidson Ph.D.
fax 702-784-6655
my site is mirrored at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/1536