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The Night Before Teriary

Have a safe and happy holidays. k.wicks

>                     The Night Before Tertiary
>     by Stew Spezzano, from the Dinosaur Forum on Compuserve
> 'Twas the night before Tertiary and all through the crater,
> Not a creature was stirring, not even a gator...
> Their carcasses were flung in the wind without care;
> Making their species exceedingly rare.
> Then from the earth there arose such a clatter...
> As earthquakes and volcanos spewed out much matter.
> Living in darkness, what should disappear...
> The plankton, the plants, what else is not clear!
> Out T rex, out pterosaurs, ceratopsians, and raptors,
> Comet-killed ammonites and all of their captors.
> Many small mammals burrowed to bed,
> While fire and brimstone roared overhead.
> Birds flew away to avoid the hot blast...
> Going like hell until it had past.
> Then as the snow and ice hit the ground...
> The temperature dropped as things turned around.
> Mammals came out of their holes with glee,
> To eat bugs and berries, and of course just to pee.
> After a time the sun showed some light;
> Evolution kicked in with all of its might.
> The earth had survived a terrible fright.
> Merry Christmas for some; for dinos, GOOD NIGHT!
> "The only source of knowledge is experience." - Albert Einstein
> "Things should be mad as simple as possible, but not any simpler."
> - Albert Einstein

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