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The Ostrom Symposium

In a previous post, I mentioned the Ostrom Symposium.  Here are the details,
from the flyer passed out at SVP:

The Peabody Museum of Natural History and the Department of Geology &
Geophysics, Yale University present

New Perspectives on the Origin and Early Evolution of Birds:
An international symposium in honor of Yale Professor and renowned
paleontologist John H. Ostrom

Saturday & Sunday February 13 & 14, 1999.  9 am-5 pm

Registration is $150, $60 for students.  Registration materials can be
downloaded from http://www.peabody.yale.edu.  Apparently they do NOT take
credit card payments (don't ask me why).

Speakers are:
N. Arnold, A.H. Brush, P. Burgers, L.M. Chiappe, J.L. Cracraft, P.J. Currie,
A. Feduccia, S.M. Gatsey, J.A. Gauthier, G.E. Goslow Jr., J. Groth, T.R.
Holtz Jr., J.A. Hopson, B.C. Livezy, L.D. Martin, M.A. Norell, G.S. Paul,
S.F. Perry, J.M.V. Rayner, J.A. Ruben, P.C. Sereno, M. Schweitzer, H.-D.
Sues, L.M. Witmer.

There will be a companion volume (Procedings of New Perspectives...) to
include additional papers not presented at the symposium.  Anticipated
publication date is Fall 1999.  Hope we can get a copy to Moonbase Alpha by
then: after Sept. 13, they will be hard to reach... :-)

Thomas R. Holtz, Jr.
Vertebrate Paleontologist     Webpage: http://www.geol.umd.edu
Dept. of Geology              Email:tholtz@geol.umd.edu
University of Maryland        Phone:301-405-4084
College Park, MD  20742       Fax:  301-314-9661