DINOSAUR-1998May by subject
- [no subject]
- "BAKKER'S" DINOSAURS franczak@ntplx.net (Brian Franczak) Saturday, May 02, 1998
- Re: "BAKKER'S" DINOSAURS Bill Adlam <wa105@mead.anglia.ac.uk> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: "BAKKER'S" DINOSAURS Scendan <Scendan@aol.com> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: "BAKKER'S" DINOSAURS Raptor RKC <RaptorRKC@aol.com> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: "BAKKER'S" DINOSAURS "Jonathan" <spockjr@email.msn.com> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: "BAKKER'S" DINOSAURS (Yah Sure!)
- (Flying Fish)RE: Origins of flight
- Re: Re : undiscovered dinosaurs
- Re: Re : Majungatholus
- Re: [[listproc@usc.edu: Error Condition Re: Re: [Re: CLADISTICS AND PALEONTOLOGIST(S) OF THE CENTURY]]]
- Re: [Crocodiles Outlasting the Dinosaurs]
- Re: [feathers]
- Re: [Re: [feathers]]
- Re: [Re: [feathers]] pt.2
- Re: [Re: [re: back to science Revision...uh...fix up that is
- Re: [Re: [Re: my working hypothesis for body size]]
- Re: [Re: [RE: Origins of flight]]
- Re: [re: back to science]
- Re: [Re: Dr. Bakker and Dinosaur intellegence (was: Fwd: ]
- Re: [Re: Dr. Bakker and Dinosaur intellegence (was: Fwd: ]
- Re: [Re: my working hypothesis for body size]
- Re: [Re: Origin of feathers]
- Re: [RE: Origins of flight]
- Re: [Re: Social Biology and Dinosaur Behavior]
- Re: [Re: Theory on ornithoptering and could Archie do it ?]
- Re: [Re: Theory on ornithoptering and could Archie do it ?] archosaur@usa.net Thursday, May 14, 1998
- Re: [Re: Theory on ornithoptering and could Archie do it ?] Chris Nedin <cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au> Thursday, May 14, 1998
- Re: [Re: Theory on ornithoptering and could Archie do it ?] "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Friday, May 15, 1998
- Re: [Re: Theory on ornithoptering and could Archie do it ?] archosaur@usa.net Friday, May 15, 1998
- Re: [Re: Theory on ornithoptering and could Archie do it ?] Chris Nedin <cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au> Monday, May 18, 1998
- Re: [reopening the can]
- _Archaeopteryx_ and the Evolution of Bird Flight
- _Complete Dinosaur_ kicks ischium [was Re: Understanding names (long)]
- Abbreviations (Re: DML junkmail)
- Achive Access?
- Acro Monograph
- Acro Monograph Adam Yates <zooamy@zoo.latrobe.edu.au> Monday, May 11, 1998
- Acting like a cad and leaving...
- Ah'll boit yer 'ed off, mate!
- AMNH Oviraptors
- Ant hills, Cretaceous mammals, and Purgatorious
- Apologies. . .
- Apology Re: Dinosaurs in the Media
- back to science
- back to science "Colette H. Adams" <cadams@hh.gpz.org> Wednesday, May 27, 1998
- re: back to science Paul Franklin <cthulhu@corpcomm.net> Wednesday, May 27, 1998
- Re: back to science "Ralph Miller III" <gbabcock@best.com> Wednesday, May 27, 1998
- Re: back to science "Ralph Miller III" <gbabcock@best.com> Thursday, May 28, 1998
- Re: back to science "Jaime Headden" <jaemei@hotmail.com> Thursday, May 28, 1998
- Re: back to science "Tony Canning" <tonyc@foe.co.uk> Thursday, May 28, 1998
- Re: back to science John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Thursday, May 28, 1998
- Re: back to science John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Thursday, May 28, 1998
- Re: back to science "Ralph Miller III" <gbabcock@best.com> Thursday, May 28, 1998
- BAKKER "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Monday, May 25, 1998
- Bakker
- Bakker Ralph Chapman <CHAPMAN.RALPH@NMNH.SI.EDU> Tuesday, May 26, 1998
- Re: Bakker Randy King <randyk@ims.com> Thursday, May 28, 1998
- Re: Bakker RaptorRKC@aol.com Thursday, May 28, 1998
- Re: Bakker -Reply
- Bakker Defense
- Bakker laureate
- RE: Bakkermania
- RE: Bakkermania "TRUETT GARNER" <DINOBOY@worldnet.att.net> Monday, May 25, 1998
- Re: Bakkermania "Allan Edels" <edels@email.msn.com> Monday, May 25, 1998
- re: Bakkermania (was Chasing Monsters)
- Bakkermania! (was Chasing Monsters)
- Bakkermania! (was Chasing Monsters) "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Sunday, May 24, 1998
- Re: Bakkermania! (was Chasing Monsters) "TRUETT GARNER" <DINOBOY@worldnet.att.net> Monday, May 25, 1998
- Re: Bakkermania! (was Chasing Monsters) SL Nyveen <lawrence@dsuper.net> Monday, May 25, 1998
- Re: Bakkermania! (was Chasing Monsters) "Peter Von Sholly" <vonrex@gte.net> Monday, May 25, 1998
- Re: Bakkermania! (was Chasing Monsters) luisrey@ndirect.co.uk (luisrey) Monday, May 25, 1998
- Fwd: Bakkermania! (was Chasing Monsters) Dinogeorge <Dinogeorge@aol.com> Monday, May 25, 1998
- Re: Bakkermania! (was Chasing Monsters) Dinogeorge <Dinogeorge@aol.com> Monday, May 25, 1998
- Re: Bakkermania! (was Chasing Monsters) "James R. Cunningham" <jrccea@bellsouth.net> Monday, May 25, 1998
- Re: Bakkermania! (was Chasing Monsters) "GOBI 2010" <gobi2010@hotmail.com> Monday, May 25, 1998
- Re: Bakkermania! (was Chasing Monsters) Danvarner <Danvarner@aol.com> Monday, May 25, 1998
- Re: Bakkermania! (was Chasing Monsters) Kakuru <Kakuru@aol.com> Monday, May 25, 1998
- Re: Bakkermania! (was Chasing Monsters) "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Monday, May 25, 1998
- Barnoreality
- Barnoreality "Colette H. Adams" <cadams@hh.gpz.org> Friday, May 08, 1998
- Re: Barnoreality garrison@efn.org (Garrison Hilliard) Friday, May 08, 1998
- Baryonyx hands
- Bird evolution books
- body size ad nauseum
- body size and competition cont.
