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New Galton paper and a request

Just found this in the library.  Sorry if this has already been posted:

GALTON, P.M.  1996.  Notes on Dinosauria from the Upper Cretaceous of
Portugal.  N. Jb. Geol. Pala:ont. M. 1996(2): 83-90.

Abstract: Dinosauria from the Upper Campanian-Maastrichtian of Beira
Litoral, western Portugal include a sauropod, a carnosaur, maniraptoran
coelurosaurs, and the fabrosaurid ornithischian _Taveirosaurus_ (originally
described as a pachycephalosaurid, also known from Maastrichtian of Lano,
Spain).  Teeth originally described as ornithopod are tentatively referred
to the Atoposauridae, a family of dwarf crocodiles.

And now, a request: [partially fulfilled; see below -- MR]

UMd libraries do not carry either the Neues Jahrbuch fu:r Geologie und
Pala:ontologie Abhandlungen (they do carry the Monatshelf, see above) nor
the Proceedings of the Geologists' Association.  I have to run my final
biogeography analysis for the NAPC meeting, and need the data on the
spinosaurid/baryonychid material described in the Kellner & Campos (N. Jb.
Geol. Pala:ont. Ab. 199(2): 151-166) and Martill & Hutt (Proc. Geologists.
Assoc. 107: 81-84) papers which both just came out.

If some kind soul could please fax them to me (reduced size is fine, esp.
for the Kellner & Campos paper), I would be most appreciative.

[Penn carries both of these journals.  I've just sent Tom a copy of
 Kellner & Campos, but the issue of PGA which contains the Martill &
 Hutt paper hasn't arrived here yet.  If someone else has it, please
 take up the challenge.  Tom, if no one else gets it for you, bug me
 and I'll keep checking. -- MR]

Thanks in advance,

Thomas R. Holtz, Jr.
Vertebrate Paleontologist     Webpage: http://www.geol.umd.edu
Dept. of Geology              Email:th81@umail.umd.edu
University of Maryland        Phone:301-405-4084
College Park, MD  20742       Fax:  301-314-9661

"There are some who call me...  Tim."