DINOSAUR-1996Oct by thread
- Re: PTEROSAURS WITH 5 MANUAL DIGITS Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Re: SAKIS ARE _NOT_ SIFAKAS OF COURSE.. Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Re: Phytodinosauria Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, October 01, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Phytodinosauria chartiem@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Chartier Michel) Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Re: rigor Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, October 01, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: rigor lundq@uky.campus.mci.net (J. Lundquist) Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Re: rigor jonest@ava.bcc.orst.edu (Terry D. Jones) Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Re: polarity of bipedality in dinosaurs Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Re: [davis@kahaku.go.jp: Q's arising from Archaeopteryx feathers] "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Re: Theft From Cleveland Lloyd Quarry (fwd) [joke] slaz@electriciti.com (Steven S. Lazarus) Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Re: flapping from gliding Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM> Tuesday, October 01, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: flapping from gliding Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@inforamp.net> Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Re: flapping from gliding Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@inforamp.net> Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- FW: flapping from gliding Nathan Myhrvold <nathanm@MICROSOFT.com> Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Re: flapping from gliding achut@troodon.isp.net (Achut Reddy) Sunday, October 06, 1996
- Re: flapping from gliding Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, October 07, 1996
- Re: flapping from gliding Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM> Monday, October 07, 1996
- Re: flapping from gliding achut.reddy@Eng.Sun.COM (Achut Reddy) Thursday, October 10, 1996
- Re: flapping from gliding Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM> Thursday, October 10, 1996
- Re: flapping from gliding Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Friday, October 11, 1996
- Re: flapping from gliding achut.reddy@Eng.Sun.COM (Achut Reddy) Friday, October 11, 1996
- Re: flapping from gliding Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM> Monday, October 14, 1996
- Re: flapping from gliding Gautam Majumdar <gautam@majumdar.demon.co.uk> Wednesday, October 16, 1996
- Re: flapping from gliding Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Thursday, October 17, 1996
- Update on theft of fossil specimens (fwd) San Diego Natural History Museum <libsdnhm@CLASS.ORG> Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Re: the dinosaur's rear-facing shoulder socket GSP1954@aol.com Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Re: Everyone's discussing bird origins... "Tim Williams" <T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au> Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Dinosaur noses and stuff (long) Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- New Article tlford@ix.netcom.com (Tracy Ford ) Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Birds tlford@ix.netcom.com (Tracy Ford ) Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Footprint info pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- THAT HERBIVORY THREAD AGAIN "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Re: Mongolian dinosaur inspires religion in grad student nino@ccuam3.sdi.uam.es Tuesday, October 01, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Mongolian dinosaur inspires religion in grad student "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Re: Mongolian dinosaur inspires religion in grad student Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, October 02, 1996
- Re: Mongolian dinosaur inspires religion in grad student Thomas_R_HOLTZ@umail.umd.edu (th81) Wednesday, October 02, 1996
- Re: Mongolian dinosaur inspires religion in grad student "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Thursday, October 03, 1996
- Re: Mongolian dinosaur inspires religion in grad student "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Thursday, October 03, 1996
- Re: Mongolian dinosaur inspires religion in grad student Thomas_R_HOLTZ@umail.umd.edu (th81) Thursday, October 03, 1996
- Re: Mongolian dinosaur inspires religion in grad student nino@ccuam3.sdi.uam.es Thursday, October 03, 1996
- Re: Mongolian dinosaur inspires religion in grad student nino@ccuam3.sdi.uam.es Thursday, October 03, 1996
- Re: Mongolian dinosaur inspires religion in grad student Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, October 04, 1996
- Re: Mongolian dinosaur inspires religion in grad student nino@ccuam3.sdi.uam.es Friday, October 04, 1996
- Re: Mongolian dinosaur inspires religion in grad student "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Sunday, October 06, 1996
- Re: Classification of certain theropods? nino@ccuam3.sdi.uam.es Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Re: mesosaurs Thomas_R_HOLTZ@umail.umd.edu (th81) Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Re: PHYTOLITHS "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Formal definition of the Dinosauria Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Ruffled feathers davis@kahaku.go.jp (Paul Davis) Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- [davis@kahaku.go.jp: Confuciusornis birds] davis@kahaku.go.jp (Paul Davis) Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Share room at SVP? achut@troodon.isp.net (Achut Reddy) Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Crumbling fossils at Tyrrell rtmp@dns.magtech.ab.ca Tuesday, October 01, 1996
- Feathers [was: Re: Q's arising from Archaeopteryx feathers] "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Wednesday, October 02, 1996
- PaleoWorld tlford@ix.netcom.com (Tracy Ford ) Wednesday, October 02, 1996
- More on Confuciusornis davis@kahaku.go.jp (Paul Davis) Wednesday, October 02, 1996