- Re: body size and the species/genus ratio
- Body size for mammals
- body size yet again
- The Bone Sharp
- books
- books "jason huff" <jh6669@hotmail.com> Sunday, May 24, 1998
- Bruce question
- bye, bye, for a while!
- Camarasaurus tail
- Ceratopsian gait
- Ceratopsian gait again! :(
- Chasing Monsters
- Chasmosaurine finds
- Chesapeake Crater
- China remains above K-T?
- chocolate fossils, etc.
- CNN article about dinosaur extinction
- CNN article on Majungatholus
- CNN:Mammal groups showed up before dinos died out
- Confusion over Confuciusornis
- Cope's skull
- Cope's skull "Catherine Forster" <CFORSTER@mail.som.sunysb.edu> Tuesday, May 26, 1998
- Cope's skull "Jane P. Davidson" <jdhexen@unr.edu> Tuesday, May 26, 1998
- Re: Cope's skull "Allan Edels" <edels@email.msn.com> Wednesday, May 27, 1998
- Re: Cope's skull "Jane P. Davidson" <jdhexen@unr.edu> Thursday, May 28, 1998
- cornering the latex market
- cornering the latex market Farlow@ipfw.edu Saturday, May 02, 1998
- Re: cornering the latex market Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: cornering the latex market "Allan Edels" <edels@email.msn.com> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: cornering the latex market "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: cornering the latex market Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: cornering the latex market "TRUETT GARNER" <DINOBOY@worldnet.att.net> Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- Re: cornering the latex market "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- Re: cornering the latex market Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- re: cornering the latex market MKIRKALDY <MKIRKALDY@aol.com> Wednesday, May 06, 1998
- Re: cornering the latex market rjmeyer@ix.netcom.com (Rob Meyerson) Wednesday, May 06, 1998
- Re: cornering the latex market "Allan Edels" <edels@email.msn.com> Thursday, May 07, 1998
- Re: cornering the latex market "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Thursday, May 07, 1998
- Re: cornering the latex market "Allan Edels" <edels@email.msn.com> Friday, May 08, 1998
- Re: cornering the latex market Jeff Hecht <jhecht@world.std.com> Friday, May 08, 1998
- COWBIRDS....SHUDDER "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Friday, May 29, 1998
- Re: COWBIRDS....SHUDDER Jason <jason@wi.net> Friday, May 29, 1998
- Re: COWBIRDS....SHUDDER Adam Yates <zooamy@zoo.latrobe.edu.au> Friday, May 29, 1998
- Re: COWBIRDS....SHUDDER Phillip Bigelow <bh162@scn.org> Friday, May 29, 1998
- Re: COWBIRDS....SHUDDER "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Friday, May 29, 1998
- Re: COWBIRDS....SHUDDER & nest predation
- Re: COWBIRDS....SHUDDER & nest predation Bill Adlam <wa105@mead.anglia.ac.uk> Saturday, May 30, 1998
- Re: COWBIRDS....SHUDDER & nest predation John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Saturday, May 30, 1998
- Re: COWBIRDS....SHUDDER & nest predation "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Saturday, May 30, 1998
- Re: COWBIRDS....SHUDDER & nest predation "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Saturday, May 30, 1998
- Re: COWBIRDS....SHUDDER & nest predation John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Saturday, May 30, 1998
- Re: COWBIRDS....SHUDDER & nest predation "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Saturday, May 30, 1998
- Re: COWBIRDS....SHUDDER & nest predation Jeff Hecht <jhecht@world.std.com> Saturday, May 30, 1998
- Cretaceous Mammals
- Re: Cretaceous mammals
- Cretaceous therapods of the south
- Crocodiles|Outlasting the Dinosaurs
- Currie vs. Osmolska
- Daspletosaurus life restoration
- Dave Russell Data release?
