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Tony Canning wrote:
> On Feb 7, 11:20am, Adam Yates wrote:
> > The interesting thing about Lee's phylogeny is that it turns all those
> > funny little burrowing snakes into a monophyletic group, rather than a
> > paraphyletic grade of basal snakes as in past hypotheses. This of course
> > suggests two things 1) a fossorial phase in early snake evolution is less
> > likely & 2) The characters shared between the fossorial snakes and
> > amphisbaenids are not necessarily primitive for snakes. Indeed I suspect
> > a fossorial existance places quite an evolutionary "straight jacket" on
> > lepidosaur groups creating quite an impressive set of convergences.
> Has anybody seen the recent work describing supposed ancestral snakes
> (from Israel, I think) which were aquatic?  I've seen a brief summary but
> not the original research..
> Tony Canning
> tonyc@foe.co.uk

Your looking for "Remarks on a new Ophiomorph reptile from the Lower 
Cenomanian of Ein Jabrud, Israel", G. Haas in Aspects of Vertebrate 
History ed. by L.L. Jacobs, Museum of Northern Arizona Press, Flagstaff, 

Jim K.