- More on archeo feathers davis@kahaku.go.jp (Paul Davis) Wednesday, October 02, 1996
- [F.WALLIEN@elsevier.nl.Wed, 2 Oct 1996 11:36:04+0200.Relayed;Wed@usc.edu;;;;, 2 Oct 1996 11:36:04+0200.Wed@usc.edu, 2 Oct 1996 11:32:26+0200@usc.edu: free e mail service] F.WALLIEN@elsevier.nl Wednesday, October 02, 1996
- new refs "Mikiel" <Mikiel@goodnet.com> Wednesday, October 02, 1996
(Possible followups)
- new refs "Mikiel" <Mikiel@goodnet.com> Monday, October 07, 1996
- new refs "Mikiel" <Mikiel@goodnet.com> Monday, October 21, 1996
- new refs "Mikiel" <Mikiel@goodnet.com> Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- mammal hair "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Wednesday, October 02, 1996
- Dinosaur TV Program Alert MKIRKALDY@aol.com Wednesday, October 02, 1996
- Trying to track down Kellner DSFPortree@aol.com Wednesday, October 02, 1996
- Reference wanted jacobson@geoserv.isgs.uiuc.edu (Dino Russ) Wednesday, October 02, 1996
- Shedding feathers "Sharon A. Hill" <HILL.SHARON@a1.pader.gov> Wednesday, October 02, 1996
- Enquiry about evouliton of Maniraptors RAMIREZ ROMERO JOSUE <bi102194@udlapvms.pue.udlap.mx> Wednesday, October 02, 1996
- more bird origins Wabandco@aol.com Thursday, October 03, 1996
- Green fossils? sherry@spatula-net.com (Sherry Michael) Thursday, October 03, 1996
- Precambrian life Marko Urm <murm@ut.ee> Thursday, October 03, 1996
- FEATHERS "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Thursday, October 03, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: FEATHERS Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, October 03, 1996
- Re: FEATHERS Mark Sumner <range@inlink.com> Friday, October 04, 1996
- Re: FEATHERS Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Friday, October 04, 1996
- Re: FEATHERS Nick Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Friday, October 04, 1996
- Re: FEATHERS "King, Norm" <nking.ucs@smtp.usi.edu> Friday, October 04, 1996
- Re: FEATHERS Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, October 06, 1996
- Re: FEATHERS Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, October 06, 1996
- FEATHERS Nick Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Sunday, October 06, 1996
- Feathers "Antoni Lacasa" <fossils@redestb.es> Sunday, October 06, 1996
- Re: FEATHERS Nick Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Sunday, October 06, 1996
- Re: FEATHERS "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Monday, October 07, 1996
- Re: FEATHERS Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, October 07, 1996
- Feathers Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM> Monday, October 14, 1996
- bad jokes [joke] "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Thursday, October 03, 1996
- TARSITANO LINE "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Thursday, October 03, 1996
- feathers arising alan brush <BRUSH@UConnVM.UConn.Edu> Thursday, October 03, 1996
- pterosaur origins JNorton@MAILBOX.UNE.EDU Thursday, October 03, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: pterosaur origins Thomas_R_HOLTZ@umail.umd.edu (th81) Thursday, October 03, 1996
- Dinosaur TV Program Alert (Update) MKIRKALDY@aol.com Thursday, October 03, 1996
- Theft From Cleveland Lloyd Quarry - Reply Harley Armstrong <harmstro@co0261wp.coso.co.blm.gov> Thursday, October 03, 1996
- sauropod mandible? Nick Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Thursday, October 03, 1996
- Dino Hunt sj@io.com (Steve Jackson) Thursday, October 03, 1996
- A Review (fwd) alan brush <BRUSH@UConnVM.UConn.Edu> Friday, October 04, 1996
- Definitions of Ornithomimosauria Thomas_R_HOLTZ@umail.umd.edu (th81) Friday, October 04, 1996
- Phytolith Research "Terry Colvin" <colvint@fhu.disa.mil> Friday, October 04, 1996
- Questions of Various Kinds RaptorRKC@aol.com Friday, October 04, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Questions of Various Kinds Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, October 06, 1996
- Re: Questions of Various Kinds Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Sunday, October 06, 1996
- Re: Questions of Various Kinds Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, October 06, 1996
- RE: Questions of Various Kinds Nathan Myhrvold <nathanm@MICROSOFT.com> Sunday, October 06, 1996
- Re: Questions of Various Kinds Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, October 06, 1996
- Re: Questions of Various Kinds John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Sunday, October 06, 1996
- Re: Questions of Various Kinds Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, October 07, 1996
- Re: Questions of Various Kinds Thomas_R_HOLTZ@umail.umd.edu (th81) Monday, October 07, 1996
- Re: Questions of Various Kinds nino@ccuam3.sdi.uam.es Monday, October 07, 1996
- Re: Questions of Various Kinds "Tim Williams" <T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au> Monday, October 07, 1996
- Re: Questions of Various Kinds "Tim Williams" <T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au> Monday, October 07, 1996
- Re: Questions of Various Kinds "Tim Williams" <T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au> Monday, October 07, 1996
- Re: Questions of Various Kinds Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, October 08, 1996
- Re: Questions of Various Kinds Thomas_R_HOLTZ@umail.umd.edu (th81) Tuesday, October 08, 1996
- Re: Questions of Various Kinds Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM> Tuesday, October 08, 1996
- Re: Questions of Various Kinds nino@ccuam3.sdi.uam.es Wednesday, October 09, 1996
- Re: Ceratopsian frill size (was Re: DINOSAUR digest 71) achut@troodon.isp.net (Achut Reddy) Sunday, October 06, 1996
- flight stability PWSPARKS@aol.com Sunday, October 06, 1996
- Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? GSP1954@aol.com Sunday, October 06, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Nick Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Sunday, October 06, 1996
- Re: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Monday, October 07, 1996
- Re: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Robert J Meyerson <meyersrt@uwec.edu> (Rob Meyerson) Monday, October 07, 1996