- Re: Deccan traps
- Re: Deccan traps "Norton, Patrick" <Patrick.Norton@state.me.us> Monday, May 11, 1998
- Re: Deccan Traps (Re: Discovery Impact Programs)
- Diagnoses
- Diagnoses forelf@internet19.fr (Francoise Forel) Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: Diagnoses "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: Diagnoses <twilliams@canr1.cag.uconn.edu> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: Diagnoses Dinogeorge <Dinogeorge@aol.com> Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- Re: Diagnoses Dinogeorge <Dinogeorge@aol.com> Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- Re: Diagnoses <twilliams@canr1.cag.uconn.edu> Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- Dino food
- Dino food dinosaur <dinosaur@museum.gla.ac.uk> Tuesday, May 26, 1998
- DINO-ARTIST "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Sunday, May 10, 1998
- Fwd:Dino-Artist
- Fwd:Dino-Artist "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Tuesday, May 12, 1998
- Dino-artist of the century
- dino-artist of the century
- dino-artist of the century "Sherry Michael" <MICHAELS@preit.com> Tuesday, May 12, 1998
- RE: dino-artist of the century "Robert Boscarelli" <bosco@boscarelli.com> Tuesday, May 12, 1998
- dino-artist of the century Dinosaur Man <dinoman@trail.com> Thursday, May 14, 1998
- Re: dino-artist of the century Raolin Darksbane <raolin@rocketmail.com> Thursday, May 14, 1998
- Re: dino-artist of the century Jane Davidson <jdhexen@unr.edu> Thursday, May 14, 1998
- Re: dino-artist of the century Danvarner <Danvarner@aol.com> Thursday, May 14, 1998
- Re: Dino-artist of the century + insul. in archos.
- Re: dino-list of the century, state dinosaur of the century
- Re: dino-list of the century, state dinosaur of the century Paleopoet <Paleopoet@aol.com> Wednesday, May 13, 1998
- Re: dino-list of the century, state dinosaur of the century "TRUETT GARNER" <DINOBOY@worldnet.att.net> Wednesday, May 13, 1998
- Re: dino-list of the century, state dinosaur of the century Danvarner <Danvarner@aol.com> Wednesday, May 13, 1998
- Re: dino-list of the century, state dinosaur of the century "Jane P. Davidson" <jdhexen@unr.edu> Thursday, May 14, 1998
- Fw: dino-list of the century, state dinosaur of the century "Allan Edels" <edels@email.msn.com> Thursday, May 14, 1998
- RE: dino-list of the century, state dinosaur of the century Sue Blakey <ellensb@trib.com> Thursday, May 14, 1998
- Dino-Trekking was Re: Museums in Western Kansas?
- DINO/BIRD MANI "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Wednesday, May 20, 1998
- Re: Dinoaur Trivia Question
- Dinofest in St. Louis?
- Dinosaur Art and Models update
- Dinosaur fact and fiction , or' I got the third - grade radical blues...'
- dinosaur mailing list administrative message
- dinosaur mailing list administrative message mrowe@sunflower.bio.indiana.edu (Mickey Rowe) Friday, May 01, 1998
- Re: dinosaur mailing list administrative message "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Saturday, May 02, 1998
- Re: dinosaur mailing list administrative message Bill Adlam <wa105@mead.anglia.ac.uk> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: dinosaur mailing list administrative message "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: dinosaur mailing list administrative message "Allan Edels" <edels@email.msn.com> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Dinosaur model update
- dinosaur museum in Japan
- The Dinosaur Society
- The Dinosaur Society eagseags@cybernex.net (Robert P. Sheridan & Eleanor A. Gonnella) Friday, May 01, 1998
- Dinosaur Society Lunch at SVP
- Dinosaur trivia question
- Dinosaur trivia question jamolnar@juno.com Thursday, May 14, 1998
- Re: Dinosaur trivia question John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Thursday, May 14, 1998
- RE: Dinosaur trivia question Sue Blakey <ellensb@trib.com> Friday, May 15, 1998
- RE: Dinosaur trivia question Sue Blakey <ellensb@trib.com> Friday, May 15, 1998
- RE: Dinosaur trivia question "Jaime Headden" <jaemei@hotmail.com> Friday, May 15, 1998
- Dinosaur trivia question tidwell@ix.netcom.com Saturday, May 16, 1998
- RE: Dinosaur trivia question Sue Blakey <ellensb@trib.com> Saturday, May 16, 1998
- Re: Dinosaur Trivia question
- Dinosaur TV Week
- dinosaurs and libraries
- Dinosaurs in the Media
- DINOSAURS NOW "Vepkhia Tsiklauri" <vepkhia@hotmail.com> Friday, May 29, 1998
- Re: DINOSAURS NOW chris brochu <cbrochu@fmppr.fmnh.org> Friday, May 29, 1998
- Dinosaurs on my website
- Discovery Impact Programs
- Discovery Impact Programs rjmeyer@ix.netcom.com (Rob Meyerson) Wednesday, May 06, 1998
- Re: Discovery Impact Programs tlford@ix.netcom.com Wednesday, May 06, 1998
- Re: Discovery Impact Programs "James R. Cunningham" <jrccea@bellsouth.net> Wednesday, May 06, 1998
