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Fwd: Publishing on the WEB, DinoStore After Thanksgiving Sale

I got some kind of internal error message when I sent this the first time, so
here it is again. Sorry if it's a repeat!
Forwarded message:
Subj:    Re: Publishing on the WEB, DinoStore After Thanksgiving Sale 
Date:    95-11-22 21:15:54 EST
>From:    Dinogeorge
To:      dinosaur@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu

In a message dated 95-11-22 19:00:07 EST, Thomas_R_HOLTZ@umail.umd.edu (th81)

> No
>one (except maybe Dinogeorge :-) ) has memorized the whole of the literature
>on any subject

Not even Dinogeorge, alas.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.