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new refs.
Here are a few new ones.
JT Geology.
DA MAY 01 1996 v 24 n 5
PG 391
AU Morante, R.
AU Hallam, A.
TI Organic carbon isotopic record across the Triassic-Jurassic
boundary in Austria and its bearing on the cause of the mass
JT Geology.
DA MAY 01 1996 v 24 n 5
PG 463
AU MacLeod, Kenneth G.
AU Huber, Brian T.
TI Strontium isotopic evidence for extensive reworking in sediments
spanning the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary at ODP Site 738
JT Journal of sedimentary research. section a
DA MAY 01 1996 v 66 n 3
PG 531
AU Hubert, J.F.
AU Panish, P.T.
AU Prostak, K.S.
TI Chemistry, microstructure, petrology, and diagenetic model for
Jurassic dinosaur bones, Dinosaur National Monument, Utah.
JT Proceedings of the geologists' association.
DA 1996 v 107 p 2
PG 107
AU Grange, D.R.
AU Storks, G.W.
AU Ethces, S.
TI An important marine vertebrate-bearing locality from the Lower
Kimmeridge Clay (Upper Jurassic) of Westbury, Wiltshire
JT Sciences geologiques Bulletin
DA 1994 t 47 f 1 / 4
PG 51
AU El Beialy, S.Y.
TI Palynological evidence fo rthe age and depositional environment of
the Cretaceous Bahariya Formation, Northwestern Desert, Egypt.
SU Indications palynologiques pour l'age et l'environnement
sedimentaire de la formation cretacee de Bahariya, Desert
Nord-Ouest, Egypte, SI
(This one has already been mentioned on the list, but the full
citation was never given.)
JT Proceedings of the geologists' association.
DA 1996 v 107 p 2
PG 81
AU Martill, D.M.
AU Hutt, S.
TI Possible baryonychid dinosaur teeth from the Wessex Formation
(Lower Cretaceous, Barremian) of the Isle of Wight, England
JT Neues jahrbuch fur geologie und palaontologie.
DA 1996 b 199 h 2
PG 151
AU Kellner, A. W. A.
AU Campos, D. A. de
TI First Early Cretaccous theropod dinosaur from Brazil with comments
on Spinosauridae. (With 7 figures in the text)
That's it for now.