- Re: Discovery Impact Programs "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Wednesday, May 06, 1998
- Re: Discovery Impact Programs Jeff Hecht <jhecht@world.std.com> Wednesday, May 06, 1998
- Re: Discovery Impact Programs "Landry" <n9145756@cc.wwu.edu> Thursday, May 07, 1998
- Re: Discovery Impact Programs "Ray Stanford" <starsong@prodigy.net> Thursday, May 07, 1998
- Disintegrating Dinosaur Mural in Buffalo, NY
- DML JUNKMAIL franczak@ntplx.net (Brian Franczak) Wednesday, May 06, 1998
- Don't say I never spoiled anything for you
- Don't say I never spoiled anything for you "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Friday, May 15, 1998
- Re: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Saturday, May 16, 1998
- Re: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Saturday, May 16, 1998
- Re: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you "D.I.G." <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Saturday, May 16, 1998
- Re: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you Chris Campbell <sankarah@ou.edu> Saturday, May 16, 1998
- Re: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you Raolin Darksbane <raolin@rocketmail.com> Monday, May 18, 1998
- Re: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Monday, May 18, 1998
- Re: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you Stephen Faust <smfaust@edisto.cofc.edu> Monday, May 18, 1998
- Re: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you Chris Campbell <sankarah@ou.edu> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Re: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you Stephen Faust <smfaust@edisto.cofc.edu> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Re: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- RE: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you "Inman, Don F" <don.f.inman@lmco.com> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Re: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you Raolin Darksbane <raolin@rocketmail.com> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Re: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you "TRUETT GARNER" <DINOBOY@worldnet.att.net> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Re: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Wednesday, May 20, 1998
- Re: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you "dwlewis" <dwlewis@rmii.com> Sunday, May 24, 1998
- RE: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you (aka beaten down n nugget)
- RE: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you (aka beaten down n ugget)
- Re: Dr. Bakker and Dinosaur intellegence (was: Fwd: Bakkermania!)
- Re: Dr. Bakker and Dinosaur intellegence (was: Fwd: Bakkermania!)
- Re: Dr. Bakker and Dinosaur intellegence (was: Fwd: Bakkermania!)
- Re: Dr. Bakker and Dinosaur intellegence (was: Fwd: Bakkermania!)
- Re: Dr. Bakker and Dinosaur intellegence (was: Fwd: Bakkermania!)
- Re: Dr. Bakker and Dinosaur intellegence (was: Fwd: Bakkermania!)
- Re: Dr. Bakker and Dinosaur intellegence (was: Fwd: Bakkermania!)
- Dr. Bakker and Dinosaur intellegence (was: Fwd: Bakkermania!)
- Dr. Bakker and Dinosaur intellegence (was: Fwd: Bakkermania!) "Dave L. Hardenbrook" <DaveH47@delphi.com> Monday, May 25, 1998
- Re: Dr. Bakker and Dinosaur intellegence (was: Fwd: Bakkermania!) Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Monday, May 25, 1998
- Re: Dr. Bakker and Dinosaur intellegence (was: Fwd: Bakkermania!) Joshua Dyal <raolin@rocketmail.com> Tuesday, May 26, 1998
- Re: Dr. Bakker and Dinosaur intellegence (was: Fwd: Bakkermania!) "Jonathan" <spockjr@email.msn.com> Tuesday, May 26, 1998
- Re: Dr. Bakker and Dinosaur intellegence (was: Fwd: Bakkermania!) Joshua Dyal <raolin@rocketmail.com> Tuesday, May 26, 1998
- Re: Dr. Bakker and Dinosaur intellegence (was: Fwd: Bakkermania!) "Tony Canning" <tonyc@foe.co.uk> Wednesday, May 27, 1998
- Elaphrosaurus?
- Elmisaurus rarus
- the evolution of flight
- exception to body size/reproductive capacity etc. argument
- Re: exception to body size/reproductive capacity etc. argument -Reply
- exception to body size/reproductive capacity etc. argument -Reply
- Re:extinction/diversity reduction
- Fair thee well Dr. Holtz!
- Fauna and Flora: the ancient Greeks revisited
- feathers
- feathers Earl Wood <candles@jps.net> Sunday, May 17, 1998
- Re: feathers "Allan Edels" <edels@email.msn.com> Sunday, May 17, 1998
- Re: feathers "Jaime Headden" <jaemei@hotmail.com> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- feathers in amber
- Feduccia and Padian - no debate
- Re: A few questions:Maastrichtian deposits & relative decline rates for dinos nearing the Maastrichtian - Danian deposits.
- A few questions:Maastrichtian deposits & relative decline rates for dinos nearing the Maastrichtian - Danian deposits.
