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I will save myself some time and send this out as a list message - 
I've had quite a few queries following my report on the Third 
European Worskshop on Vertebrate Palaeontology. Scroll down for info 
on another conference.

First off, I got the website address wrong. The correct one is - -
Again, let me know if you find a photo of all the conference 

The conference volume is: 

JAGT, J.W.M., LAMBERS, P.H., MULDER, E.W.A. and SCHULP, A.S. (eds) 
1998. _Third European Workshop on Vertebrate Palaeontology: Programme 
and Abstracts_. Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht, pp. 81.

The museum itself can be emailed at mail@nhmmaastricht.nl and may be 
able to help if you want a copy of the conference volume.

Chris Brochu noted that, in referring to Eric Mulder's talk on 
Maastrichtian marine reptiles, I mentioned European thoracosaurines. 
I gather that these were previously unreported. Eric recently wrote 
a paper where he described these specimens (one cervical and two 
lumbar verts). It is...

MULDER, E.W.A. 1997. Thoracosaurine vertebrae (Crocodylia; 
Crocodylidae) from the Maastrichtian type area. _Proc. Koninklijke 
Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen_ (Amsterdam) 100: 161-170.


Another European palaeontology meeting is coming up fast: Prog. 
Palaeo '98. This is being held at the University of Plymouth on May 
27th. As the meeting is being attended by palaeontologists (mostly 
grad students) from across the board, it is dominated by things 
without backbones including arthropods, bivalves and crinoids.

But there are at least a few tetrapod talks. Leslie Noe is
supposed to be talking about Callovian pliosaurids, but I just 
checked the programme and he isn't down there. Damn. However, we do 
have Gareth Dyke on London Clay avifauna, Lorna Steel on pterosaur 
head crests, Stig Walsh on a Pliocene bonebed (stacked full of marine 
mammals and birds - I have spent ages playing with these fossils), 
and me on yet another theropod leg bone from the Wealden Group (and 
not BMNH R9385). You can see abstracts for these talks at: -


That's linked to the other abstract pages and the home page.

I guess that's all for now.

"Nothing was wasted - only the whale"
