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Deinonychus claw

An ad from this week's The New Yorker:

     Deinonychus "terrible claw"
     This sickle claw is perfect for the Jurassic collector. 
     The Deinonychus used its ripping claw to attack prey much
     larger than itself.  This full size replica is only $10.95
     with stand.  Add $4.00 S&H.  California residents add
     7.74% tax.  ORDER your claw now or send for free
     literature on many other museum quality fossil replicas:

          624 South B Street
          Dept YC4
          Tustin, CA 92680
          (800) 336-7745

A photograph of the claw is included in the ad.  The stand has
the word "Deinonychus" printed in script across its base.

Mark Preddy            Internet: preddy@physics.orst.edu
Department of Physics, OSU, Corvallis, Oregon 97331  USA