- Re: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM> Monday, October 07, 1996
- Re: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? GSP1954@aol.com Tuesday, October 08, 1996
- Re: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? GSP1954@aol.com Tuesday, October 08, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? "Cunningham, Betty" <Cunningham@sega.com> Tuesday, October 08, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Rich Travsky <rtravsky@UWYO.EDU> Wednesday, October 09, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Robert J Meyerson <meyersrt@uwec.edu> (Rob Meyerson) Wednesday, October 09, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM> Wednesday, October 09, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? "Cunningham, Betty" <Cunningham@sega.com> Wednesday, October 09, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Wednesday, October 09, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Nathan Myhrvold <nathanm@MICROSOFT.com> Thursday, October 10, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Robert J Meyerson <meyersrt@uwec.edu> (Rob Meyerson) Friday, October 11, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM> Monday, October 14, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Robert J Meyerson <meyersrt@uwec.edu> (Rob Meyerson) Tuesday, October 15, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM> Tuesday, October 15, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Rich Travsky <rtravsky@UWYO.EDU> Wednesday, October 16, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Robert J Meyerson <meyersrt@uwec.edu> (Rob Meyerson) Wednesday, October 16, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Wednesday, October 16, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Nick Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Thursday, October 17, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Thursday, October 17, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Thursday, October 17, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Friday, October 18, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Robert J Meyerson <meyersrt@uwec.edu> (Rob Meyerson) Friday, October 18, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Robert J Meyerson <meyersrt@uwec.edu> (Rob Meyerson) Friday, October 18, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Robert J Meyerson <meyersrt@uwec.edu> (Rob Meyerson) Saturday, October 19, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Nick Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Sunday, October 20, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Andrew Howey <ajhowey@ix.netcom.com> Sunday, October 20, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Nick Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Sunday, October 20, 1996
- Re: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Sunday, October 20, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? GSP1954@aol.com Sunday, October 20, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Rob Meyerson <meyersrt@uwec.edu> Monday, October 21, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Rob Meyerson <meyersrt@uwec.edu> Monday, October 21, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? Nick Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- Burian book tlford@ix.netcom.com (Tracy Ford ) Sunday, October 06, 1996
- more silliness [joke] "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Sunday, October 06, 1996
- Confuciusornis steve.cole@genie.com Sunday, October 06, 1996
- Digs Amber <paleo@worldnet.att.net> Monday, October 07, 1996
- Bipedal sauropods? tlford@ix.netcom.com (Tracy Ford ) Monday, October 07, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Bipedal sauropods? Nick Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Tuesday, October 08, 1996
- speculation alan brush <BRUSH@UConnVM.UConn.Edu> Monday, October 07, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: speculation Chris Illes <chris_illes@Claris.COM> Tuesday, October 08, 1996
- RE: speculation "Cunningham, Betty" <Cunningham@sega.com> Tuesday, October 08, 1996
- Re: speculation Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@inforamp.net> Wednesday, October 09, 1996
- PANGOLINS "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, October 07, 1996
- The aquatic bird theory (veni, vidi, concreti) <martin@hpentccl.grenoble.hp.com> Monday, October 07, 1996
- Federal and international permits workshop (fwd) San Diego Natural History Museum <libsdnhm@CLASS.ORG> Monday, October 07, 1996
- Apatosaurus yahnahpin gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Monday, October 07, 1996
- Neovenator Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM> Monday, October 07, 1996
- A question on inclusions Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM> Monday, October 07, 1996
- bonsai dinosaurs NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk (Neil Clark) Monday, October 07, 1996
- Feathers vs other insulators (veni, vidi, concreti) <martin@hpentccl.grenoble.hp.com> Tuesday, October 08, 1996
- SANTANA PTEROSAURS "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Tuesday, October 08, 1996
- What is an "active ectotherm"? Andrew Howey <ajhowey@ix.netcom.com> Tuesday, October 08, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: What is an "active ectotherm"? Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, October 09, 1996
- Re: What is an "active ectotherm"? Andrew Howey <ajhowey@ix.netcom.com> Wednesday, October 09, 1996
- Re: What is an "active ectotherm"? jonest@ava.bcc.orst.edu (Terry D. Jones) Wednesday, October 09, 1996
- Re: What is an "active ectotherm"? "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Wednesday, October 09, 1996
- Re: What is an "active ectotherm"? Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, October 10, 1996
- Re: What is an "active ectotherm"? GSP1954@aol.com Thursday, October 10, 1996
- Re: What is an "active ectotherm"? Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, October 10, 1996
- Re: What is an "active ectotherm"? Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Thursday, October 10, 1996
- Re: What is an "active ectotherm"? "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Thursday, October 10, 1996
