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Re: two new papers
At 03:19 PM 10/5/98 -0400, Thomas R. Holtz, Jr. wrote:
>Taquet, P. & D.A. Russell. 1998. New data on spinosaurid
>dinosaurs from the Early Cretaceous of the Sahara. C.R. Acad.
>Sci. Paris, Sciences de la terre et des planetes 327: 347-353.
>New specimens of spinosaurids from North Africa: a snout
>referred to _Spinosaurus maroccanus_, ...
Yikes! I don't have this species. When, and by whom, was it described?
> Eumaniraptora
> Deinonychosauria
> Troodontidae
> Dromaeosauridae
> Avialae
Dromaeosaurids and Troodontids back together!?!?
How solid is this?
May the peace of God be with you. sarima@ix.netcom.com