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new refs.

Here are some new ones...

JT Cladistics :  the international journal of the W
DA JUN 01 1995 v 11 n 2
PG  199
AU Young, D.L.
AU Huyen, Y.
AU Allard, M.W.
TI Testing the validity of the cytochrome B sequence from cretaceous
period bone fragments as dinosaur DNA

JT Earth and planetary science letters.
DA JUN 01 1996 v 141 n 1 / 4
PG   79
AU Bazhenov, M. L.
AU Burtman, V. S.
AU Levashova, N. L.
TI Lower and Middle Jurassic paleomagnetic results from the south Lesser
 Caucasus and the evolution of the Mesozoic Tethys ocean

JT Carbonates and evaporites.
DA 1996 v 11 n 1
PG  141     
AU Friedman, Gerald M.   
TI Yucatan Subsurface Stratigraphy: Implications And Constraints For The
Chicxulub Impact: Discussion

JT Carbonates and evaporites.
DA 1996 v 11 n 1
PG  142     
AU Ward, Willia C.   
TI Yucatan Subsurface Stratigraphy: Implications And Constraints For The
Chicxulub Impact: Reply

JT Geologische rundschau.
DA 1996 v 85 n 2
PG  191     
AU Glasby, G.P.   
AU Kunzendorf, H.   
TI Multiple factors in the origin of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary:
the role of environmental stress and Deccan Trap volcanism

JT Journal of the geological society
DA JUL 01 1996 v 153 p 4
PG  503     
AU Crame, J.A.   
AU Lomas, S.A.   
AU Luther, A.   
TI Late Cretaceous extinction pattern in Antarctica

JT Geologische rundschau.
DA 1996 v 85 n 2
PG  293     
AU Soffel, H.C.   
AU Davoudzadeh, M.   
AU Schmidt, S.   
TI New palaeomagnetic data from Central Iran and a Triassic

JT Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecolog
DA JUL 01 1996 v 123 n 1 / 4
PG  289   
AU Muchez, Ph.
AU Boulvain, F.
AU Hou, H.F.
TI Sequence stratigraphy of the Frasnian-Famennian transitional strata:
a comparison between South China and southern Belgium