- Re: What is an "active ectotherm"? "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Thursday, October 10, 1996
- Re: What is an "active ectotherm"? "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Friday, October 11, 1996
- Re: What is an "active ectotherm"? Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Friday, October 11, 1996
- Re: What is an "active ectotherm"? Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Friday, October 11, 1996
- Re: What is an "active ectotherm"? GSP1954@aol.com Friday, October 11, 1996
- Re: What is an "active ectotherm"? Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, October 11, 1996
- Re: What is an "active ectotherm"? "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Friday, October 11, 1996
- Re: What is an "active ectotherm"? Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM> Monday, October 14, 1996
- Amber wolewiler@juno.com (William E. Olewiler) Tuesday, October 08, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Amber Neil Clark <nclark@museum.gla.ac.uk> Wednesday, October 09, 1996
- Feathered isulation properties and other uses rstephen@cswnet.com (Roger A. Stephenson) Tuesday, October 08, 1996
- Feathers, insulators, reasons for both "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Tuesday, October 08, 1996
- [longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU: Re: Feathers vs other insulators] "Mickey P. Rowe" <mrowe@indiana.edu> Wednesday, October 09, 1996
- [martz@holly.ColoState.EDU: Re: Questions of Various Kinds] "Mickey P. Rowe" <mrowe@indiana.edu> Wednesday, October 09, 1996
- [T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au: Re: Questions of Various Kinds] "Mickey P. Rowe" <mrowe@indiana.edu> Wednesday, October 09, 1996
- Mantis bat evasion sj@io.com (Steve Jackson) Wednesday, October 09, 1996
- Need a copy of "Predatory Dinosaurs ..." ??? RaptorRKC@aol.com Thursday, October 10, 1996
- Evidence for the Archaeopterygid-to-Neornithid Transition (ATONT) RaptorRKC@aol.com Thursday, October 10, 1996
- Relationship between sauropod neck length and size of skull RaptorRKC@aol.com Thursday, October 10, 1996
- Can logical reasoning support the feathered nonavian dinosaur theory? RaptorRKC@aol.com Thursday, October 10, 1996
- Sauropod Feeding Stance [joke.... I think -- MR] Michael Sternberg <mstern@cnw.com> Thursday, October 10, 1996
- Dino feathers discovered!!!! davis@kahaku.go.jp (Paul Davis) Thursday, October 10, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Dino feathers discovered!!!! Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@inforamp.net> Friday, October 11, 1996
- Re: Dino feathers discovered!!!! Nick Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Friday, October 11, 1996
- Re: Dino feathers discovered!!!! Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Friday, October 11, 1996
- Re: Dino feathers discovered!!!! Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, October 11, 1996
- Re: Dino feathers discovered!!!! gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Wednesday, October 16, 1996
- Re: Dino feathers discovered!!!! Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- ACTIVE (SHARK) ECTOTHERMS "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Thursday, October 10, 1996
- water and ectothermy "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Thursday, October 10, 1996
- Carcharodontosaurus (fwd) juliev@backpackers.com Thursday, October 10, 1996
- Re: Carcharodontosaurus Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Thursday, October 10, 1996
- BIPEDALITY & ENDOTHERMY "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Thursday, October 10, 1996
- Big upper jaw Nick Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Thursday, October 10, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Big upper jaw Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Friday, October 11, 1996
- Feathers from Scales guy leahy <n9435712@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Friday, October 11, 1996
- Pterosaurs in the trees? RaptorRKC@aol.com Friday, October 11, 1996
- Feathered dinosaur davis@kahaku.go.jp (Paul Davis) Friday, October 11, 1996
- [no subject] George Olshevsky <DinoGeorge@aol.com> Friday, October 11, 1996
- Re: flapping from gliding (long) Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, October 11, 1996
- September issue of JVP (partial review) achut.reddy@Eng.Sun.COM (Achut Reddy) Friday, October 11, 1996
- Meanings of Bird Names RaptorRKC@aol.com Monday, October 14, 1996
- Translation and Pronunciation Guides Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Monday, October 14, 1996
- NEW GIANT PLIOSAUR "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, October 14, 1996
- FEATHERS DO NOT = ENDOTHERMY "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, October 14, 1996
- Royal Tyrrell Museum Update #10: Fieldwork "D. Tanke" <dtanke@dns.magtech.ab.ca> Monday, October 14, 1996
- NJ Find coastie <coastie@mail.ccnet.com> Monday, October 14, 1996
- NEOMORPHOUS FERCULA? "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, October 14, 1996
- DCC NEWSLETTER "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, October 14, 1996
- archyopteryx reference needed znb35@ttacs1.ttu.edu Monday, October 14, 1996
- Australian dinosaur fossil theft cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin) Tuesday, October 15, 1996
- Arundel Dinos en Route to the SVP Meeting! Tompaleo@aol.com Tuesday, October 15, 1996
- Provisional name for a new dino tooth from the Arundel Clay Tompaleo@aol.com Tuesday, October 15, 1996
- Gone for 2 weeks tlford@ix.netcom.com (Tracy Ford ) Tuesday, October 15, 1996
- BABY HOATZINS "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Tuesday, October 15, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: BABY HOATZINS Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM> Tuesday, October 15, 1996
- Re: BABY HOATZINS Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@inforamp.net> Friday, October 25, 1996
- giantism of dinosaurs Westmeie@pprz02.hrz.Uni-Marburg.DE Tuesday, October 15, 1996
- THERMOREGULATORY FRILL "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Tuesday, October 15, 1996
