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Re: Oviraptor
>From: Stang1996@aol.com
> The top two skulls have been assigned to the species
> philoceratops, yet one has a small bump in the nasal region[hook-nose],
> while the other has a large crest [axe-nose].
> So, what's the deal? is hook-nose another species, or was it prepared
> wrong? Which skull has priority over philoceratops?
You left out one very good possiblity: a gender-based difference.
The one with the large crest could be the male, and the one with
the bumb could be the female.
Actually, there is even another possibility - growth phases.
The one with the small bump could be a juvenile (look at the
difference between juvenile and adult Corythosaurus - the
juveniles used to be placed in a different *genus*, Prochenosaurus).
swf@elsegundoca.attgis.com sarima@netcom.com
The peace of God be with you.