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Re: Climbing Dromaeosaurs

I was just thinking the same! On a related note, how do the earlier
mentioned lions descend from the trees? Presumably the trees are not so
tall and vertical in the environmment where they live, and this might make
it a bit easier. Actually, trying to picture a dromaeosaur climbing down a
tree headfirst I get a very silly looking dromaeoaur. I imagine that
dromaeosurs would not be able physically to  move their legs out far from
the center of their bodies, so their pelvic area would raised higher than
the shoulders, resulting in a droaeosaur balanced precariously on the edge
of somersaulting down a tree. Tail-first would not be as impossible, I
would think, but just as inconvenient. Of course they could just be "short-
tree climbing" dromaeosaurs. Just my amateur opinion.
                                                               Ben Riegler
From: Larry Febo <larryf@capital.net>
To: dinosaur@usc.edu
Subject: RE: Climbing Dromaeosaurs
Date: Sunday, December 13, 1998 10:09 AM

Sorry if I`m a bit late contributing to this thread,(just got finished
reading two days worth of posts). I notice everyone commenting about
Dromaeosaurs climbing up the trees (or not), but how would they have gotten
down? I know house cats sometimes go up trees, but are much more
"undecided" as to how to get back down. Regular tree climbers such as
squirrels, and I`m sure many lizards, have the ability to descend head
first, which no doubt has much to do with the flexability of their ankles.
So, for this reason, I can`t really see Dromaeosaurs as being, or for that
matter becoming arboreal.