- Dino feathers davis@kahaku.go.jp (Paul Davis) Tuesday, October 15, 1996
- Dino Art Robert J Meyerson <meyersrt@uwec.edu> (Rob Meyerson) Tuesday, October 15, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Dino Art Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM> Tuesday, October 15, 1996
- Re: Dino Art Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Wednesday, October 16, 1996
- administrivia "Mickey P. Rowe" <mrowe@indiana.edu> Tuesday, October 15, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Administrivia cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin) Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- Holy BCF "Mickey P. Rowe" <mrowe@indiana.edu> Tuesday, October 15, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Holy BCF Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- re: Lessem's books New Dominion Pictures <ndp@pinn.net> Tuesday, October 15, 1996
- RAPTORS! illustrations RaptorRKC@aol.com Tuesday, October 15, 1996
- Tripodal Sauropods (was RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs?) gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Tuesday, October 15, 1996
- Bipedality Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Tuesday, October 15, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Bipedality Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- Re: Bipedality guy leahy <n9435712@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Friday, October 25, 1996
- Re: Bipedality Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, October 26, 1996
- Re: Bipedality DPterosaur@aol.com Saturday, October 26, 1996
- Re: Bipedality Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, October 27, 1996
- Re: "Tim Williams" <T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au> Wednesday, October 16, 1996
- Dino Hunt (was Re: DCC NEWSLETTER) sherry@spatula-net.com (Sherry Michael) Wednesday, October 16, 1996
- leaves "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Wednesday, October 16, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: leaves "dustbunny" <dustbunny@citynet.net> Thursday, October 17, 1996
- Re: leaves GSP1954@aol.com Monday, October 21, 1996
- colour receptors "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Wednesday, October 16, 1996
- insulation - speculation "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Wednesday, October 16, 1996
- Re: Tripodal Sauropods Robert J Meyerson <meyersrt@uwec.edu> (Rob Meyerson) Wednesday, October 16, 1996
- Steve Jackson's "DINO HUNT" players John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Wednesday, October 16, 1996
- Baby insulation Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Wednesday, October 16, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? [joke] "Cunningham, Betty" <Cunningham@sega.com> Wednesday, October 16, 1996
- Re: Sauropod Feeding Stance--no joke. kodiak@INETWORLD.NET (MC2) Wednesday, October 16, 1996
- RE: insulation - speculation [joke] "Cunningham, Betty" <Cunningham@sega.com> Wednesday, October 16, 1996
- Dino book review request kodiak@INETWORLD.NET (MC2) Thursday, October 17, 1996
- New Zealand and the LOST WORLD Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Thursday, October 17, 1996
- Re: Tompaleo@aol.com Thursday, October 17, 1996
- feathers, hair and Compsognathus davis@kahaku.go.jp (Paul Davis) Thursday, October 17, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Thursday, October 17, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Friday, October 18, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Friday, October 18, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus davis@kahaku.go.jp (Paul Davis) Saturday, October 19, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Sunday, October 20, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Sunday, October 20, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Sunday, October 20, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus GSP1954@aol.com Monday, October 21, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus GSP1954@aol.com Monday, October 21, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Monday, October 21, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus Thomas_R_HOLTZ@umail.umd.edu (th81) Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus Nick Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Wednesday, October 23, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Wednesday, October 23, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Wednesday, October 23, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Thursday, October 24, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Friday, October 25, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus "David J. Froehlich" <eohippus@uts.cc.utexas.edu> Friday, October 25, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus "Tim Williams" <T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au> Friday, October 25, 1996
- Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Friday, October 25, 1996
- PROPATAGIAL INNERVATIONS "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Thursday, October 17, 1996
- Feathers again "Antoni Lacasa" <fossils@redestb.es> Thursday, October 17, 1996
- endangered sites list (fwd) "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Thursday, October 17, 1996
- Re: Baby insulation (fwd) Royan Webb <bandr@globaldialog.com> Thursday, October 17, 1996
- RECOVERIES '97 - CALL FOR PARTICIPATION "Recoveries '97 Conference" <recovery@gli.cas.cz> Thursday, October 17, 1996
- Feathered Dino Rant[long] Cory Gross <GROS4891@Adc.MtRoyal.AB.CA> Thursday, October 17, 1996
- Re: PROPATAGIAL INNERVATIONS and Re: Feathers again Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Friday, October 18, 1996
- Mysteriasaur? Jason Ashley <jasona@warwick.net> Friday, October 18, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Mysteriasaur? Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Sunday, October 20, 1996
- Re: Mysteriasaur? "Mikiel" <Mikiel@goodnet.com> Sunday, October 20, 1996
- Re: Mysteriasaur? Nick Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Sunday, October 20, 1996
