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Re: Re.dino-artist of the century

      What polls like this really show is what is trendy at the time. If this
were the 1930's James Allen's paintings for Sinclair Oil would be very
popular. Carrol Lane Fenton would have made his mark in the 1950's. It's kind
of silly, but fun, I guess. I would have to weigh in with David Krentz on
Charles R. Knight. As far as being painterly and going about the business of
fine art there can be no argument as far as I see. What may surprise some here
on the list is that Knight was every much as good a sculptor as he was a
painter. Most of his paintings began life as scuptures. His models have all
too rarely been seen, let alone published. Knight's Tyrannosaurus bronze is
one of the most beautiful objects I have ever seen. As far as pencil goes, has
anything ever been done to measure up to his superb Ornitholestes snatching
Archaeopteryx out of the air? No.
       If you haven't seen the latest _Prehistoric Times_ magazine (No.28/29),
I would like to draw your attention to page 49 where there is a selection of
David Krentz's very fine dinosaur restorations. Watch out!
       I'm glad to be back after the old IBM died and thanks and apologies
once again to Mickey for his patience. Dan Varner.