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Re: Dinosaur with down

Lora E. Nelson wrote:

> Unfortunately, no mention was made as to when this discovery was made or
> to the name of the little critter.  Has it been named yet and if so, what is
> it called and to what groups of dinosaurs is it related?  Does anybody on
> the list have any information about this little animal?

   There is a picture and articles at http://www.dinosauria.com
** Dinosauria On-Line. Home of THE DINOSTORE ** "Those who trade a        **
** (Dino stuff for sale), Jeff's Journal of  ** little freedom for a      **
** Dinosaur Paleontology, Jeff's Dinosaur    ** little security will soon **
** Picture Gallery, and The DOL Dinosaur     ** find they have none of    **
** Omnipedia. http://www.dinosauria.com      ** either." -- Jeff Poling   **