- respiratory turbinates revisited "King, Norm" <nking.ucs@smtp.usi.edu> Friday, October 18, 1996
- RE: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs? (fwd) Peter Buchholz <gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu> Friday, October 18, 1996
- Feathers? The fossils say yes! Nick Longrich <longrich@ponyexpress.Princeton.EDU> Friday, October 18, 1996
- [no subject] Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> (by way of) Sunday, October 20, 1996
- Refs wanted gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Sunday, October 20, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Refs wanted Gautam Majumdar <gautam@majumdar.demon.co.uk> Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- Re: Refs wanted Shawn Patrick Zack <spz@acpub.duke.edu> Wednesday, October 23, 1996
- _Sinosauropteryx_ pictures banned! Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Sunday, October 20, 1996
- Raptors and Stuff Nick Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Sunday, October 20, 1996
- Re: Fwd: Virus Warning in PKZIP3 Mark Leney <mdl1002@cus.cam.ac.uk> Sunday, October 20, 1996
- speech kswater@golden.net Sunday, October 20, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: speech Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Monday, October 21, 1996
- Re:Feathers again. cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin) Sunday, October 20, 1996
- CG in rearing sauropods endocrin@media.net.au (Graeme Worth) Sunday, October 20, 1996
- Mysteriasaur & the AMNH displays Jason Ashley <jasona@warwick.net> Monday, October 21, 1996
- Thick-headed abelisaurs "Tim Williams" <T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au> Monday, October 21, 1996
- Ranger Rick's Rhamphorhynchus gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Monday, October 21, 1996
- Conifer growth Jason Ashley <jasona@warwick.net> Monday, October 21, 1996
- SVP conference (was: Re: Raptors and Stuff) lipkowit@midway.uchicago.edu Monday, October 21, 1996
- CG and biped balance stevet@shelby.net (Stephen Throop) Monday, October 21, 1996
- A breakthrough! sj@io.com (Steve Jackson) Monday, October 21, 1996
- Re: DINOSAUR digest 87 sj@io.com (Steve Jackson) Monday, October 21, 1996
- Sinosauropteryx picture now on-line Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- Re: enigmatic tooth Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- Nekkid! Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- Gauthier's paper RAMIREZ ROMERO JOSUE <bi102194@ccs.pue.udlap.mx> Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- Forward - PhD offer in Iowa cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin) Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- PhD offer in Iowa cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin) Tuesday, October 22, 1996
(Possible followups)
- PhD offer in Iowa cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin) Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- PhD in Iowa cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin) Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- lips and beaks gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Tuesday, October 22, 1996
- Dodson's Ceratop(s)ian Book tuckr@digital.net Wednesday, October 23, 1996
- Dinosaur beaks "Tim Williams" <T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au> Wednesday, October 23, 1996
- Enantiornithine Braincases gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Wednesday, October 23, 1996
- Live birth in mosasaurs sj@io.com (Steve Jackson) Wednesday, October 23, 1996
- A TICKLISH SCIENCE LESSON (long) GSP1954@aol.com Wednesday, October 23, 1996
- Books wanted :) meerkat@juno.com (Christopher W Dail) Wednesday, October 23, 1996
- Deinocheirus sj@io.com (Steve Jackson) Wednesday, October 23, 1996
(Possible followups)
- RE: Deinocheirus Jason Ashley <jasona@warwick.net> Wednesday, October 23, 1996
- Feathers Dinosaur on TV Kevin Stewart <puppydog@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca> Wednesday, October 23, 1996
- Help with Terra Mobilis pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Wednesday, October 23, 1996
- Re: Bipedal apatosaurs and stegosaurs Robert J Meyerson <meyersrt@uwec.edu> (Rob Meyerson) Thursday, October 24, 1996
- Yuks of the day (joke) Robert J Meyerson <meyersrt@uwec.edu> (Rob Meyerson) Thursday, October 24, 1996
- Happy Halloween (joke) Robert J Meyerson <meyersrt@uwec.edu> (Rob Meyerson) Thursday, October 24, 1996
- my phylogeny, as of SVP'96 (long) "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Thursday, October 24, 1996
- Copyright Guide for Dino Artists sj@io.com (Steve Jackson) Thursday, October 24, 1996
- "Mammal-Like Reptile" systematics [was Re: feathers, hair and Compsognathus] "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Thursday, October 24, 1996
- SVP Highlights achut.reddy@Eng.Sun.COM (Achut Reddy) Thursday, October 24, 1996
- Re: FEATHERS DO NOT=ENDOTHERMY guy leahy <n9435712@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Thursday, October 24, 1996
- Dinosaur with down "Lora E. Nelson" <ap311@freenet.toronto.on.ca> Thursday, October 24, 1996
- Giganotosaurus Lawrence Dunn <dunn1@mail.idt.net> Thursday, October 24, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Giganotosaurus "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Friday, October 25, 1996
- Re: Giganotosaurus Gautam Majumdar <gautam@majumdar.demon.co.uk> Friday, October 25, 1996
- Dodson's new book sherry@spatula-net.com (Sherry Michael) Thursday, October 24, 1996
- re: bipedal apatosaurs & stegosaurs - tails for defense franczak@ntplx.net (Brian Franczak) Friday, October 25, 1996
- Dinosaur Genera List correctins #62 Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, October 25, 1996
- Discovery program feathered dinos "Jane P. Davidson" <jdhexen@unr.edu> Friday, October 25, 1996
- Life-Size Reconstructions at Royal Tyrrell sj@io.com (Steve Jackson) Friday, October 25, 1996
- More bird refs wanted gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Friday, October 25, 1996
- Re: book reviews, parsimony and some loose ends Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, October 25, 1996