- First reference to Gastonia
- furball size
- Re: furball size -Reply
- Furculae
- Furculae "John V Jackson" <jjackson@interalpha.co.uk> Saturday, May 16, 1998
- Re: Furculae "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Saturday, May 16, 1998
- Gerhard Heilmann
- Giant sauropods
- Giant sauropods "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- Godzilla
- Godzilla "VSNET.OBS" <garlen@hubwest.com> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Re: Godzilla Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Godzilla (spoilers? -- I don't think so) was...Re: cornering the latex market
- Godzilla - NO dinosaurs
- Godzilla - special list for wannabee Reviewers
- Re: Godzilla footprint (esoteric joke)
- Godzilla footprint (was Re: cornering the latex market)
- Godzilla Stomping to a Theater Near You
- Godzilla: Not a Dinosaur, But Very Cool!
- re: Godzilla: Not a Dinosaur, But Very Cool!
- HAWK HUNTING "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Wednesday, May 27, 1998
- Re: history of the warm-blooded debate
- history of the warm-blooded debate........
- history of the warm-blooded debate........ "dwlewis" <dwlewis@rmii.com> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Re: history of the warm-blooded debate........ Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Re: history of the warm-blooded debate........ "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Wednesday, May 20, 1998
- Re: history of the warm-blooded debate........ "Ralph Miller III" <gbabcock@best.com> Wednesday, May 20, 1998
- Re: history of the warm-blooded debate........ "Jane P. Davidson" <jdhexen@unr.edu> Wednesday, May 20, 1998
- how old did they get?
- Re: how old did they get?
- How's The Weather?
- I need Liliensternus info!
- Impact iridium (how much was there?)
- IQ & EQ
- IQ & EQ Bill Adlam <wa105@mead.anglia.ac.uk> Tuesday, May 26, 1998
- Re: IQ & EQ "Ralph Miller III" <gbabcock@best.com> Tuesday, May 26, 1998
- Re: IQ & EQ augwhite@neosoft.com (Toby White) Wednesday, May 27, 1998
- iridium
- iridium Earl Wood <candles@jps.net> Thursday, May 07, 1998
- Re: iridium "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Thursday, May 07, 1998
- Re: iridium Earl Wood <candles@jps.net> Sunday, May 10, 1998
- Re: Iridium
- Re: Iridium bh162@scn.org (Phillip Bigelow) Monday, May 11, 1998
- Re: iridium
- Re: iridium Bihari Gabor fiz5 9711 <biharig@dragon.klte.hu> Tuesday, May 12, 1998
- Re: iridium Bihari Gabor fiz5 9711 <biharig@dragon.klte.hu> Wednesday, May 13, 1998
- iridium -Reply
- Irritator & Archaeornithoides (was Re: Diagnoses)
- Is he really afraid of snakes?
- It won't let me onto the list archives..................
- K mammals
- K mammals "Catherine Forster" <CFORSTER@mail.som.sunysb.edu> Thursday, May 21, 1998
- K, not C (was Re: Impact iridium (how much was there?))
- K/T boundary bird survival
- Kaiyodo Dinoland Online
- Kayenta and Chinle
- Kayenta and Chinle "Catherine Forster" <CFORSTER@mail.som.sunysb.edu> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Kayenta Fm (and Dinosaur Trivia Question)
- Larry the Dinosaur - Sneak Preview in Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette
- Last minute dinosaur pathology citations requested
- Late Cretaceous Seaway incursions
- linear dimensions vs. body mass
- Majungatholus
- Majungatholus "Catherine Forster" <CFORSTER@mail.som.sunysb.edu> Thursday, May 14, 1998
- Re: Majungatholus "T. Mike Keesey" <tkeese1@gl.umbc.edu> Thursday, May 14, 1998
- Majungatholus "Walt Owen" <wowen@discover.net> Thursday, May 21, 1998
- Re: Majungatholus Adam Yates <zooamy@zoo.latrobe.edu.au> Thursday, May 21, 1998
- Majungatholus Graeme Worth <endocrin@opera.iinet.net.au> Sunday, May 24, 1998
- Majungatholus skull found
- Majungatholus teeth
- Re: Mammal Assemblages
- Mammal Assemblages (Dino-relevant)
- many MORE questions :>
- mass extinctions
- Max Size w/ Feathers
- Measurements
- Measurements "GEAL - Museu da Lourinhã" <mop50133@mail.telepac.pt> Sunday, May 24, 1998
- mediportal
- mediportal "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Friday, May 01, 1998
- Meeting on Dinosaur Paleobiology - Second day report
- Re: Megalonyx jeffersoni
- Re: Mid Jurassic Angiosperms?
- Re: Mid Jurrassic Angiosperms?
- Midland Scientific Company
- Miniterm paper, help!!!
- Miniterm paper, help!!! -Reply
- Miniterm title
- Miniterm title "dwlewis" <dwlewis@rmii.com> Saturday, May 16, 1998
- RE: Miniterm title "Bartlema, Lauri, L." <BartlemaL@emh10.bliss.army.mil> Monday, May 18, 1998
- Miniterm title -Reply
- more evolution of flight
- More moa necks
- More on Majungatholus on the web (3 sites)
- more pictures of listmembers
- Muddy feet, or not?
- Re: Muddy feet, or not? (JOKE)
- Museums in Western Kansas?
- Musings on DinoFest (Still!!!)
