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RE: Dinosaur TV 2/3's Week; joke; more or less...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry Dunn [SMTP:majestic_cheese@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 1998 9:57 PM
> To: dinosaur@usc.edu
> Subject: Dinosaur TV 2/3's Week
> And boy are my arms tired.
> Here are some highlights of U.S. national television programming
> concerning dinosaurs, other prehistoric animals and evolution, from
> high art to low trash and back again, all times Eastern (check local
> listings to confirm):
> Sunday, December 13
> TBS, 7:00pm
> National Geographic Explorer
> Includes segment called "Dinosaur Fever" and one called "Mystery of
> the Neanderthals."
Is John Trivolta in "Dinosaur Fever"?
Neanderthals are no mystery here in Texas; they are often our
neighbors. I think one of mine is a
Clovis Man, in fact.
> TBS, 11:00pm
> National Geographic Explorer
> There are also several different movies on T.V. this week concerning
> tyrannosaurs with human brains in Los Angeles.
> Yes, that's SEVERAL.
> I have no intention of promoting them. Go find them yourself if you
> are so inclined. One features a contractually-bound Whoopi Goldberg,
> the other Denise Richards, that ravishing, delightfully-vacant
> presence from STARSHIP TROOPERS.
Would a Tyrannosaur getting Denise Richard's brain be considered a
Could a T.rex even function with Denise Richard's brain?
Wouldn't this constitute extinct animal abuse?
The mind boggles!
> Last Week, Garrison Hilliard wrote of my comment that I would be
> searching for the elusive Bermudan tiger during my Caribbean trip:
> >Well, you aren't going to find it, as Bermuda is off
> >the coast of South Carolina and nowhere near the >Carribean Sea.
> Ha ha! An especially ironic error on my part, as I had just spent the
> better part of the afternoon explaining to my cousins (English
> cousins, no less!) that Bermuda is NOT in the "Carribean" (known to
> some as the Caribbean).
> Perhaps it was a subconscious impulse on my part -- seeing that
> Hilliard had not posted anything lately, I sensed that pouncing on an
> obvious brain fart would be right up his alley!
> (Hey, what's sauce for the goose .... Oh, and "in the interests of
> science," let me point out that Bermuda is "off the coast of South
> Carolina" in much the same way that the Phillipines are "off the
> coast" of Vietnam. Enjoy the swim!)
> No sign of the tiger. Plenty of Jamaican Anoles though.
> I knew Dinosaur TV Week.
> I worked with Dinosaur TV Week.
> Dinosaur TV Week was my friend.
> Senator, you're no Dinosaur TV Week.
> ==
> Larry
> "Atheism -- a non-prophet organization"
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