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> From dinosaur@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu Fri Apr 22 16:16 BST 1994
> Date: Fri, 22 Apr 1994 11:13:13 -0400
> Originator: dinosaur@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu
>> But there is one term that maybe somebody could define for me: what is
> "lekking"?
>> Scott Horton
> Geophysicist/Computer Programmer
Lekking is a form of group courtship/display behaviour, when a group of male 
animals gather together, usually at the same site year by year, and display.
Females arrive and observe the activity, and apparently choose a male to mate
with.  This is usually seen as a classic case of sexual selection.  The group
of males is known as a lek, hence lekking.  It is a behaviour adopted by several
species of birds and frogs, but I can't think of any other examples offhand.

Hope this helps

Tony Canning    tonyc@foe.co.uk