- My 2 cents on dino-artists
- My 2 cents on dino-artists kodiak@inetworld.net (T.A. Curtis) Friday, May 08, 1998
- Re: My 2 cents on dino-artists Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Saturday, May 09, 1998
- Re: My 2 cents on dino-artists "Peter Von Sholly" <vonrex@gte.net> Saturday, May 09, 1998
- Re: My 2 cents on dino-artists "Peter Von Sholly" <vonrex@gte.net> Saturday, May 09, 1998
- Re: My 2 cents on dino-artists "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Saturday, May 09, 1998
- Re:my 2 cents on dino-artists
- Re: My 2 cents on dino-artists
- Re: my working hypothesis for body size
- Re: my working hypothesis for body size John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Friday, May 01, 1998
- Re: my working hypothesis for body size "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Saturday, May 02, 1998
- Re: my working hypothesis for body size Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: my working hypothesis for body size John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: my working hypothesis for body size "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Monday, May 04, 1998
- The Need For Paleo-Endust
- Need info on Borealosuchus sternbergi
- NEODINOSAURS "Vepkhia Tsiklauri" <vepkhia@hotmail.com> Thursday, May 21, 1998
- Re: NEODINOSAURS "Jaime Headden" <jaemei@hotmail.com> Saturday, May 23, 1998
- Re: NEODINOSAURS "T. Mike Keesey" <tkeese1@gl.umbc.edu> Saturday, May 23, 1998
- nest parasitism, parental care and such
- Re: nest predation
- Re: nest predation John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Friday, May 29, 1998
- Re: nest predation Chris Campbell <Sankarah@ou.edu> Friday, May 29, 1998
- nest predation "Pat Grant (Library: Serials Catalog" <PATG@vax2.concordia.ca> Friday, May 29, 1998
- Re: nest predation chris brochu <cbrochu@fmppr.fmnh.org> Sunday, May 31, 1998
- Re: nest predation "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Sunday, May 31, 1998
- Re: nest predation chris brochu <cbrochu@fmppr.fmnh.org> Sunday, May 31, 1998
- Re: nest predation "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Sunday, May 31, 1998
- Re: nest predation John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Sunday, May 31, 1998
- new (fictional) troodontid species
- new chasmosaurine
- New Dinosaur Monograph
- New e-mail address
- New E. Wyoming Triceratops find (with associated nanotyrannus teeth)
- New Madagascar predator - Majungatholus
- New Refs #21
- New Refs #21 Ralph Chapman <CHAPMAN.RALPH@NMNH.SI.EDU> Monday, May 04, 1998
- New refs #22
- New refs #22 Ralph Chapman <CHAPMAN.RALPH@NMNH.SI.EDU> Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- New Refs #23
- New Refs #23 Ralph Chapman <CHAPMAN.RALPH@NMNH.SI.EDU> Monday, May 18, 1998
- News from ScienceScan
- No Creationist discussion on this list!
- No Hedging.
- No Hedging. John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Wednesday, May 20, 1998
- Re: No Hedging. chris brochu <cbrochu@fmppr.fmnh.org> Wednesday, May 20, 1998
- Re: No Hedging. John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Thursday, May 21, 1998
- Re: No Hedging. Jeff Hecht <jhecht@world.std.com> Thursday, May 21, 1998
- Re: No Hedging. "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Thursday, May 21, 1998
- Re: No Hedging. chris brochu <cbrochu@fmppr.fmnh.org> Thursday, May 21, 1998
- Re: No Hedging. chris brochu <cbrochu@fmppr.fmnh.org> Thursday, May 21, 1998
- Re: No Hedging. Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Thursday, May 21, 1998
- Re: No Hedging. chris brochu <cbrochu@fmppr.fmnh.org> Thursday, May 21, 1998
- Re: No Hedging. "Augustus T. White" <augwhite@neosoft.com> Thursday, May 21, 1998
- Re: No Hedging. "Jaime Headden" <jaemei@hotmail.com> Saturday, May 23, 1998
- No universal rules for explaining body size.
