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Re: extinction

>  I don't know how long you've been a member of the list, so maybe you've
>already seen this. I posted this note back in January. It is the latest
>evidence I know of re: the impact theory of dinosaur extinction:
>The Feb issue of _Astronomy_ magazine reports that a new gravimetric survey of
>the 65my old Chicxulub crater in Mexico's Yucatan penninsula is even larger
>previously believed. It is 300km in diameter, not 180km. This should put a
>stopper in critics who said that the impact was not large enough to have caused
>the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous.

But see Mayerhoff et al (1994) for a differing opinion of the Chicxulub
structure (volcanic).

>  In my humble opinion, the evidence for dinosaur decline prior to the KT
>boundary layer is due to sampling effects.

See Clemens (1992), Archibald (1992a), (1992b); who claim that the evidence
for sudden dinosaur extinction is due to *exactly the same thing*

>The other theories, eg. disease,
>don't make much sense. Dinosaurs encompassed very diverse groups of animals,
>and to think that a disease completely and selectively wiped out all dinosaurs,
>pterosaurs, and sea reptiles without affecting the animals is too much to

The sea-reptiles suffered from the sea-level fall which drained their
habitat, the shallow epicontinental seaways.

A good theory has to explain the extinction of all dinosaurs,

How about:

Dependent on large, bulk food intake which was affected by climate change,
not adapted to rapid temperature fluctuations caused by climate change.

>and sea reptiles at the same time,

Sea-level fall destroyed habitat - affected climate

while allowing small animals
>(mammals, snakes, lizards, crocodiles, birds) to survive.

Mammals, birds - "warm blooded", relatively low bulk food reqiurements,
adaptable to temp fluctuations.
snakes, lizards - low food intake requirements, unspecialized to
particulare niches
crocodiles - riverine (equable temperature retained), low food requirement,
not affected directly by changing flora

It has to explain
>not only this extinction event, but other mass exinction events.

The major extinctions show no evidence of impact associations eg Permian,


Archibald, J.D. (1992a) Letter to the editor. Science, 256: 160

Archibald, J.D. (1992b) Dinosaur extinction: how much and how fast?.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 12(2) 263-264

Clemens, W.A. (1992) Letter to the editor. Science, 256, 159-160

Mayerhoff, A.A. et al (1994) Chicxulub structure; a volcanic sequence of
Late Cretaceous age. Geology, 22(1): 3-4

Chris Nedin                                 cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au
Dept. of Geology and Geophysics
University of Adelaide
South Australia