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>         I recall reading/hearing something quite recently that recent
> experiments have shown that the brand of fire ants currently devouring the
> south can no longer interbreed with their South American ancestors.
> Whatever else is different, I don't know, but I think this qualifies as
> evolution!                                                (Jerry Harris)

An example amongst tetrapods is, as best I know, a population of Rock wallabies
introduced to Hawaii earlier this century. They still look like Aussie rock
wallabies, but have quite different enzymes etc. Apparently, were it not for the
fact that they are known to be a feral population, they would otherwise be
unhesitatingly ascribed a new species. Apparently.

BTW, is anyone aware of any good fieldguide to all of Australia's mammal

"And we were in a rock shop, and rock shops.. they sell things"