- Re: book reviews, parsimony and some loose ends "Mickey P. Rowe" <mrowe@indiana.edu> Friday, October 25, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: book reviews, parsimony and some loose ends Rob Meyerson <meyersrt@uwec.edu> Friday, October 25, 1996
- Re: book reviews, parsimony and some loose ends Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, October 25, 1996
- Re: book reviews, parsimony and some loose ends Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Friday, October 25, 1996
- Re: book reviews, parsimony and some loose ends Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, October 26, 1996
- Re: book reviews, parsimony and some loose ends Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@inforamp.net> Saturday, October 26, 1996
- Royal Tyrrell Museum Update: #11 "D. Tanke" <dtanke@dns.magtech.ab.ca> Friday, October 25, 1996
- HERE, HERE, GSP! ... In response to "A Ticklish Science Lesson" RaptorRKC@aol.com Friday, October 25, 1996
- AUSTRALIAN TRACKS STOLEN steve.cole@genie.com Friday, October 25, 1996
- Rauisuchids Lawrence Dunn <dunn1@mail.idt.net> Friday, October 25, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Rauisuchids davis@kahaku.go.jp (Paul Davis) Saturday, October 26, 1996
- A funny thing happened when I got a hold of some balsa wood.... gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Friday, October 25, 1996
- RECOVERIES '97: CALL FOR PARTICIPATION "Recoveries '97 Conference" <recovery@gli.cas.cz> Friday, October 25, 1996
- more web site locations (fwd) "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Friday, October 25, 1996
- Madagascar ceratosaurs "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Friday, October 25, 1996
- Glut's encyclopedia werner@inet03.us.landisstaefa.com Friday, October 25, 1996
- met Novacek- oviraptor questions(mostly) "Cunningham, Betty" <Cunningham@sega.com> Friday, October 25, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: met Novacek- oviraptor questions(mostly) "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Friday, October 25, 1996
- Re: met Novacek- oviraptor questions(mostly) Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Friday, October 25, 1996
- Re: met Novacek- oviraptor questions(mostly) achut.reddy@Eng.Sun.COM (Achut Reddy) Friday, October 25, 1996
- RE: met Novacek- oviraptor questions(mostly) "Cunningham, Betty" <Cunningham@sega.com> Friday, October 25, 1996
- RE: met Novacek- oviraptor questions(mostly) "Cunningham, Betty" <Cunningham@sega.com> Saturday, October 26, 1996
- RE: met Novacek- oviraptor questions(mostly) "Cunningham, Betty" <Cunningham@sega.com> Saturday, October 26, 1996
- Re: met Novacek- oviraptor questions(mostly) "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Monday, October 28, 1996
- Funky _Irritator_ Pic. Cory Gross <GROS4891@Adc.MtRoyal.AB.CA> Friday, October 25, 1996
- re: Don Glut's Dinosaur Encyclopedia franczak@ntplx.net (Brian Franczak) Friday, October 25, 1996
- What feathers mean Lawrence Dunn <dunn1@mail.idt.net> Saturday, October 26, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: What feathers mean Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Sunday, October 27, 1996
- Re: What feathers mean GSP1954@aol.com Sunday, October 27, 1996
- Re: What feathers mean Lawrence Dunn <dunn1@mail.idt.net> Monday, October 28, 1996
- Re: What feathers mean Nick Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Monday, October 28, 1996
- Re: What feathers mean Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Monday, October 28, 1996
- Re: origin of bipedality (was Re: book reviews, parsimony and some loose ends) Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, October 26, 1996
- OJ Oviraptor Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Saturday, October 26, 1996
- the evolution of birds PESELYG@APSU01.APSU.EDU Saturday, October 26, 1996
- RE: OJ Ovirpator FiSimpson@aol.com Sunday, October 27, 1996
- Re: Bad as opposed to BADD Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, October 27, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Bad as opposed to BADD Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@inforamp.net> Monday, October 28, 1996
- Re: Bad as opposed to BADD "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Monday, October 28, 1996
- Re: Bad as opposed to BADD "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Tuesday, October 29, 1996
- Re: Bad as opposed to BADD Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Tuesday, October 29, 1996
- Re: Bad as opposed to BADD Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, October 29, 1996
- Re: Bad as opposed to BADD "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- Re: Bad as opposed to BADD Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- Re: Bad as opposed to BADD Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- Re: Bad as opposed to BADD "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- Re: Bad as opposed to BADD Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, October 31, 1996
- Re: Bad as opposed to BADD Nick Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- A whole lot of trouble.... gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Monday, October 28, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: A whole lot of trouble.... stevet@shelby.net (Stephen Throop) Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- Re: A whole lot of trouble.... "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- Re: A whole lot of trouble.... Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- Re: A whole lot of trouble.... gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- Re: A whole lot of trouble.... Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- Re: A whole lot of trouble.... Nick Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- Re: A whole lot of trouble.... Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@inforamp.net> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- The Eider Dino and dinos in japan davis@kahaku.go.jp (Paul Davis) Monday, October 28, 1996
- AMNIOTE SCALES "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, October 28, 1996
- IRRITATOR PROBLEMATIC ISSUES "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, October 28, 1996
