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From: "Nicholas J. Pharris" <pharrinj@PLU.edu>
> On Tue, 6 Feb 1996 Dinogeorge@aol.com wrote:
> > In a message dated 96-02-05 20:58:00 EST, pharrinj@PLU.edu (Nicholas J.
> > Pharris) writes:
> >
> > >Troodontids have fairly descent sagittal crests, too.
> >
> > Nothing like that of _Irritator_--some of which is fake, by the way.
> Ah-ha! I thought it looked a little fishy. Actually, it reminds me of a
> reconstruction I have of a juvenile _Scaphognathus_.
Which is probably what it was *intended* to look like, since the
fakery was designed to make the skull look more like a pterosaur!
swf@elsegundoca.attgis.com sarima@netcom.com
The peace of God be with you.