- Notes from ScienceScan
- Official Godzilla Ice Cream
- Re: Origin of feathers
- Re: Origin of Feathers
- Re: Origin of feathers
- Re: Origin of feathers Dinogeorge <Dinogeorge@aol.com> Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- Re: Origin of feathers "Jaime Headden" <jaemei@hotmail.com> Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- Re: Origin of feathers augwhite@neosoft.com (Toby White) Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- Re: Origin of feathers "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@TTACS.TTU.EDU> Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- Re: Origin of feathers "Jaime Headden" <jaemei@hotmail.com> Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- Re: Origin of feathers TomHopp <TomHopp@aol.com> Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- Re: Origin of feathers "Norton, Patrick" <Patrick.Norton@state.me.us> Wednesday, May 06, 1998
- Re: Origin of feathers William Hinchman <bsaurus@bellatlantic.net> Wednesday, May 06, 1998
- Re: Origin of feathers tlford@ix.netcom.com Wednesday, May 06, 1998
- Re: Origin of feathers "Jaime Headden" <jaemei@hotmail.com> Wednesday, May 06, 1998
- Re: Origin of feathers Jeff Hecht <jhecht@world.std.com> Wednesday, May 06, 1998
- Re: Origin of feathers TomHopp <TomHopp@aol.com> Wednesday, May 06, 1998
- Re: Origin of feathers "Norton, Patrick" <Patrick.Norton@state.me.us> Thursday, May 07, 1998
- Re: Origin of feathers "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Thursday, May 07, 1998
- Re: Origin of feathers Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Friday, May 08, 1998
- Re: Origin of feathers "Jaime Headden" <jaemei@hotmail.com> Friday, May 08, 1998
- Re: Origin of feathers "Jaime Headden" <jaemei@hotmail.com> Friday, May 08, 1998
- Re: Origin of Feathers
- Re: Origin of feathers
- Re: Origin of Feathers
- Re: Origin of feathers
- Re: Origin of Feathers
- Re: Origin of feathers
- Re: Origin of Feathers
- Re: Origin of feathers
- Re: Origin of feathers (and a sting in the tail)
- Re: Origin of flight
- Re: Origin of flight - long
- Origins of flight-Reply
- OT Godzilla review
- OT request for help -- Anomalocaris
- OT Thylacosmilus Query
- Our first new infraction
- Our Website
- Our Website Kim Heman <bheman@axess.net> Thursday, May 21, 1998
- Re: Our website
- Re: Our website Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Thursday, May 21, 1998
- Oviraptorosaurs, and the Numbers That Love 'Em
- OZRAPTOR (new Aussie theropod)
- Re: Palaeontologists
- Paleo Artist of the Century
- Paleo-artists , etc. etc.
- Paleoartist
- Paleoartist "David Krentz" <david_krentz@fa.disney.com> Thursday, May 14, 1998
- Re: Paleoartist "D.I.G." <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Thursday, May 14, 1998
- Re: Paleoartist franczak@ntplx.net (Brian Franczak) Saturday, May 16, 1998
- Paleoartist Dinosaur Man <dinoman@trail.com> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Re: Paleoartist Danvarner <Danvarner@aol.com> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Re: Paleoartist Dinosaur Man <dinoman@trail.com> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Re: Paleoartist(JOKE)
- paleoecology conf (fwd)
- Paleogaffe
- Paleogaffe Nomen <darwincr@laplaza.org> Wednesday, May 20, 1998
- Paleogaffe in NATURAL HISTORY Magazine
- Paleogaffe in NATURAL HISTORY Magazine -Reply
- paleognath younguns
- Re: paleontologists
- PaleoWorld
- PaleoWorld "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Thursday, May 07, 1998
- Re: papers
- Re: papers tlford@ix.netcom.com Tuesday, May 26, 1998
- Pararhabdodon (was Re: MAASTRICHT CONFERENCE PT. 2)
- Pascal Scime - Dino Artist
- Re: Please SPARE US ALL - NO dinos in Godzilla was Re: Don't say I never spo...
- Please SPARE US ALL - NO dinos in Godzilla was Re: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you
- Portuguese "Meeting on Dinosaur Paleobiology"- First day report
- Portuguese dino meeting
- Pre-K/T mammal wrap-up
- PROBLEM WITH AMPHIBIAN GILLS darren.naish@port.ac.uk Monday, May 18, 1998
- Re: PROBLEM WITH AMPHIBIAN GILLS Adam Yates <zooamy@zoo.latrobe.edu.au> Monday, May 18, 1998
- Re: PROBLEM WITH AMPHIBIAN GILLS tlford@ix.netcom.com Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Re: PROBLEM WITH AMPHIBIAN GILLS Raolin Darksbane <raolin@rocketmail.com> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Re: PROBLEM WITH AMPHIBIAN GILLS "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Re: PROBLEM WITH AMPHIBIAN GILLS "Tony Canning" <tonyc@foe.co.uk> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Re: PROBLEM WITH AMPHIBIAN GILLS "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Re: PROBLEM WITH AMPHIBIAN GILLS Raolin Darksbane <raolin@rocketmail.com> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Re: PROBLEM WITH AMPHIBIAN GILLS Adam Yates <zooamy@zoo.latrobe.edu.au> Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Re: PROBLEM WITH AMPHIBIAN GILLS tlford@ix.netcom.com Wednesday, May 20, 1998
- Procoelous caudals (was Re: PROG. PALAEO. '98)
- Psittacosaurus jugals
- Psittsacosaurus jugals
- quantifying bias in the fossil record
- quick question
- Re: random ramblings
- Rapator and friends (was Re: Cretaceous therapods of the south)
- Re: RCA -- coming soon
- RCA--coming up next
- Re :dino-artist of the century
- Re random ramblings
- Re Random Ramblings
- Re.dino-artist of the century
- Re.dino-artist of the century "David Krentz" <david_krentz@fa.disney.com> Friday, May 08, 1998
- Re: Re.dino-artist of the century "Jane P. Davidson" <jdhexen@unr.edu> Friday, May 08, 1998
- Re: Re.dino-artist of the century "David Krentz" <david_krentz@fa.disney.com> Friday, May 08, 1998
- Re: Re.dino-artist of the century Danvarner <Danvarner@aol.com> Friday, May 08, 1998
- Re: Re.dino-artist of the century Jane Davidson <jdhexen@unr.edu> Friday, May 08, 1998
- Re: Re.dino-artist of the century "David Krentz" <david_krentz@fa.disney.com> Saturday, May 09, 1998
- Re: Re.dino-artist of the century Danvarner <Danvarner@aol.com> Saturday, May 09, 1998
- Re: Re.dino-artist of the century "David Krentz" <david_krentz@fa.disney.com> Saturday, May 09, 1998
- Re: Re.dino-artist of the century "Allan Edels" <edels@email.msn.com> Saturday, May 09, 1998
- Re: Re.dino-artist of the century "Peter Von Sholly" <vonrex@gte.net> Saturday, May 09, 1998
- Re: Re.dino-artist of the century MR_CYNIC@webtv.net (Chris Clifford) Saturday, May 09, 1998
- Re: Re.dino-artist of the century Dinogeorge <Dinogeorge@aol.com> Tuesday, May 26, 1998
- Re; dinosaurs in the media
- Reasons to reduce Dino species count.
