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Re: mammal-like reptiles is a good name?
jrw6f@uva.pcmail.virginia.edu wrote:
> Mr. Sumner: What ever gave you the impression that
> "mammal-like reptiles" is a "perfectly good" name. If you ask
> me, it's as bad as "non-avian dinosaurs". It serves, in that
> it immediately conjures the image of the creatures it
> represents, but it also misleads. It implies that the early
> synapsids did not eventually give rise to the mammals. To my
> mind, anything is preferable to continuing the taxonomic
> dissarray that the term "reptile" has brought about.
> Wagner
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to infect the mailing list with an
argument over triviality, but...
Why should the term "mammal-like reptile" imply that "the early
synapsids did not give rise to the mammals?" Where else would
you expect the mammals to spring forth? Non-mammal like
reptiles? This term, for me, clearly demonstrates the
transitional nature of these synapsids, and is a term which
communicates their position well to those whose knowledge in
this area is quite limited -- such as me.
And, hey, what's wrong with "non-avian dinosaurs?" <g>
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