- Symposium and call for papers dboaz@juno.com (Debra R Boaz) Monday, October 28, 1996
- "Final" dino species/genera count kodiak@INETWORLD.NET (MC2) Monday, October 28, 1996
- BOOK REVIEWS "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, October 28, 1996
- "Sue" SMOORE@SCUACC.SCU.EDU Monday, October 28, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: "Sue" GSP1954@aol.com Tuesday, October 29, 1996
- KICKING PREDATORS "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, October 28, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: KICKING PREDATORS Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Monday, October 28, 1996
- Kicking Predators MKIRKALDY@aol.com Monday, October 28, 1996
- RE: Kicking Predators "Cunningham, Betty" <Cunningham@sega.com> Tuesday, October 29, 1996
- RE: KICKING PREDATORS "Cunningham, Betty" <Cunningham@sega.com> Tuesday, October 29, 1996
- Re: KICKING PREDATORS Lawrence Dunn <dunn1@mail.idt.net> Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- The subject line--AGAIN kodiak@INETWORLD.NET (MC2) Monday, October 28, 1996
- Dromaeosaurs and birds ( was Re: Bad as opposed to BADD ) "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Monday, October 28, 1996
- protiens PWSPARKS@aol.com Tuesday, October 29, 1996
- bipedal PWSPARKS@aol.com Tuesday, October 29, 1996
(Possible followups)
- bipedal -Reply JNorton@MAILBOX.UNE.EDU Tuesday, October 29, 1996
- Re: bipedal stevet@shelby.net (Stephen Throop) Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- RE: bipedal "Cunningham, Betty" <Cunningham@sega.com> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- bipedal PWSPARKS@aol.com Thursday, October 31, 1996
- Re: bipedal "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- Abel's arboreal archosaurs PESELYG@APSU01.APSU.EDU Tuesday, October 29, 1996
- Pterosaurs walking away from dinosaurs DPterosaur@aol.com Tuesday, October 29, 1996
- FLEEING FROM PREDATORS, KICKING & LOOKING "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Tuesday, October 29, 1996
- Script on dino feathers DSFPortree@aol.com Tuesday, October 29, 1996
- _FEATHER GENES_ Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Tuesday, October 29, 1996
- Questions Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Tuesday, October 29, 1996
(Possible followups)
- RE: Questions "Cunningham, Betty" <Cunningham@sega.com> Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- RE: Questions "Cunningham, Betty" <Cunningham@sega.com> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- Ceratopian Family Tree Rob Meyerson <meyersrt@uwec.edu> Tuesday, October 29, 1996
- MORE FEATHERS & NEKKID MAMMALS Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Tuesday, October 29, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: MORE FEATHERS & NEKKID MAMMALS gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- Re: MORE FEATHERS & NEKKID MAMMALS Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- Re: MORE FEATHERS & NEKKID MAMMALS gpb6845@msu.oscs.montana.edu Thursday, October 31, 1996
- Re: MORE FEATHERS & NEKKID MAMMALS Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@inforamp.net> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- Re: MORE FEATHERS & NEKKID MAMMALS "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- Re: MORE FEATHERS & NEKKID MAMMALS Rich Travsky <rtravsky@UWYO.EDU> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- ANAPSID PHYLOGENY: IRRELEVANT TO DINOSAURS Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Tuesday, October 29, 1996
- Bird Metacarpal Homology (Hinchliffe 1985) "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- FEATHERS 2 Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Wednesday, October 30, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: FEATHERS 2 "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- Re: FEATHERS 2 Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- Re: FEATHERS 2 Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- Re: FEATHERS 2 Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- Re: FEATHERS 2 Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- Re: FEATHERS 2 "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- RE: FEATHERS 2 "Cunningham, Betty" <Cunningham@sega.com> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- RE: FEATHERS 2 Nathan Myhrvold <nathanm@MICROSOFT.com> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- glide to fly PWSPARKS@aol.com Wednesday, October 30, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: glide to fly stevet@shelby.net (Stephen Throop) Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- Re: glide to fly Ed Traxler <edtrax@dedot.com> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- Falling Down rstephen@cswnet.com (Roger A. Stephenson) Wednesday, October 30, 1996
(Possible followups)
- RE: Falling Down "Cunningham, Betty" <Cunningham@sega.com> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- Re: Falling Down Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- Re: Dino coloration and more... Wayne Anderson <wander@hooked.net> Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- TROUBLE WITH 'TROUBLE' "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- refs on dinosaur classification Westmeie@pprz02.hrz.Uni-Marburg.DE Wednesday, October 30, 1996
- Feather refs Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- flying fish PWSPARKS@aol.com Thursday, October 31, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Flying fish Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- EARLY CROCS ETC. "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- THAT LITTLE THEROPOD AGAIN "Joanne Guest" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- *question alan brush <BRUSH@UConnVM.UConn.Edu> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- feather fossils alan brush <BRUSH@UConnVM.UConn.Edu> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- Parsimony Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- leg feathers "Pat Grant (Library: Serials Catalog" <PATG@vax2.concordia.ca> Thursday, October 31, 1996
- Ghost Lineages (Joke) MKIRKALDY@aol.com Thursday, October 31, 1996
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