- recent K mammal postings
- REF REQUEST Tetanurae <Tetanurae@aol.com> Wednesday, May 20, 1998
- References for everything
- reopening the can
- Request for sources of fossil REPLICAS
- Re: Rex cornering overview addendum
- rex MOI
- rex MOI ngear@gvtc.com Sunday, May 24, 1998
- Re: Re :_undiscovered_dinosaurs
- ROD SCHEETZ Tetanurae <Tetanurae@aol.com> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: Science (1997;278)
- Sciencescan notes
- RE: Scipionyx article (if you wanna call it that)
- Search for computer generated moving archaeopteryx
- Sickle birds, dino poops, early mammals
- small and large
- Social Biology and Dinosaur Behavior
- Solnhofen age
- sorry
- sorry "jason huff" <jh6669@hotmail.com> Sunday, May 24, 1998
- St. Louis Museum?
- Re: Status of Dinosaur Society
- Re: Status of Dinosaur Society "Allan Edels" <edels@email.msn.com> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: Status of Dinosaur Society MKIRKALDY <MKIRKALDY@aol.com> Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- Re: Status of Dinosaur Society "Allan Edels" <edels@email.msn.com> Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- Re: Status of Dinosaur Society "Sherry Michael" <MICHAELS@preit.com> Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- Re: Status of Dinosaur Society "D.I.G." <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- Re: stone the crows
- Student Research Auction
- Student research auction
- Suggestion for NEW VENUE for MOVIE REVIEWS was Re: Don't say I never spoiled anything for you (aka beaten down n ugget)
- SVP '50
- SVP '50 Ralph Chapman <CHAPMAN.RALPH@NMNH.SI.EDU> Wednesday, May 13, 1998
- t-rex vs albertosaurus question
- Re: T. rex limitations
- Taxonomy thread
- Terrific new Deinonychus sculpture
- Thanks
- Thanks "Ray Stanford" <starsong@prodigy.net> Sunday, May 10, 1998
- Theory on ornithoptering and could Archie do it ?
- There's also the ABCNEWS.com story on Majungatholus
- TITANOSAURS "Catherine Forster" <CFORSTER@mail.som.sunysb.edu> Sunday, May 24, 1998
- Transitional Species?
- transitions abound
- Re: transitions abound -Reply
- Triassic/Jurassic vertebrates, Madagascar
- The True "original" Godzilla was Re: cornering the latex market
- Re: The True Original Godzilla
- two upcoming dinosaur events
- Ultrasauros???
- An Un-Self-Serving Book Plug (for a Change)
- Re: Understanding names (and abbreviations!)
- Re: Understanding names (long)
- Re: Understanding names (long) "Sherry Michael" <MICHAELS@preit.com> Friday, May 01, 1998
- Re: Understanding names (long) "King, Norm" <nking.ucs@smtp.usi.edu> Friday, May 01, 1998
- Re: Understanding names (long) "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Saturday, May 02, 1998
- Re: Understanding names (long) Dinogeorge <Dinogeorge@aol.com> Saturday, May 02, 1998
- Re: Understanding names (long) Dinogeorge <Dinogeorge@aol.com> Saturday, May 02, 1998
- Re: Understanding names (long) "Allan Edels" <edels@email.msn.com> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: Understanding names (long) "Sherry Michael" <MICHAELS@preit.com> Monday, May 04, 1998
- Re: Understanding names (long) William Hinchman <bsaurus@bellatlantic.net> Tuesday, May 05, 1998
- undiscovered dinosaurs
- Unfound fossil of the . . .
- uninformed question
- UNSUBSCRIBE "Jaime Headden" <jaemei@hotmail.com> Saturday, May 30, 1998
- Utah and Allosaurus fragilis: perfect together
- Utahraptor question
- Re: way off topic
- We still love ya, Bob!
- Where are the fossils?
- Where's Dan?
- Where's Dan? "David Krentz" <david_krentz@fa.disney.com> Saturday, May 02, 1998
- Wherefore turbinates?
- Why Majungatholus?
- women's breasts (way off topic)
- Wonderfest contest entries added
- Wyoming dinosaur footprints!
- YPM's specimen "5232"
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